Climate Factors and Weather Patterns in Spain
Factors Influencing Climate
a) The Tilt of Earth’s Axis
The tilt of Earth’s axis gives rise to different climatic zones:
- Torrid: Between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
- Temperate: Between the tropics and the polar circles.
- Frigid: Between the polar circles and the poles.
b) Air Circulation
- Warm air ascends into the upper layers of the atmosphere.
- Origin of low pressure or squalls.
- Cools and descends to the surface.
- Origin of high pressure or anticyclone (stable, dry, and sunny weather).
- Surface air moves from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas.
- This causes wind.
- Fronts appear where cold air masses meet hot air masses.
c) Ocean Currents
- Warm currents increase rainfall.
- Cold currents have the opposite effect.
d) Relief
A higher altitude causes a decrease in temperature, increased rainfall, and temperature differences.
Factors Influencing Climate in Spain
The climatic diversity of the Iberian Peninsula is due to:
- Its situation in the temperate zone of the Earth: Influence of cold air masses from the north or warm air masses from the south.
- The maritime influence softens the temperatures on the coasts. Inland, more extreme temperatures are presented.
- The presence of Atlantic storms in the north and west causes more humid zones.
- The high average altitude of the plateau and the presence of mountain ranges affect the distribution of:
- Winds
- Clouds
- Temperatures
- Rainfall
Climate Types of the Iberian Peninsula
A. Atlantic Oceanic Climate
- Occurs in the Atlantic zone: Galicia and the Cantabrian Coast.
- Presents regular rainfall throughout the year.
- Summers are cool and winters are mild (small thermal amplitude).
B. Mediterranean Climate
- Occurs throughout the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla.
- Main characteristic: Dry season in summer.
- Low and erratic precipitation.
- Increased thermal amplitude.
- Distinguished by:
Coastal Mediterranean Climate
Occurs in:
- The Balearic Islands
- The eastern coast from Levante and Catalonia
- The western coast of Andalusia to Malaga
- Dry summers and mild winters
- More precipitation in spring and autumn
Continental Mediterranean Climate
Occurs in:
- The Plateau
- The Ebro Valley
- The interior of Andalusia
- High thermal amplitude, cold winters, and hot summers
- Regular summer storms
Arid Mediterranean Climate
- Occurs in the peninsular southeast (Almeria and Murcia).
- Low rainfall.
- Mild heat in winter.
C. Subtropical Climate
- Occurs in the subtropical zone of the Canary Islands.
- Mild and uniform temperatures.
- Similar rainfall to the Mediterranean climate, although less.
- Cloud formations in the mountainous islands are caused by oceanic air masses.
D. Mountain Climate
- Occurs at elevations above 1000 meters.
- Cold and rainy.
E. High Mountain Climate
- Occurs at elevations above 2,000 meters (Pyrenees, Sierra Nevada, Picos de Europa, Gredos, and Teide).