Cigarettes, Environment, and Migration: Key Issues

Smoking Cigarettes

What do you think about people who are unable to stop smoking? Have you ever wondered how dangerous it is for their health?

Smokers’ Perspective

  • Smoking cigarettes is a relaxing activity for those who suffer from stress.
  • It has become a daily routine for many people.
  • Some teenagers think it makes them look older and cool.
  • Many started smoking because their relatives were heavy smokers.

Non-Smokers’ Perspective

  • Smoking is very harmful and highly addictive.
  • It causes serious diseases such as lung cancer, bronchitis, asthma, and tongue cancer.
  • It may shorten your life by 10 years or more.
  • Smokers waste a lot of money on cigarettes.
  • Smokers have yellowish teeth and fingers, and bad breath.
  • They are often out of breath and struggle with sports.

Politicians, doctors, and parents should work together to find solutions to help people of all ages who are addicted to smoking and to ban smoking in public places.


What is your opinion on climate change? Are you concerned about the current environmental situation?

It is common knowledge that:

  • The impact of pollution on people’s lives has been increasing dramatically.
  • Our Earth is facing many environmental concerns such as pollution, deforestation, climate change, water scarcity, and acid rain.

Taking care of the environment should be one of our main goals.

Environmental Problems

The earth is in danger as:

  • Pollution: causes asthma, cancer, and fatigue.
  • The ozone layer is being destroyed by CFC gases.
  • Global warming causes floods, droughts, and twisters.
  • Oil spills devastate coastal habitats and fishing grounds.
  • Deforestation is occurring without supervision.
  • Acid rain weakens trees and plants, damages fruits, and causes acid infections.

What Can We Do?

  • Reduce wasting electricity and water.
  • Recycle plastic.
  • Use washing machines and dishwashers with full loads.
  • Use public transport.


  • Recycle paper.
  • Reduce photocopies.
  • Promote online learning.


  • Draft and pass new laws to protect the environment.
  • Increase the number of natural reserves.
  • Replant trees.
  • Stipulate huge fines for companies that cause major environmental disasters.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.


What would you do if you were unemployed and unable to get a job?

Reasons for Emigration

  • Immigrants seek political asylum due to human rights violations, political persecution, war, or genocide.
  • Families emigrate to escape poverty and social exclusion.
  • Immigrants wish to restart their lives after losing their belongings due to disasters.
  • Some people emigrate to find better job opportunities.

Racist Views

Some people believe that immigrants:

  • Take jobs from citizens and unemployed people.
  • Refuse to integrate into society.
  • Are illegal workers without permits.
  • Are lazy, dishonest, and aggressive.

The Majority’s View

Most people think that immigrants:

  • Play a key role in maintaining society.
  • Should be offered free healthcare.

Parents and politicians should work together to do their best to address these issues.