Coastal & Port Infrastructure Glossary: A to Z
Glossary of Coastal and Port Infrastructure
Chance of access or passage for pedestrians, vehicles, and/or the disabled from one sector to another.
Action planimetric information to supplement the numerical data of dimensions or levels in a project engineering or architecture. Place dimensions on the plans. (2) Demarcation; point out terms of a field.
Cultivation of plants and aquatic animals for use or human consumption. / Activity aimed at the production of hydro-biological resources organized by man. (Art. 2 º 3, General Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture, Section 1, No. 1, Regulation of Concessions and authorizations for aquaculture)
Delegated Administration
The contract under which a natural person or legal entity, registered in the Register of Contractors, takes charge of the construction of a work, to be reimbursed the cost invested in it, after verification by the Ministry, more than enough to compensate the overhead and to give a utility in accordance with the provisions of the regulations.
Remove the entire liquid in either capacity and in particular the water that fills a ditch or land. (2) Spend the whole, consume. It is said in particular the resistance of a part, structure, etc., the effect of loads.
(Arid). Inert materials when they join a conglomerate mass, first produced concrete, mortar or plaster.
Sheltered Waters
Protected waters, natural or artificially, from wave action or currents.
Inland Waters
Those located inside the baseline of the territorial sea.
Waters under National Jurisdiction
Those under the sovereignty and national jurisdiction, and includes the internal waters, territorial sea and exclusive economic zone maritime areas in which the powers granted to the maritime authorities shall be exercised in accordance with international law and in particular to treaties to which Chile is a party.
Water contaminated by human use.
Element of steel or reinforced concrete beam which is located at the top and bottom of the soul. Their function is to absorb most of the tensile and compressive stresses that develop as a result of the bending moment.
Describes the part that is warping.
Vice that takes a flat piece either to bend so that its four corners are not in the same plane.
Building system consists of the group and adherence of independent structural units (brick, stone, clay compacted). / Structural material consisting of units joined together with mortar and built by hand by a mason. It stands for good compressive strength and reduced tensile strength. / Structural material made up of units stacked with mortar or settled without him. When units are hollow, usually filled with liquid concrete or grout.
Armed Masonry
Masonry reinforced with steel reinforcement distributed vertically and horizontally.
Confined Masonry
Masonry reinforced with concrete elements that surround it completely.
Reinforced Masonry
Armed or confined masonry.
Masonry Simple
Masonry effortlessly.
Steel plate vertically disposed connecting the wings of a double T or steel beam. (2) Vertical element of a reinforced concrete beam or double T beam, or reinforced concrete postensandas. Its function is to absorb the bulk of the shear.
Free ship motion or tied up consisting of a global movement thereof in the direction of its main axis.
Height of Wave
Vertical distance between a crest and the within precedent.
Average Maximum Wave Height
Expected value of maximum wave height for the average of the extreme conditions of the project.
Significant Wave Height
Arithmetic mean of the wave heights of the third highest waves.
Lever to raise and pick up heavy things. Wedge to enhance something.
Iron tools, spear-shaped or double hook, which, hanging from a chain, is thrown into the sea to cling to its back and hold the ship.
Structural union involves the insertion of a metal in the concrete, then set other items.
Scaffolding light, usually formed by planks resting on the rungs of ladders.
Provisional construction serving as an assistant for the execution of the work, making accessible some of them who are not driving and providing materials to the point.
Area adjacent to the edge of the docking site, where tasks are carried out direct loading and unloading of ships or loading and unloading people.
A Level
In a horizontal plane.
Outer Harbour
Surface naturally or artificially sheltered waters, in whole or in part, where ships can anchor at anchor, waiting for tides that allow you to enter the harbor. Depending on the importance of shipping, must grant the presence of several ships moored and also the entry or exit of ships that need it.
Layer of protection required by the metallic elements to prevent or delay corrosion or oxidation. Must be renewed periodically, depending on wear.
Paint thinner one third of which is applied as the basis of preparation before taking the final painting.
Walk to Work
In the same place where you are performing the work or construction.
Strengthen land, concrete or other material according to a template or pattern.
Maintain or contend with props.
Set a temporary thing.
Soil particle size to less than 2 micrometers. They are usually soil in which it is difficult to ground buildings, requiring improvements in soil, which increases costs and time.
Soil particle sizes ranging from approximately 63 micrometers and 200 micrometers.
Appropriate Area for the Exercise of Aquaculture
Are those sectors, areas or property under the control, monitoring and supervision of the Ministry of National Defense, who in June corresponding to the jurisdiction of the Directorate General of Water, under technical studies prepared by the Undersecretariat of Fisheries, have been declared as such by decrees issued by the Ministry of National Defense.
Storage Area
Area for extended stays of goods, materials and supplies, allowing the accumulation of them.
Management Area
It is this geographical area provided by the National Fisheries Service, an organization of fishermen, for the implementation of a project management and exploitation of benthic resources.
Area of Operation
Area for the transfer and handling of goods, materials and supplies which are not lasting their accumulation.
Service Area
Area excluded from the traffic of goods, materials and supplies. Will generally be directed towards enabling a zone, administrative services, walk or play.
Green Areas
All that land devoted to leisure, living and recreation, defined through the creation of pedestrian walkways, surrounding villages, access ladders, loose paving and hard landscaping and street furniture, gardens, consider lawn, tree, shrub, flower ground cover and all that element forming part of landscape design.
Joint pieces of material which is sufficiently hard (rock in most cases) usually smaller than 15 cm., Which are used in the manufacture of concrete.
Elements of steel tensile cords together tablets and vice versa in the metal beams to stiffen and to allow them work together. Such beams are joined by welds.
Steel elements located at the bottom of the steel beams and their role is to ensure lateral stability between the two beams and the resistance to horizontal forces caused by earthquake and/or wind.
Art of designing and constructing buildings. / Build method or style characterized by certain peculiarities. / Set of designs, projects and buildings of the same architect, in a given geographical area of a particular historical moment, or having the same function.
A sardinel. Work made of bricks laid on edge.
Asphalt (Pavement)
Black bitumen, solid, natural or artificial obtained as residue from petroleum distillation and is used for paving. Waterproof cement. / Presents difficulties in working areas of fishing, the accumulation of micro-organisms and odor generation.
Site or location with appropriate facilities and features, which build or repair ships or boats.
Under each persistent or significant point charge on the beam, especially in areas of support, are placed steel plates welded to the soul whose function is to distribute it properly such charges in order to avoid buckling or crushing failure the soul.
Support plates welded to the soul of the beams in the intermediate zones of it, at regular intervals and whose function is to stiffen the sagging steel girder against lateral-torsional or flexo.
Construction is done on the coast or river in order to allow the berthing of small boats, for the mobilization of people or cargo, whichever way you have.
Docking Front
A ship berthing bow or stern.
Berthing Side
Berthing of a vessel to port or starboard.
Docking by Prominent Longitudinal Approach
The docking maneuver occurs in direction substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vessel.
Predominant Cross-Docking Approach by
The docking maneuver occurs in the direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vessel.
Increased or Decreased Work
Changing the amount of work under the bill approved by the Ministry.
Special reinforcements in the head and tip of a pile to protect it from shock and the driving respectively.
Left wing of a ship.
Natural formation of the coast that forms a concave entrance of the sea coast.
Minimum level achieved by a ebb tide on any given day. / Minimum height reached by the sea level during a process of decreasing tide.
Mean Low Water
Half of the minimum height reached by sea level throughout the process decreasing tide.
Bajamar Equatorial Minimum Living
Minimum theoretical tide that can occur under average weather conditions in the event that all conditions causing astronomical tides are added.
Mooring equipment located on land or fixed to a supporting structure consisting of a turn around which the main horizontal plane parallel to the vessel.
Vertical element comprises a rail structure.
Element flanking average height of different levels, protecting the flow and defined limits to avoid falls. According to the OGUC must have a height of 95 cms. on TPN and a separation between its elements conforming, no more than 12 cms.
Product that allows the disposal of surface water runoff and/or groundwater from waste storage yards or coastal paths to the sea, lake or river adjacent.
Ducts are designed to drain water over the bridge product of rainfall or retaining walls to relieve hydrostatic pressures on it. They are used asbestos cement pipes or PVC generally.
Barge loading and unloading of ships.
A wave or series of waves of sand or other material, specifically a collection of material that extends across the mouth of a river or a port intake, which can obstruct navigation.
Administrative Basis
Set of provisions governing procedure and terms, and those who must comply with the development of a contract and the relationship between the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation and the Contractor, including steps leading to the conclusion and subsequent to its liquidation.
Base and Sub-base
Layers of compacted granular material prior to the paving of roads with surface traffic.
Physical configuration of the seabed, a measure of the depth of water in oceans, seas and lakes, also the results of such measures.
Domestic Goods for Public Use or Public Goods
Those whose use national assets belonging to all inhabitants of the nation, such as streets, plazas, bridges and roads, the adjacent sea and its beaches.
Diagonally on the edge of a dihedral angle.
Mooring equipment located on the ground or attached to a supporting structure consisting of a short pair of columns, generally function, whose role is to sign a tie. / Poste firm, low altitude, usually metallic, suitable to receive the ropes of a ship or the cables coming from the ends of two neighboring buildings. In order not to impede the movement of cargo transfer equipment, the facilities are very close to the edge of the platform and to receive and maintain the mooring pole is fitted at the top of extensions properly, variable depending on the function perform the bitt.
The variability among living organisms, which are part of all terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. It includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.
Width limited by the ends of docks, where a vessel enters the area of shelter.
Medium-size stone used in construction.
Strip of territory including the areas of tax beaches located on the coast, beaches, bays, gulfs, straits and canals and the territorial sea of the Republic are subject to monitoring, control and supervision of the Ministry of National Defense Undersecretary of the Navy. / The contact area of the sea and the mainland defines a geographical unit covering both marine and continental shelf the coastal area with its terraces, beaches and cliffs. This feature of “convergence zone” makes this “Coastal Edge” is an area that is continually evolving and changing with the passage of time. Each winter the seawater movements exert great pressure on the coast, changing the appearance of its elements such as beaches, dunes, marine terraces and cliffs. / The concept of waterfront should not be confused with “shoreline” which, as its name suggests, is a line where the water meets the land.
Coastal Waterfront
Strip of territory including the land tax beach located on the coast, beaches, bays, gulfs, and straits and canals of the territorial sea of the Republic who are subject to monitoring, control and supervision of the Ministry of National Defense, Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
Place the coast specifically approved for throwing debris, trash, etc..
Small boat deck and without moves to row, sail or motor.
Bunkers. / Compartment of the vessel, to keep food, ammunition, etc. Ground facilities in a fishing cove, name given to the compartments for storing fishing equipment. The effective strength of these is given in relation to the number of boats, being far more appropriate dimension of 3×2 meters per two boats.
Floating body, subject to the seabed, lake or river, which is placed to mark a dangerous place or to secure a boat.
Semi-fused into solid waste, black or dark brown remaining after partial evaporation or fractional distillation of tar, or their derivatives.
Large bivalve mollusc introduced in the woods surrounded by the sea water and destroys (Teredo navalis).
Tractor with blade or bulldozer.
Ship Passengers
Ship whose primary function is to be a means of passenger transport.
Merchant Ship General Cargo
Vessel used for carrying general cargo.
LNG Carrier
Ship designed to carry natural gas in liquid form.
Ship designed to carry petroleum products.
Multipurpose Ship
Adapted to ship freight of various kinds: containers, general cargo, bulk solids and liquids.
Container Ship
Vessel engaged in cargo transportation in containers used.
Portagraneles Ship
Ship designed to carry dry bulk.
Ship characterized by loading and unloading of goods transported by direct rolling.
Liquefied Gas Transport Ship
Ship designed to carry petroleum gas in liquid (propane, propylene, butane).
Wooden tripod to hold the logs to be sawn.
Work area where a spring ends in the sea, where they make productive or recreational activities.
Free ship motion or tied up consisting of a rotation about a horizontal axis perpendicular to the longitudinal main ship. Maximum heave occurs in the bow and stern.
Made commercial navigation along the coast. / Maritime traffic along the coast of a country.
Reinforced concrete element is placed on masonry walls and partitions in order to make certain efforts and solidarity to enable, in the case of resistant walls, the strengthening of the ends of a joist.
Depth in water reaching the submerged part of a ship. It is measured from the lower edge of the keel to the waterline with maximum load. / Height cross-section of a float submerged measured from the keel. Depends on the state of charge of the float.
Grouping populated directly related to the activity of fishing. Can be classified as minor or major, depending on their size, population, production capacity or relationship to the populated areas. The artisanal fishing coves further development passed to the classification of Artisanal Fishing Port. In Chile, are listed in Supreme Decree 240 of the Undersecretary of the Navy and the PDO have been classified in three groups described above.
(Manpower). To express a fair evaluation of a trade or office, after defining the tasks entrusted to it and its comparison with other charges or benchmarks.
Bed of sand or mortar is prepared to receive a stamp or item.
Trampled ground where usually travel.
Dead Song
Edge of a piece of wood or other material that loses its filosidad. Chamfer.
Rounded polished stone rolling force carried by the water.
Steel angle profiles located in the concrete deck in the areas of joints or terms to protect sharp edges.
Pipe Adductor
Purpose of which is to suck seawater.
One whose purpose is to supply, load or unload ships or boats, whether underground, underwater, at ground or floating. / In Building, supplying or evacuating duct fuels, waste, water, etc..
Drain Pipe
One whose purpose is to throw overboard any kind of fluid or materials.
Minimum Economic Capacity
Minimum capital required to credit the contractor to qualify for enrollment in a given category.
Economic Capacity Available
Means the Working Capital requiring the contractor to fulfill a contract and its value should be determined according to the percentages, and rules that says the contractor will not be allowed to participate in a proposed economic capacity available to document the value of official budget unless other administrative bases to establish a different percentage.
Quality capillary property of attracting a solid body and make up its walls to the liquid that wets.
Carpentry Bank
Act of repairing and maintaining boats, originally made of wood. In areas of adverse weather requires a suitably-sized enclosure, which protects from wind and rain.
Height difference in sea level between high tide and low tide preceding or next.
Floating glass or body of the vessel.
Winch Booth
Sheltered, small enclosure where the stranding winch motor.
Negative pole of a power generator, used as corrosion protection on metal parts in contact with water, intermarea or splash zone.
They are the intermediate supports of the superstructure and are constructed of reinforced concrete, steel and/or wood, depending on the characteristics of the work. Strain is considered as all those elements that are among the supporting beams and the upper level of the foundation.
Structural part which supports the roof of a building.
Physical limit defining restricted areas of public access. It can be transparent or opaque and can be replaced by slopes, embankments or buildings to the property perimeter.
Insert a nail or other object fueled the hard way on a tree, wall, etc.
Area covered to protect from rain, and shaded unlike that only protects against solar rays.
Ballast Ratio
It is also known as the coefficient of horizontal ground reaction and corresponding to the constant of proportionality between the horizontal displacement of a pile and the horizontal pressure field that opposes the motion as stipulated by the elastic beam theory.
Safety Factor or Cost Plus Freight
Multiplicative factor of the values representing the shares to obtain the values of calculation.
Safety Factor or Impairment of Materials
Coefficient introduced in the calculation to lessen the characteristic values of the properties of materials for their design values.
Effort which is under a structure, compressing the particles. Its inverse is the structural tension.
Refers to each of the infrastructure that make up this complex.
Aquaculture Award
Administrative act by which the Ministry of Defence gives a natural or legal person, the rights to use and enjoy, for an indefinite period on certain national assets, to conduct aquaculture activities in them.
Maritime Award
Those who are awarded national property for public use or public property whose control, supervision and oversight responsibility of the Ministry of National Defense, Secretary of the Navy, whatever the purpose for which the grant is intended and where they are located the property.
Present and future use, rational, effective and efficient use of natural resources and environment. In Port Works, minor repairs to the infrastructure already built, for example the replacement of fenders, paint, corrosion of structures, change of seat, driver changes, etc.
Conservation of Natural Assets
The rational use and development or repair, if any, components of the environment, especially those specific to the country that are unique, underrepresented, in order to ensure its permanence and its ability to regenerate.
Give firmness and solidity to anything. (2) Speaking of land, compacting it to not suffer further seats. (3) Compact the concrete or other body.
Action to build. Economic activity on the art and technique of doing or making all kinds of structures or infrastructure that make up the physical environment in which man lives.
Is the union of materials and construction work including possibly making the final site, or in a place of work, a number of elements.
Prefabricated Construction
It is the building that usually follows a system in which the work on the work are limited to assembling and joining parts or sets produced in workshop or factory. The latter location can be anywhere.
Competent professional is responsible for the execution of works subject to the provisions of the General Law of Urban Planning and Construction. It also means the Builder, the legal person whose social goal is carrying out works including construction and development and that these effects may act through a competent professional.
Presence in the environment of substances, elements, energy, or combination thereof, in concentrations or concentrations and remain above or below, as appropriate, to those established by law.
Water Pollution
The introduction in the waters under national jurisdiction, by man, directly or indirectly, of matter, energy or substances of any kind, which produce or may produce harmful or dangerous, such as the destruction or damage to living resources, the coast of the Republic, to marine life, the hydro-biological resources, human health hazard, hindrance to aquatic activities, including fishing and other legitimate water, deterioration of water quality for use, and impairment places of recreation and the marine environment.
Any element, compound, substance, derived from chemical or biological, energy, radiation, vibration, noise, or a combination thereof, whose presence in the environment, at some levels, concentrations or periods of time, may be at risk to human health people, quality of life of the population, the preservation of nature and conservation of natural assets.
Parallelepiped receptacle standardized dimensions within which such goods are placed generally integrated transport from origin to destination. / Sometimes used as emergency habitable premises.
Action and effect of controlling.
Arrow initially given an arch, beam, plate, etc. in the opposite direction of the arrow that cause loads to be compensated for it.
The vertical plane of the front of a stair or step.
Agreement to perform any work at a specified price.
The running works for hire.
Crowning Wall
Maximum height of a wall.
Weak Currents
Name you are called the low amperage electrical installations, such as telephony, citofonía, cable TV, computer, etc. Its design is of the power project, which may include also the lighting project.
Body of water that moves continuously in certain direction and movement of this mass, with various features of temperature, salinity, biodiversity and climate effects.
Return Stream
Movement of the tide away from the coast.
Cleft that prevents the passage of water in less expensive construction elements.
Land and sea shore is nearby. / The contact area of the sea and the mainland defines a geographical unit covering both marine and continental shelf the coastal area with its terraces, beaches and cliffs. This feature of “convergence zone” makes this “Coastal Edge’ is an area that is continually evolving and changing with the passage of time. Each winter the seawater movements exert great pressure on the coast, changing the appearance of its elements such as beaches, dunes, marine terraces and cliffs. / The concept of waterfront should not be confused with “shoreline” which, as its name suggests, is a line where the water meets the land.
Costa de Chile
For more than 4,000 kilometers, the coast of Chile in South America is bordered by Pacific ocean waters, as also, the coasts of oceanic islands and part of the Antarctic territory. / The long coast of South America has two distinct areas: the coast and the coast partner dismembered. January. Coast couple: extends from the northern end to the Chacao Channel. In it only a few landforms are prominent, such as the Mejillones Peninsula and the Gulf of Arauco. Against this sector there is a small number of islands and islets in February. dismembered coast: extends from the Chacao Channel to the south end. Its main feature are the many islands, fjords and channels, which occupy much of the territory of the province of Chiloé and Aysen regions XI and XII of Magallanes.
Construction Cost
That is adding to the direct cost, overheads and Wages Several of the Work.
Direct Cost
The inputs consist of materials and wages.
Actual Cost of a Work
The value resulting from a work, including in this all expenses she demands, including the fees or profit of the builder, fees or taxes or municipal tax or value added tax (VAT) contributions to public utility companies, insurance insurance, etc.
Unit Cost
Recovery of inputs (materials and labor) that the unit (m2, m3, ml, kg) according to certain design conditions, materials, labor procedures and equipment.
Numerical data reported on the dimensions or levels of a proposed architecture or engineering.
Impregnation that is applied to wood to protect against biological agents in the coastal areas.
Artificial Breeding
Beach or bottom surface of sea, river or lake with adequate facilities or buildings used for the cultivation and development of shellfish and other species in the water with their normal environment of life.
Utensil comprising a wire mesh or other item drilled, used to classify particles by size or loose granular materials.
Group or team of workers carrying out the work of the same task. (Eg cement trucks crew).
It consists of the material or give final completion to a roof, as it may or may not be clearly differentiated.
Territory whose waters flow into all the same river, lake or sea.
Open Culture
Aquaculture activity in which the production of hydro-biological resources is done drawing the sky biological species, including anadromous and catadromous species, which allows one or more stages of cultivation takes place in areas not confined.
Drop generated between the curb and the sidewalk, through which rain water can run and where they are located. The ditch may be reduced at certain points to allow the passage of vehicles, bicycles or disabled, for example.
Action and effect cure. (2) treatment of a concrete mortar, etc., Once placed, consisting of its surfaces kept moist to prevent the rapid evaporation of mixing water in order to ease the retraction of the material and avoid abrupt desiccation cracking.
Grading Curve
Which expresses in percentage gravimetric or volumetric ratios that include different sizes of grains that are an arid, in general, any granular material.
Staircase connecting the area with zonasobre intermarea surf on the esplanade or head of spring, for disembarkation of persons or products.
Action pull mixture.
Reinforced concrete elements or simple, which is located between the infrastructure and the ground or riding.
Environmental Damage
Any loss, diminution, inflicted significant damage or harm to the environment or one or more of its components.
Artificially sheltered area in navigable waters for anchorage or for convenient loading and unloading of vessels. Navigable space left between two piers to allow maneuvering of the ships in their berthing and departure.
Environmental Impact Statement
The paper describes an activity or project to be performed or the modifications to be introduced, given under oath by the respective owner, whose content allows the competent body to assess whether the environmental impact is in line with environmental standards.
Wall or embankment parallel to the coast to be built in order to avoid damage by floods or erosion. / Elements perimeter to the works of moorings which prevents damage to the structure and the vessel, absorbing side impact. They can be wood, rubber, or recycled.
Number of units (individuals, families, housing, local square meters built, etc..) Per hectare (land, lot, block, ha).
Gross Density
Number of units per unit area, measured in this way including the axis of public spaces and equipment.
Building Density
Number of square meters per unit area.
Density Land Use
Degree of concentration of activities and buildings per unit area.
Population Density
Number of people per unit area.
Population Density
Number of housing units (houses, apartments), per unit area.
Net Density
Number of individuals per unit area, as measured by discounting roads, public spaces and equipment.
Density Farm
Number of units in a single venue.
Increase in number of units per unit of area.
Free ship motion or tied up consisting of a global shift in the direction of the main horizontal axis perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vessel.
Remove the ribs of a work.
A line between adjacent property and, unlike a mediator, has a single owner.
Remove the mold that has been poured into it.
Height difference between two or more points.
End of a pipeline by gravity allows the output of clean or treated water discharged into the coastal area or coastal. It also prevents the liquid to blast through the wall separating the fall of the basement of the structure.
Total weight of a fully laden ship. Equivalent to the weight of water displaced by the ship.
Displacement in Ballast
Smallest ship displacement of ballast to weight the ship can safely navigate and handle.
Total weight of a ship as you leave the yard, without cargo, ballast or fuel.
Action to remove rocks in order to deploy the projects or improve environmental conditions for optimal operations.
Seas Destination
Are those maritime concessions awarded by the Department of Defense, Undersecretary of the Navy, a free title, the tax departments, through the respective Secretary of State, the Municipalities, to charities, social welfare, character religious, free education, sports, etc. These destinations are subject to the same rules applicable to itself such concessions, unless otherwise stated. If these destinations are used for profit or are transferred or transferred to individuals. Be paid retroactively income or minimum fees that apply.
It is intended to ensure calm water surfaces within its line, when a wave of strikes from the outside.
Work aimed at achieving calm water surfaces within its line, when a wave of strikes on the outside.
Dry Docks
Cavity practiced under sea level in which you can enter one or more vessels to once again put on dry, proceed to clean or repair the hull or any other work that is not possible under water. By extension are also considered as dikes of buoyancy those drydock for ship construction.
Reflective Dock
Where the wave is reflected without destroying the wave motion.
It is designed to mitigate wave action, destroying the wave motion.
Cavity lined plant in warm place and in which vessels enter for cleaning or careening Dry, and it closes and then shrinks by pumps for that purpose.
Graphical representation of a project or extent of work that usually contains the synthesis of structural concepts, functional and plastics, within a certain framework of economics. (2) By extension of the earlier meaning, a set of rules more or less likely to be translated or graphics and regulate the orderly implementation of something. Eg concrete design, which includes methods of dosing and their making controlled mortar paintings, etc.
Artificial element that mitigates the wave action in coastal areas. / Tetrapods.
Port Works Department, an agency under the Ministry of Public Works that corresponds to the supervision, inspection and approval of studies, projects, constructions, improvements and extensions of any work port, sea, river or lake and dredging of ports and waterways that are made by organs of state administration, by entities in which it has an interest or individuals (DFLN No 850 of 09.12.1997).
Quantities by weight or volume of different materials that constitute a cluster. (2) A set of operations to calculate and measure these quantities.
Mechanical removal of sediment.
Clay or concrete pipe with solid bottom and the top waterproof small curd holes.
Provision of pipe or stones for the disposal of dead water in certain locations, or to the land of excessive moisture.
Duke of Dawn or Dolfin
Free structure, usually formed by a group of piles pile caps, a reinforced concrete box or an enclosure of sheet piles, whose main functions will be: resist the impact of a ship, throw ropes resist, guide during a maneuver ship and/or provide protection of another structure to the impact of vessels.
Building for Public Use
He meets regularly where a large number of persons, namely: government offices, educational parks, banks and financial institutions, commodity exchanges, libraries, museums, theaters, cinemas, churches, temples
, malls and the like.
Element structure:
Every element or organic resistant construction, such as foundation, a supporting wall, floors, pillars, roofs, towers and the like.
Elements of navigational aid: 24
Other minor works and elements of navigational aids, namely buoy Buoy, hangar, promenade, gatekeeper, are defined in the regulations on maritime concessions approved by DS (Undersecretary of the Navy) No 660 of June 14, 1988 and in the amendments to it adopted by DS (SM) N º 476, of December 14, 1994.
Elements for the building industry:
Parts prepared at the factory to be used in works such as concrete blocks, lime and sand, plaster, or other materials, doors and windows.
Parts of the work that are made prior to permanent installation and
transfer are usually simple.
Process of accumulation of sediment (sand) by the action of the currents.
Any vessel or craft. Wooden or metal construction, ready to float and run through the water, driven by wind, oars or by wheels or propellers driven by a motor.
Small boat:
Ship or vessel of 50 or less bulk tonnage.
Pipeline that carries waste water, preferably treated, from urban centers or production to the deep sea.
Tender radius at the bottom of an excavation.
Zone pilote a structure that is below ground and where does the restriction of the six degrees of freedom of said structural element.
Wooden box, metal or similar material, intended to serve as a template for the manufacture of a component of concrete, mortar or similar. 2. Tables coating is placed in the galleries of mine, as the excavation goes ahead, in order to contain the release of land.
Type sliding formwork and moves generally vertically, while maintaining their shape, resting on the concrete hardened and set. 25
Place debris in a hole.
Group of rocks (natural or artificial) that arranged manner, and protects the coast of the actions of the waves.
Lay the beams of a building.
A group of people, instruments or things organized for the job (in the manual is restricted acceptance set of machinery, accessories, tools and implements).
Series of steps to climb and descend. Suitable dimensions for easy movement are 30 cms. footprint and 17.5 of riser.
It is a weight suspended from a cable or chain checked and calibrated each a meter that is used to measure the depth of water in a timely manner.
A foundation or broken rock wall formed by irregular and weakly bound in both the water and on soft bottoms. / Work of defense or shell designed to resist the action of waves on breakwaters or shore defenses or the action of running water to prevent erosion (river defenses). It consists of chunks of rock (perched) or elements or concrete blocks of different shapes, arranged in layers, controlled size, from smallest to largest weight, which varies according to the work requests are submitted.
Granulometry breakwater or causeway is open:
Fill primarily made with artificial rock materials or parts
specifically designed, usually with low fines content (sifted through a sieve ¾ Granulometry breakwater or causeway closed:
Fill in which heavy elements are completely surrounded by the finest macropores are not open. His condition is Grading: sifting through the sieve of ¾> 30%, and sifted through a sieve No. 200 Debris: 26
Set of debris and rubble resulting from a masonry or ruined or demolished a building. (2) also apply to the waste products of a mine, quarry, etc.
The two dimensions of the cross section of a piece of wood.
Total length of a ship measured from bow to stern. In
artisanal vessels up to 18 meters.
Anadromous species:
Hydrobiological those species whose life cycle starts in terrestrial waters then migrate to the sea, where they grow and develop until they reach sexual maturity stage in returning to their home courses by completing his cycle with the reproductive process, and some cases this occurred after they die.
Catadromous species:
Hydrobiological those species whose life cycle starts in the sea, from where they migrate to freshwater streams, where they grow and develop until you return to the waters of origin when they have reached sexual maturity, where they complete the reproductive process.
Hydrobiological Species:
Species of organisms at any stage of development, which takes water from half or more frequent normal life. Also called by the name of species or species.
Technical Specifications:
Terms of features that must satisfy the motives of the contract works, including standards for the design, requirements are subject to testing materials and control they need to overcome the various stages of manufacture.
Or frequency spectrum of a spectral function:
Expression that determines the energy contained in each of the monochromatic waves which are frequency action in terms of their different frequencies and directions of propagation.
Structure for coastal protection, usually built perpendicular to the coast and intended to delay the longshore transport.
The difference between the volume occupied by the land before and after excavation. 27
State Payments:
Are completely finished and work in an amount not less than the amount obtained by dividing the contract amount by the number of state payments, including the execution time of the works.
Applied to a room anyone who is willing to not allow water to pass through its walls.
The surface water alternately occupies and vacates its regular more than ordinary.
These are elements that support the ends of a section simply supported generally retains the access causeway fill. Most of the stirrups is comprised of a front wall and two wing walls that form a sort of drawer. These walls are supported on a foundation pad that transmits loads directly or indirectly to the field.
Right side of the ship.
The concept of a building structure refers to the parts of it that are able to withstand the stresses of its own weight and adequate overload, transmitting them to the ground and they must resist the efforts unitarily such as earthquakes, winds and temperatures.
Joint elements of a construction which is the tough part and sustainer of it.
Environmental impact:
The document describes in detail the characteristics of a product or activity that is intended to carry out or modified. Should provide grounds for the prediction history, identification and interpretation of environmental impacts and describe or implement actions to prevent or minimize significant adverse effects.
Study of risks:
Mandatory technical document prepared by an interdisciplinary team of specialists, which is the basis for developing a master plan or inter-communal, whose objective is noted in detail, omitting any special circumstance or on the real dangers and risks or potential constitute, for the 28
location or site of human settlements, certain territorial areas such plans in all areas detailed in Article 2.1.5 of the General Ordinance and Building Construction.
Generic name of linings for walls, partitions, ceilings and so on., Usually made of sand and cement mortar.
Control Act, designed to remove rainwater or water flood projects of any type.
Rate, pointing to one thing for the value estimate.
Evaluation status:
Process to identify faults, determine possible causes and quantify the magnitude and severity of crashes.
Environmental Impact Assessment:
The procedure, carried out by the National Environment Commission or the respective Regional Commission, where appropriate, which, based on a study or environmental impact statement, determine whether the environmental impact of an activity or project meets the standards.
Mining work at ground level or underground. Earthworks to form trenches for foundations, basements, etc.
Machine to excavate.
Remove to a solid layer from its thickness. Make holes, ditches, clearings, galleries, etc.
Terrain elevation for the collection of materials. Parking lots and buildings in support of port infrastructure. The terrain is generally content to concrete walls, perched or gabions.
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Work, work.
Apron: 29
Triangular slope of a roof.
Boat waterfront.
High tower on the shores and ports, with light on top to guide mariners at night.
Construction phase:
Period from the commencement of construction of a structure to its entry into service.
Project Phases:
Distinct stages in which life is usually divided structure project.
Service Phase:
Period from the complete installation of the structure to its deactivation, removal or change of use.
End Date works:
Date indicated in the Special Rules or the last day of the execution time, counted from the date on which, according to these Regulations is responsible for initiating the work, whether in the establishment of the Special Bases term calendar days.
Burial depth of the piles with respect to a level indicated in the technical specifications generally.
Technical audit or inspection of the work:
It includes detailed inspection of the work, commitment to the organization of the work in the administrative and visación review and payment of the states, bills, etc. responsibly should verify the process of the construction site.
Vertical distance from the midpoint of an imaginary axis joining two points of support and the decline suffered by the beam.
A lamp that has a very strong light. In certain coastal areas there are rules that require minimum lighting light pollution, so the designs have been privileged to cut-off luminaries, light source hidden and underground cabling.
Anchorage: 30
Protected sector of the sea where boats are anchored into disuse. / Paraje deep enough so you can anchor the boat.
Fund sea, river or lake:
Extension of ground comprised between the lowest tide line, in water, at sea, and from the minimum water line in their low normal in waters in rivers and lakes.
Chemical phenomenon is a hardening of binders, such as lime, cement and gypsum, but they may soften again.
Maximum height of the cross section of a float emerged as the stripes of the same. Depends on the state of charge of the float.
Virtual or real flat surface that presents a work of a berth or a succession of them and against which it is approaching and / or supported the ship side.
Are those parts of a building that loads and overloads are involved and properly transmitted to the ground, while they can absorb the ground reaction to these charges is considered foundations inter alia, to the foundation, plinth, footings, beams foundation, foundation slabs, etc.
Foundation alone (benches)
Structural system in which, depending on the mechanical conditions of the soil, the building rests on the ground, on time, under certain structural elements.
Corrida Foundation:
Structural system in which, depending on the mechanical conditions of the soil, the building rests on the ground, longitudinally under each of the walls.
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Large shed, shed, in which productive activities are carried out preferably. For example banks carpentry, drying of nets, red, processes (cleaning and storage temperate, etc.).
Quick release hook:
Clamping device located on the ground or attached to a sturdy structure that allows quick and easy release of moorings by a simple operation 31
manual or electromechanical device. Usually applied berths without road access or speed maneuvers sailed.
Extended warranty:
If the amount is less than the proposal accepted by more than% State funds will require an additional warranty.
Indirect costs:
(From a construction). Are those that recharge in one form or another direct cost. They are divided into relatively indirect costs (general and wages varies) and indirect costs properly speaking (promotion, interest on capital, profit, etc.).
Baskets of wicker and wire mesh, filled with earth or stone used in hydraulic works, mostly from shore defenses.
Part of geology that studies the processes that alter the structure of the crust.
Depression of the earth’s crust gradually sinking, in which sediments accumulate.
Default flag that lets you start lifting topobatimétricos considered as the origin. There is also reference to the specific latitude and longitude of each location. This information is required in the design of a project to trace the initial structural axes.
Resistant fabric that allows the passage of water, avoiding the loss of aggregate. It is used in landfills to avoid undercuts, the product of the action of water.
Vessel engaged in industrial fishing trawlers, over 18 meters in length. / Sailboat two or three masts, light and slightly elevated edges.
Geographic Positioning System. It is a system that uses American satellites NAVSTAR constellation, consisting of 24 satellites. Determines the location, route and altitude anywhere on the globe.
Step. (2) seat as a stepping stone to run. 32
Hydraulic gradient:
Relationship between the level difference and distance piezamétrico.
Grading of different grain sizes that are rock or a dry or powder, and in general the elements of an aggregate.
Crushed stone that covered the floor of the roads. It is part of the concrete.
Small gravel less than two centimeters.
Sandy clay.
Fissure. Slit in land and walls.
Handling equipment for lifting goods.
Mobile crane:
Crane mounted on wheeled or tracked, which can travel across the surface in a non-restricted.
Container Crane:
Gantry crane on the end side of the water has a luffing jib that allows the release of a container latch, enabling direct loading or unloading the same from or to an evacuation area or storage. It is capable of longitudinal slide on rails in the direction perpendicular to the pen and inability to rotate about a vertical axis.
Gantry crane or spring:
Crane able to move longitudinally on rails along the dock, in a direction parallel to the rail, supporting all legs on the dock and can rotate about its vertical axis in full. It consists of three main parts: porch, cockpit and engine and pen.
Free ship motion or tied up consisting of a spin around the main axis of the vessel. 33
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Rust, mildew or oxidation of iron.
Maritime Hydraulics:
Part of the mechanics that studies the balance and movement of fluids in the seas.
Describes the product which contain chemical substances with hydrophobic character, prevents or reduces significantly the water absorption of the materials treated with it.
Catchment area of a port.
Load Hypothesis:
Combination of actions of calculation.
Reinforced concrete:
Construction material is a mixture of small stones and mortar, reinforced internally by an armor of iron or steel bars so that, once set, absorb the tensile forces that can be submitted.
Or tensioning prestressed concrete:
Which, with the introduction of artificial strains of compression, with bars, cables or wires introduced during construction, does not suffer tensile stress.
Action and effect of embedding.
Place the concrete in a play.
Constituted by a drum machine or drum, mechanically driven, for mixing the concrete.
Motor anchor that allows a cable and launched the boat aground. 34
Very black hard coal, hard edges and breaks in is between 75% and 90% carbon. Almost always appears near the surface layers.
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Military Geographical Institute, validated and unique entity in charge of mapping and cartography in Chile, according to international treaties.
Public lighting:
Studied system of light sources that illuminates areas of public use, improving security conditions and use. Consumption and its cost is borne by the municipality.
Environmental impact:
The alteration of the environment, directly or indirectly caused by a project or activity in a given area.
Impervious to water or other fluid.
Sign or signal of something that is expressed in statistical comparison to a base of 100 or in science and technology relations between concepts.
Standard penetration rate:
A test that measures the carrying capacity of the soil through a standardized kneels. Usually it is a history which provides the designer for the design of foundation.
It is the movement of water through the soil surface and within it. Can be removed with barbican, through geotextiles.
Risk report:
Technical paper prepared by professional experts, establishing the explanatory memorandum of a proposed subdivision or subdivision of land, as required by the relevant Municipal Works Division, when the situation so warrants, whose goal is, find and warn for a reasoned potential risk lying on or under the ground or from adjacent areas.
All essential works not subject to regular wear and tear. / Underground works or structure that serves as a support base to another. 35
Infrastructure support:
Works that are part of the project, complementing the maritime infrastructure, such as walls, storage yards, docks, piers, docks, patios, work, etc.
Civil engineering:
Physical Science and mathematics that makes the calculations necessary for the design and implementation of the infrastructure required by the various activities of society.
National Institute of Hydraulics. Conducts studies of waves, sediment behavior, rivers, etc. mathematical and physical models.
In situ:
In its final destination. Under construction.
Systemic process for obtaining the necessary information in the field for the evaluation of state.
Technical Inspector:
Competent professional, independent developers, who oversees the works are executed in accordance with applicable building standards in the field and the building permit approved.
(Of tasks). Operation build offices, warehouses, water socks, etc., A task that should be started. Transfer to it of machinery and equipment.
Includes parts needed to connect a work to the public service networks and those that carry out the distribution of these services above and link it to artifacts and elements that allow its use. Among other distinguished potable water, sewage wastewater, storm water drainage, electricity, phones and weak currents, piped gas, LPG, etc., Also includes the additional equipment designed to give greater comfort, efficiency and safety to a building, such as air conditioning, intercom systems, burglar, fire, etc.. This category also belong to all mechanized transport items such as elevators, hoists, escalators, conveyor belts, etc.
Commercial port facility:
Port facility dedicated to handling and preferably 36
interim storage and exchange of goods between modes of transport by land and sea.
Sporting port facility:
Port facility preferably in the service of a sport or recreation.
Industrial port facility:
Exclusive port facility service industry or industrial area (shipyard, steel mills, petrochemical plants, refineries).
Port facility for military use:
Preferably port facility dedicated to naval base.
Fishing port facility use:
Port facility to service a fishery.
Facilities and services:
They are necessary for port operations and understand the process of cranes, railways, roads, interior products for power distribution, water, fire network, compressed air, communications, weak signals, drainage, rain water and sewage storage deposit, electrical subertaciones, offices, etc.
Area between the highest and the lowest tide, also called splash.
Outer edge of a containment structure of the ground.
Database containing information on existing infrastructure in terms of location, current status, shelf life, remaining life, type of administration, etc..
Of land that connects two continents or a peninsula with the continent.
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Cutting or removing established between two adjacent parts of a building. (2) A masonry, each accusing the mortar lines in the parameter, called ulcers if they are vertical and horizontal joints if they are horizontal. (3) Material in general plastic interposed between two pieces to close the remaining space between them. (4) Splice, union. 37
Expansion joint:
Joints are constructed to allow the longitudinal movement of the structural elements due to earthquakes, wind or temperature changes. Its purpose is to avoid cracking.
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Permanent water mass deposited in hollows of the land. / The portion of land for which the waters flow constantly.
Natural reservoir water, smaller than the lake.
Claiming something weighty charge. Loaded with water or other material inside the pontoons to permit levels.
Steel wire in various forms at its end, which is inserted into the electrical line, once in place, for cleaning or weatherproof (laucha mop with a cloth on the end), to engage an obstacle that disturbs (laucha jacket with hook in end) or to move the tubes (laucha hook wire closed on the ends).
Mass of clear lime or gypsum or lime mixed with sand or plaster with earth, stones are used to connect, rows of bricks, bleach, etc.
Paper work:
It leaves the book with triplicate, duly foliate, in which the professionals responsible for the work and utility inspectors observations and particulars entered in the various stages of construction.
The competition of bidders allowed to quote the construction of a work material according to the administrative bases and technical specifications and general plans and detail approved by the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, with the object according to the rules.
City limits:
The imaginary line demarcating the urban areas and urban sprawl that make up the population centers as distinct from the rest of the commons. 38
Mixture of soil and water produced in the soil by rain, floods, etc.
PDO Strategic Guideline:
Strategies issued by the National Board to guide the degrees of action and
responsibilities of the PDO in their reviews and investment throughout the investment process starts with the profile, through the design and ends with the construction and maintenance. There are currently covers the areas of fishing, island connectivity, tourism and heritage, and overseeing private projects.
private property and property for public use.
Power Line:
Trajectory of the liquid molecules to occur the flow.
The detailed description of the area of influence of a project or activity, prior to its implementation.
Normal baseline:
It is the low water mark of the mainland coast and islands of the Republic. In places where the coastline is deeply indented and cut, or where there is a fringe of islands or along the coast in its immediate vicinity, may be taken in accordance with international law as a method to trace the line base from which the territorial sea is measured, the line of straight baselines joining appropriate points.
Belonging to the bank or shore of the sea. A sea coast, country or territory.
Distance between two crests or two consecutive breasts of a wave, a tidal curve, etc. / Horizontal distance between two consecutive wave crests or regular monocromética.
Reinforced concrete plate.
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Macadam hydraulic:
Filling Material replaced by lower cost, paving with asphalt or concrete. 39
Large stone crushing machine.
Iron and caps placed on a table to bend irons.
Hard and fibrous substance of the trees under the bark, used in the manufacture of various devices or buildings. It can be treated against the action of micro-organisms, fire or moisture.
Material made of wood chips, sawdust, wheat straw, etc.., Bound with resins and pressed, appearing as boards and board.
It is the wood that has been worked through mountains to giving flat faces, square and in certain measures.
The wood is prepared to a greater extent by machines such as T & G, moulders, planers etc. In accordance with the further use that is going to happen.
-Tongued: The wood whose songs have been given the shape of male and female to get closed to join a union.
-Shed: wood is prepared in your songs, to stop a lap joint.
-Mold-makers: The laque wood has been given special shapes and forms such as cornices, overalls, daffodils, etc.
Treated Wood:
It is the wood that has been subjected to physical or chemical treatments to make it more resistant to adverse weather or attack by insects or fungi.
Local industrial designed to maintain, alter, rebuild or construct any kind of machinery, mobile, semi-fixed or stationary, transportation or other purposes.
Extent of work:
Part or stage of a work (eg, plinth, works, etc.).
Building wall or attached parallel to the coast or shore, suitable for the berthing of larger vessels that serve for the mobilization of cargo or passengers.
Stonework carved rudely unworked or irregularly coupled. 40
Maximum width of the cross section of the hull.
Minor works of repair of any infrastructure.
Volumetric model that represents a level of design approaches for their study, facilitating their understanding.
Chilean Sea:
Geographical name given to the ocean waters surrounding the country as a way to highlight the importance of the sea in national life. The designation does not affect the legal status of territorial sea or exclusive economic zone. Chilean Sea The idea is based on the settings on the seafloor, which off the coast of Chile in South America has submarine ridges that frame it. Today this name is found in virtually all official maps of Chile.
It is that part of the high seas, that for the international community, including the limit of our exclusive economic zone and continental meridian passing through the western edge of the continental shelf of Easter Island, extends from parallel milestone No. 1 and the international boundary line that separates Chile and Peru to the South Pole.
Territorial sea:
It is the sea adjacent to the national domain, to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the respective baselines. / Gaza sea which extends along all the coasts of the country, are from the mainland or islands. It has 12 miles wide and is set from the shore at low tide. In this territory there as absolute sovereignty in the territories on land. When delimited the territorial sea in the nineteenth century according to the International Maritime Law covered only three miles wide. All the countries
accepted 12 miles.
The rise and rhythmic, alternating rest of the ocean surface (or water level) and water bodies connected to the ocean, such as estuaries, bays and channels, which occur twice a day on most of the land , and which result from the gravitational pull of the moon and to a lesser extent that of the sun, acting unequally on different parts of the earth in rotation. Movement / period of elevation and relaxation of sea-level.
Astronomical Tide:
Tide due to gravitational attraction of the moon, sun and other bodies 41
astral. Its intensity is closely related to the relative position of the sun and the moon are about to land.
Sisigia Tide:
Tide that occurs during the full moon or new. The extent of syzygies is usually 10 to 30% higher than the average size of the place.
Marea weather:
Changes in sea level in coastal areas as a result of storm events produced by high barometric depressions.
Crimson Tide:
Concentration on the surface of the sea of algae that contaminate shellfish.
Tumultuous movement of large waves.
Tide Gauge:
An instrument that records the tides on a given port.
Joint tourism and real estate made by the sea near a marina.
Soil Mechanics:
Study required for the development of designs for a project. May simply consist of an excavation or pit, or in a more in-depth probing. Based on this background determines the resistance of the soil and the following feasibility of the project requested.
Media Round:
Pipe cut in half, forming a channel. Concave molding whose profile is usually a semicircle. Wood strip frames, with which they take refuge on the banks of the hangings, friezes, etc. Mouth curved chisel.
Wood Media:
Method of joining two pieces of wood of equal thickness be making evenly on both sides, half Junction wood.
Measurement of work:
It is the application of techniques to determine the work content of a task defined by setting the time a skilled worker invests in carrying it out according to a predetermined performance standard.
Also known as central floe, is the island continued, enhanced 42
altimetry by sills, separating traffic streams
Global system made up of natural elements and man-made physical, chemical and biological, sociocultural and their interactions, constantly modified by human action or natural, and conditions governing the existence and enhancement of life in its many manifestations.
Nautical Mile:
Distance unit from 1730 was defined as the length equal to the length of the arc of one minute of longitude. In 1929, during the International Hydrographic Conference, was adopted that the length of a nautical mile is equal to 1.852 meters or 6076.103 feet or 1.151 miles inland.
3D Modeling:
Application of computational technologies to model or model, shortening the time of invoice, improving the quality of presentations and allowing the previous study of the project during its design. You may also be known as virtual model.
Changing works:
The replacement of part of the work contained in the project of the Ministry of works new or extraordinary.
Comparative measurements of the parts of an architectural project. Coordination in Modular, common denominator is the number of sizes of all building materials.
Penetrating a wall or embankment from the shore or in shore waters, used for defense or shelter of some space of water and can also be used for the mobilization of cargo or passengers. Be considered as a dock or berth, as suitable for the berthing of larger vessels (spring) or minor (berth).
Archaeological monuments:
The sites, ruins, anthropological sites and archaeological pieces that may be on or below the surface of the country. By the mere operation of law are owned by the State.
Historical Monuments:
Places, ruins, buildings and objects of property tax, municipal or private individual for their quality and historical or artistic interest or because of their age, 43
be declared such by the Presidential Decree issued on request and agreement of the National Monuments Council.
Public monuments:
The statues, columns, fountains, pyramids, plates, crowns, inscriptions and, in general, all the objects that they are employed or to perpetuate memory may be placed in fields, streets, squares and avenues or public places.
It is the Secretariat of State in charge of planning, study, design, construction, expansion, repair, maintenance and operation of public works and tax agency for the implementation plans of the works performed constituent services.
Machine tractor to level.
Name given to a docking structure that projects offshore (offshore), oriented perpendicular or forming a certain angle with respect to the coast.
Pier opaque:
Pier support structure by modifying the behavior of the wave of the place where it is located, generating new flows reflected, deposits or undercuts to be provided by design.
Penetrating work from the shore or in shore waters, more or less
perpendicularly, is suitable for the berthing of larger vessels and serves for the mobilization of cargo or passengers.
Transparent Dock:
Pier that its support structure does not change the performance of the site wave
where it is located.
Used as part of concrete anchor.
Retaining wall:
Wall containing ground and prevents slipping.
Walls of separation
The land that divides a building of that design.
Partition wall: 44
The separating two different properties.
Outer wall:
The limiting outside a building.
Dividing wall:
Which belongs in common to the designs of two neighboring properties.
A supporting wall:
Which must resist any load in addition to its own weight, with a minimum thickness of 15 cm.
Wall verteolas:
Wall since its design and height of crown, returns the worst wave.
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Find the height difference between two points.
Artesian Level:
Hydrostatic pressure level higher than the ground surface.
Value judgments on the quality of a building to scale it, made by the evaluation of the factors that determine it.
Security Level:
Assessment of the safety requirements of a structure, according to the
consequences in terms of human casualties, environmental damage and economic losses in case of cancellation or shearing.
Mean sea level:
Average level of the sea surface obtained by extending the observations to a large number of years, at least 18.6 are those for a lunar cycle. It could also be defined as mean sea level that would exist in absence of tides. With some approximation may be obtained by taking the average of all high tides and low tides during a lunation.
Groundwater level or piezometric height:
Height as the water level reached to place a piezometer tube at one point. This level is usually different from saturation, provided that the establishment of a network outlet.
Standard: 45
Series of provisions governing the use of a technique.
Value that defines: a) The shape, size, composition, quality, performance or other characteristics of a material or product manufactured. b) Method of verification, enforcement or other status of these materials or products.
Official Rules:
Technical standard developed by the National Standardization Institute (INN), approved by Supreme Decree (DS.) of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, issued by order of President of the Republic.
Finished floor level used in surveying.
Reduction level probe topobatimetrías used in defining the historical tide given geographical area. For this record is used SHOA. For instance, as tidal variations may vary from 1.5 m. NRS on the greatest part of the coast, up to 6-7 m. NRS on the inland sea of Chiloé. / The plane to which the probes are referred to a town or depths. Each country adopts the NRS in accordance with the tidal characteristics of their costs. Since the mixed semidiurnal type, was adopted for NRS our shores as the plane determined by the highest tide the syzygies being the moon at perigee.
Ground level, used in surveying.
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Civil works:
Initial part of the work necessary for the completion of a project, such as earth movement, or desrocados fillings, etc. ..
Additional work:
Additional work is defined as all those items not covered in the three previous definitions, among others, fences perimeter fences external niches meters, pavement access, vehicle parking, terraces, outdoor lighting, containment of soil, watering gardens , external ornaments, etc.. 46
Structural works:
The concept of structural work varies among different types of construction. In general it can be considered structural works to the structure, stronger, the range of floor and roof. This concept is clearly distinguishable in the strengthened masonry, concrete, concrete and metal structure. However, it tends to become less evident in the wood construction and prefabricated systems or industrialized.
Maintenance Works:
Those designed to preserve the quality of finishes and facilities of existing buildings, such as leaves changing doors and windows, stucco, floor arrangements, ceilings, roofs and storm water channels, paints, papers, placement pipes or water pipes, drains, lighting and heating.
New works or special:
The works to be incorporated or added to the project, but with different characteristics to the specifications or contents of the background underlying the contract.
Works major port:
Maritime infrastructure or major engineering project, designed to realize the charge transfer operations between maritime and land modes and is equipped with conditions to the attention of vessels.
Earth Works:
Part of the design of a project that is used to refer to works not supported on the sea bottom or intertidal.
Ochavo of a building:
Chamfer in fact close to a building or road in machines with vehicular or pedestrian movement.
Wave design:
Wave height used in defining the crowning heights of walls, concourses or babez for being considered “non-flooding.”
Vertical oscillation of the water during a relatively short period and high relative velocity.
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Boxes. / Compartment of the vessel, to keep food, ammunition, etc. Ground facilities in a fishing cove, name given to the compartments for storing fishing equipment. The effective strength of 47
these are given in relation to the number of boats, being so far the best dimension of 3×2 meters per two boats.
Wall is placed along the outer edge of the crest of a work of shelter to avoid the one hand, the fall of persons or vehicles passing through the crest and on the other hand, to stop the passage of the upper waves in cases of temporary.
Marine Park:
Specific and defined areas to preserve ecological units of interest to science and precautionary areas to ensure maintenance and hydro-biological species diversity, as well as those associated with their habitat. Marine parks remain under the custody of the Service and they may not be any kind of activity. Except those that are authorized for purposes of observation or study.
National Park:
An area generally extensive, diverse environments where there are unique or representative of the natural ecological diversity of the country, not significantly altered by human action, self-perpetuating, and that the species of flora and fauna or geological formations are of special education , scientific or recreational value.
Citizen participation:
Government initiative to integrate the various social actors in the development and design of investment projects ministerial.
Material similar specification that are grouped into sub-chapters and chapters that represent specific tasks within the construction process.
Sector of variable width parallel to the coast or shore, recreational use and supports the activities of the town or at sea.
Artificial surface that is done so that the floor is solid and plain.
/ Surface passable. / Termination given the floor in different areas of a project.
Land surrounded by water, and that only a relatively narrow land is linked to another major extension.
Document analysis that determines the requirements and potential of 48
infrastructure investment.
Penetrable to water and other fluids.
Permit or authorization:
Those minor maritime concessions and temporary and are only issued for up to a period of one year, directly by the Director General of the Maritime Territory and Marine.
Municipal Permit:
Approval of the municipality building work is carried out. They have a cost associated with the overall size of the investment.
The fishermen use different systems, are major hooks and nets. The hooks can be of many shapes and sizes depending on the type of fish that is sought. Some are simple-a single hook tied to a cane or trot lines is complex as consisting of a main line or “mother” where they tied hundreds of hooks. The main line is an indication buoys and anchors that attach to the bottom. This system is used both by fishermen as industrial longlines extending many feet long, sometimes miles away. Artisanal fishermen stored the product in baskets and return to the creek to reach the fresh produce, while the fishing industry product in the same boat or kept on ice until arrival in port, allowing them to maintain activity longer. One of the species caught by this system is hake.
Fishers have better network performance than the system hook. The networks are used in different ways, a stand which the fish will be trapped there by their gills or they surround the schools with a large network. This latter system called ‘fence’ is to surround the shoal and then close the net on the bottom. Among the fishermen the fence is a community work, in which at least nine people are needed to install large nets at sea and then lift full of fish to the boat.
Industrial purse seine fishery, once obtained the product, sucking the fish to take to the cellars of the craft, if they fill the fishing vessel returns to port, otherwise it goes in search of other schools to complete the load. In this system, the boat must carry a smaller auxiliary to deploy the network, it is called a panga. ” The fence is used to catch pelagic fish such as anchovy and Spanish sardine. Another type of network is to “pull”, typically used by commercial fishermen, is a mesh bag that is carried by one or two boats. It is used for fishing for cod, conger eel and hake as well as for the capture of crustaceans that live in deep areas such as prawn and shrimps. 49
Arm of a crane, used in artisanal fisheries for the vertical withdrawal of water craft. / Outgoing part subject to a wall, to a post, next to a ship, and so on., To hold or hang something from it.
Final residue of the expansion of the tar.
Roundwood, iron bar or steel pipe reinforced concrete pillars that kneels on the ground to support the foundations of a building.
Driven piles:
Piles are being introduced into the ground by blows to the head of them. The final depth of burial is given by the rejection measured or reject requested tab is the penetration produced by each stroke. The driving of the piles can be achieved by means of pile or mass free fall.
Piles pre-exvacavados:
They’re piling in which its construction prior to excavation is necessary, for purpose, we use appropriate machinery such as machine or similar Benot, which removes the ground inside a steel sleeve with a spoon. As the soil extracted steel tubing descends to the depth of the project after it is inserted into the armor piercing and simultaneously is poured and removed his shirt. Another way of realizing the excavation is hitting the ground inside the pipe (Franki type pile) which is compressing and turn dragging steel shirt, then reached the depth of the draft tube is removed as it is poured . Another way to install the piles is through a drilling machine for this type of work.
Anticorrosive paint:
Pigmented liquid composition comprising a corrosion inhibitor pigments and an organic vehicle usually oleoresin.
Painting of creosote:
Type of paint made with refined creosote coating applied to wood with rough surfaces and have to stay outdoors. The pigment usually takes a large proportion of cargo and the vehicle contains a sufficient amount of drying oils or varnish to form a matte film.
Laminar type material thicker than those of iron. Serves inner divisions substrate. 50
It is a given study, designed to promote the development of various kinds. Policies and priorities defined and expressed in proceedings, plans, ordinances and other documents.
Regional Plan urban development:
The territorial planning tool that guides the development of urban regions, setting the roles of urban centers, areas of mutual influence gravitational relations, growth targets, and so on.
Communal Regulatory Plan:
Instrument consisting of a set of rules on appropriate hygiene and safety conditions in buildings and urban spaces, and comfort in the functional relationship between residential areas, labor, equipment and entertainment. Its provisions relate to land use or zoning, location of community facilities, parking, upgrading of the road structure, setting urban boundaries, density and determination of priorities in the development of land for expansion of the city, according to the feasibility of expanding or provide health and energy networks, and other urban areas.
Inter-regulatory plan:
He who governs the physical development of urban and rural areas of several districts which, by their relationships, are integrated into an urban unit. When this unit surpasses the 500,000 urban inhabitants is called Plan Regulador Metropolitano.
Sectional Plans:
Planning instruments through which, when you need more detailed studies for the implementation of community master plan, fix the exact paths and street widths, detailed zoning, construction areas binding, remodeling, harmonic sets, land affected by expropriation, etc.
It is a graphic document expressed in two dimensions, representing an appropriate scale p a draft architectural project. Should contain all the requirements pertaining to their stage of development, which is clearly identified and the parties involved in it responsibly.
Flat details:
Designs appropriate level for the construction of components or parts of the draft contained in the shots.
Outline: 51
The designs indicating location, sizes and shapes allow for a full trial of the work to be done on a scale suitable for correct interpretation.
Pattern to draw.
Moldings or flange:
Wings of steel plate girders. Usually referred to as moldings (flange) or more moldings (bracket) less. They can consist of one or several plates superimposed and welded together.
Bank of the sea or a large river of sand formed on the surface almost flat.
Artificial beach
Constructive work that allows the maintenance of the sand to create urban spaces for recreation.
Playa de sea:
The amount of land that the waves alternately bathe and vacate so far come at the highest tides.
Beach line, or line of the highest tides:
That which in accordance with Article 594 of the Civil Code, according to the upper boundary of the beach to where the waves come in the highest tides and therefore inland beyond the maximum high tide line. For its determination, the General Directorate of Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine, if deemed necessary, request a technical report to the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy.
Free space for public use, among others, leisure and foot traffic.
High Tide:
Maximum level reached by a rising tide.
Rolled iron, flat and thin.
Instrument consisting of a weight hanging by a thread and used to check the verticality of a wall when it is built.
Species crane. 52
Reinforced concrete box. Element of wood, steel or concrete that could float and supports other structures.
Sector rear of a boat.
Portion of water:
Area of sea, river or lake, designed to maintain any stable floating element.
Stretching back. Tensioned concrete reinforcement after setting and hardening.
Wood, stone or column placed vertically to provide support or signal. Normally used for electrical wiring and lighting.
Small isolated foundation, usually made of concrete.
Performing previous factory-made building elements intended to be a property by this prototype, fast, and easy installation.
Applied to the element or piece of precast concrete.
Manufacturing technique of concrete based on the advantages of mass production and is factory-built prior to placement on site. For simple elements can be made in the same work.
Preservation of nature
The set of policies, plans, programs, policies and actions aimed at ensuring the maintenance of the conditions that make possible the evolution or development of the species and ecosystems own country.
The force of an air column height of the atmosphere over a unit area of the earth, atmospheric pressure is measured in millibars.
Pressure (water column):
The force of a gas, liquid, solid, on a unit area of 53
body: the pressure is measured in pascals.
Balanced budget:
The change resulting from unit prices, total prices and total price partial official budget in the percentage of differences that exist between the budget proposal approved and official.
Budget Estimate:
The likely cost provided by the Ministry for the construction of a work.
Government budget:
Detailed study carried out by the Ministry of the cubic unit prices and total estimated price for a work and presented its official opinion and fair view of its true value.
Previously stretched. Tensioned concrete reinforcement before their set.
Compensation in cash made how stimulation in certain jobs. (2) Fee paid to the insurance company, the product of the rate stipulated by the insured amount.
Sector front of a boat.
Construction procedure:
It is the technique used for the laying of the materials or building elements.
Competent professional:
The civil engineer or civil engineer who, within their respective professional fields, carry out appropriate tasks or works referred to the General Law on Urban Planning and Construction.
The program is specifically required and defines the physical destination, size or capacity and accommodate a work of architecture and graphic expression of which is in the pipeline.
Programme of work: 54
It is the chronological ordering within the contract for development of the various stages, items or item of the work, whether they are to be implemented simultaneously or consecutively.
Task scheduling:
Activity in the production process that studies the chronological order in advance who will have the various operations of the executive phase of a project to know in advance the quantities of material, manpower and equipment to be required at various stages of it.
Natural or legal person declares, in the Municipal Works Department or to the public service, as appropriate, be the holder of the domain of the property referred to the action requested.
The contribution offered by the bidder according to the records provided to the tender.
Lump sum proposal:
The fixed price offer, in which cubic means immovable works, unless the tender expressly authorized to revise the airspace of certain works, according to rules laid down in them and according to these rules (Rules for Contracts Public Works).
Proposal for a series of unit prices:
The supply of fixed unit prices applied to cubic temporary works established by the Ministry, whose value is the sum of products between these prices and these cubics.
Private Motion:
Private proposal or quotation is an offer by the proposer, at the request of prices requested by letter to two or more contractors engaged in the specialty of the work that it is run and preferably working in the area where she be performed.
Fire Protection:
Number of active or passive policy measures that aim to reduce the risk of fire and to enable rapid evacuation and extinction if it occurs.
Competent professional is responsible for making the project a work subject to the provisions of the General Law of Urban Planning and Construction.
Project: 55
Set a work history that includes plans, reports, technical specifications and applicable, budgets.
Place on the coast, protected from wind and provisions for the safety of ships and traffic operations and weaponry. / City or the neighborhood in which it is located.
Basalt rock, a kind of natural cement, found in Puzol, a town close to Naples, mixed with lime mortar used to make water.
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This type of port facility is used as a work of docking for those boats unload their goods by direct rolling (motor vehicles), ie, as a means for RO-RO berth, ferries, barges and ferries. / Slope generally built on the slope of the beach, for beaching small boats or by their sides to allow the berthing of such vessels.
Straight angle to the horizontal plane that rises from ground level in each and every one of the points form its boundaries and length of the street facing the property.
Back to build all or part of a building.
Overlapped. Minimum thickness of concrete that envelops the reinforcement in the concrete.
Natural resources:
Environmental components that could be used by humans to satisfy their needs or interests of spiritual, cultural, social and economic.
Assembly consisting of the streamlines and equipotential lines.
Basic road network:
Existing track set, which by its particular importance for urban transport can be recognized as such in the territorial planning instruments. 56
Structuring road network:
Set of existing and planned routes, which by its special importance for the development of the appropriate center should be defined by the instrument of territorial planning.
Site designed to protect the climate to the people waiting for the moving process, especially in the south traveling between islands.
Anthropic Filling:
Filling by human waste products (urban debris, garbage).
Granular fill:
Stuffing made with gravel and / or sand extracted from land loans and low fines content.
Hydraulic fill:
Fill hydraulic reservoir, that is, through a process of sedimentation of solid particles in an effluent (of dredged material).
Fill unconventional:
Stuffing made with waste products from industrial or atypical (slag, fly ash, lapillis).
Ship of small displacement, high thrust force at small velocities, whose primary mission is to assist in docking and undocking maneuvers of other ships pulling them through a power train.
Product to provide labor applied to construction, usually measured in the amount of work done on days 8 hours for one or more operators, expressed in the appropriate work unit (m3 – m2 – ml kg). Amount of material forming a unit of work.
Renewal of any part of the work which includes an element important to be left in a position equal to or better than the primitive, as the situation of foundation, a supporting wall, a pillar of the roof change.
Wood defect caused by the change of fiber direction, which makes up to work the room. 57
To draw, make marks on the ground to enable the correct construction of a work, in accordance with the plans that define it.
Book unspoilt region:
An area where natural primitive conditions of flora, fauna, housing and
communications, absence of roads for motor vehicle traffic, and closed to all commercial.
Marine Reserve:
Save area of hydro-biological resources in order to protect spawning grounds, fishing grounds and areas of repopulation by management. These areas remain under the custody of the National Fisheries Service and may only be made in these transitional periods extractive activities after prior determination of the Secretariat for Fisheries.
Ward under the keel:
Space between the keel of a ship and the seabed.
The ability of a material to withstand the impact of various external agents.
System resonance vessel / mooring / defenses:
Extension of moored ship motions and efforts of both ropes, fenders and mooring points, when the period of the incident waves approaching the natural oscillation of the ship moored.
Resonance in docks:
Additions and changes in the conditions of oscillation of a natural or artificial compound to penetrate inside incident waves whose period is related to the free oscillation period of the enclosure, producing waves in turn extended period of steady or quasisteady rate.
Intervention in a building whose purpose is the return of your original image or that the product of its evolution in time, carried out prior to the relevant studies (historical, archaeological, constructive, structural, etc.)..
Completion of the structure that gives the final appearance of a constructed element.
Boundary between the bed or beds of a river or lake, so far as maximum water and adjacent lands. 58
Chance of presentation of an extremal value of the variable for a preset time period.
Liquid industrial wastes. They should be treated and evaluated according to the EIA.
Continuous stream and more or less water than flows into another in a lake or sea.
Piece, placed obliquely, ensures the stability of the form of a frame or structure.
Place brace.
Set of fragments of brick and other masonry materials discarded. Filled with works of masonry materials.
Round edges coarse aggregate entering the preparation of concrete.
Industrial solid waste. They should be treated and evaluated according to the study of environmental impact.
Mineral materials of variable composition, formed in clumps or large quantities in the earth’s crust under the action of heat from the water, etc. / Natural addition of one or more minerals that remains unchanged in the presence of water sensitive.
Mooring equipment comprising stationary pulleys fixed on a sturdy structure whose main function is to guide a mooring or return to the vessel for holding or tension.
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Aerofotogramético Service of the Chilean Air Force. It provides aerial photography services at almost all the national territory. 59
Nature Sanctuary:
All those terrestrial or marine sites that offer special opportunities for study or research geological, paleontological, zoological, botanical or ecological, or having natural formations whose conservation is of interest to science or to the State.
Part of an area defined by a spatial planning instrument for the purpose of orienting processes of urbanization.
Materials such as sand, silt or clay in suspension or deposited on the bottom of bodies of water. Sedimentation process is called relocation and clustering of sediments resulting from tidal action.
Infrastructure Management System Port.
Maritime Signs:
All signs, luminous or not, that regulate vessel traffic, such as lighthouses, buoys, signs and flags. Its maintenance and location depend on the Navy. / In order to ensure safe navigation and to avoid risks of accidents has a wide variety of signals, which are used both domestically and internationally. Among the highlights were the headlights illuminated signs, beacons and buoys that are installed on the coast or at sea. Other signs used to communicate various situations such as signals to prevent collisions, which include signs of day and night signals, others are sound signals which are used to indicate maneuvers or danger.
In special cases of accidents are used signals from earth to rescue groups rescue operations. Flags are also used for various reasons or just to greet each craft.
Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy.
Mooring site:
Assembly consisting of one part of the mooring work, of adequate length to the ship design and the esplanade is established in the former.
Defense System:
Assembly consisting of berthing structure and auxiliary defense capable of absorbing the kinetic energy transmitted by the ship while in port, or withstand the stress it once moored.
Urban system:
Set of population centers to areas of different characteristics of influences that generate links that appear especially in the physical planning 60
the territory.
Cargo may be possible to put a piece of construction, but which is necessary to take it into account for calculation of resistance, known safe on different occasions.
Excavation below the one thing that can cause destruction or weakening. In coastal infrastructure, a process caused by the action of waves.
Digging below any work, leaving it to false. Madero seated flat on the factory so that it rest or join another. Lumber. Flat stone on the floor, to hold studs.
Septate soil level.
Joint effects of actions on such efforts resistant structure, stress, strain, displacement, movements.
Request Calculation
Effect of the shares, calculated on the basis of test loads.
And shaded:
Site semicubierto which perform productive activities or leisure, reducing excessive sunlight and creating open spaces for permanency.
Cross-Lashes are available in the ship’s side and at its center or symmetrically, acting entirely on its side on the moorings.
Infrastructure. Part of a structure built below ground level.
Part of a structure built on another or on the ground level.
Superstructure of a port facility:
The set of structural elements that support the slab or board and rely on assistive devices. 61
Portion of the earth’s crust formed by splitting or loose materials: can be easily separated into individual particles by stirring in a dry sample in water. Includes songs, pebbles, gravel, sand, clay, and organic materials.
Cohesive soil:
Soil that has cohesion.
Granular soil:
Soil shows no cohesion, or does not have its own resistance to
simple compression without lateral pressure.
Normally consolidated soil:
Cohesive soil that has never been effective stress is higher than at present.
Natural soil:
Undisturbed land area.
Overconsolidated soil:
Cohesive soil has been effective stress is higher than at present.
Urban Land:
Urbanized area or potentially developable land.
Extension of land measurement, usually in meters squared (m2), km2, cm2, etc.
Designer or in his absence, the professional architect or engineer whose mission is to assert that the project will materialize in the manner intended by the designer and according to the relevant building permit issued by the Directorate of Municipal Works.
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Partition is not a supporting:
Element vertical structural separation.
A supporting partition:
Which must resist any load in addition to its own weight, with less than 15 cm thick. 62
Armed with charts, generally made on site, which serves as a molding of concrete.
Continuous wall, light, consisting of piling, which is used as a work berth, defense of banks or other purposes.
Elements very long in relation to its width kneel either embedded or juxtaposed fastened to form a continuous wall. They can be wood, concrete or steel, flats or otherwise as I, H, U or Z.
Tablescatas of cells or cell:
They are indoors, isolated, or series-connected, working flat sheet piles transverse traction. Under different paths and then filled with suitable materials can form a Duke of dawn or a bulkhead wall.
All or part of a building for industrial jobs.
Sieve opening not exceeding 5 mm.
Slender and flexible structural element subjected to traction.
Effective stress:
Intergranular pressure in soil or fill. Equivalent to the total pressure minus the pore pressure.
Passenger Terminal:
Building intended to provide basic requirements for passengers and crews. For air, the airport, in the case at sea, the cruise terminal.
Terminal fisheries:
Place where marine products are marketed, wholesale and retail.
Maritime Terminal:
The anchorage for tankers which has appropriate facilities consisting of pipes for conducting the load of fuel, oily mixture or liquid products.
Beach Land:
Strip of land to the Treasury of up to 80 meters of Anchises, far from the beach line the coast and the coast from the shore on rivers or lakes. 63
For purposes of determining the extent specified, no artificial fillers are considered made on the beach or sea bottom, river or lake. You will not lose its status as the beachfront property that is separate sector for the construction of roads, streets, squares, etc.
Estrucural element which supports the deck and acts as a rake.
Large funnel plate or timber that is used in the mills and concrete, gravel download sorters, etc.
Morson Ton:
Volume measure equal to 100 ft3, ie to 2.83 m3.
Tonnage deadweight (DWT):
Expression of the carrying capacity of a ship. Equal to the weight in metric tons for the maximum load over the full fuel.
Gross registered tonnage (GRT):
Interior volume or capacity of a ship measured in tons or tonnes Morson registration.
Effort which is under a structure, expanding its particles. Its inverse is the structural compression.
Boat covers a route established between one or more coastal points where there are suitable conditions for loading and unloading of persons or vehicles, preferably on ramp ramps or docks.
Longshore transport:
Product Displacement sediment in coastal areas under the effect of waves and currents.
Exterior surface:
Inner edge of a containment structure to this land.
Reinforced concrete beams located between areas of support. Its function is to stiffen the joists to make the board work as a whole properly distributing loads.
Widths: 64
Lashes that are arranged in direction perpendicular to the alignment of docking, usually leaving the ship as much fore and aft.
Action and effect of trace. Stakeout.
Indicate on the ground the route of a foundation usually chalk or lime, in order to proceed with excavation. Rethink.
Rail freight:
Set several concentrated loads, linear and / or surface of simultaneous action, clearly defined in size, geometrical arrangement and conditions apply.
Japanese-language word derived from the terms “tsu” and “nami” meaning “little bay or port” and “wave”, respectively. / Tsunami. / Train progressive gravitational wave long, with wavelengths in the hundreds of miles in deep water and heights of less than a meter, which are formed in the ocean or in a coastal watershed, when an impulse disturbance vertical short duration (seconds to few minutes) and very large (hundreds or more square kilometers) at its bottom or on a free surface. The periods of waves are 15 to 60 minutes and their rates of spread of several hundred kilometers per hour in deep water. They are usually the product of undersea earthquakes with focal depths less than 50 km below the seabed and magnitudes above 6.5 on the Richter scale.
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Unit of work:
Each unit concepts that can break a play, for measurement and recovery as cubic meter of concrete mass kilogram round iron, etc. (2) More generally, an element of work that, conceptually, can be separated from the rest by their different location or characteristics. Since the foundation, translucent concrete area of a building, the drainage of a road, etc..
Teu units:
Measurement of the carrying capacity for container ships. Equals the number of such containers.
The knowledge and practices applied to the planning, development and
redevelopment of urban areas, which aim to improve the quality of life 65
its inhabitants.
Provide a land area that is experiencing urban growth by extension or densification of road infrastructure, health and energy, with its supply and drainage works plantation and ornamental works, works of defense and field service, equipment and landscaping, proportional to the densities by the territorial planning tool.
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Free ship motion or tied up consisting of a global shift in the direction of the horizontal axis parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vessel.
Installing auxiliary dedicated to the construction, maintenance or repair of ships or boats. It consists of an inclined plane equipped with complementary elements such as cheeks, stranded cars and systems running, riding. In order to facilitate the start-dry or christening ships pulled by longitudinal or transverse. / A place where boats varan for safekeeping or to clean your funds or composing.
Refers to those records that characterize each of the parties to the kiss of data: inventory, inspection, repair history, etc.
Paved portion of the sidewalk.
Public space located in front of each property.
See Wall Verteolas.
Way of action:
Communication route linking areas of operation or storage areas each with one another, mainly for the movement of cargo handling equipment.
Road Access:
Communication route linking areas of operation or storage area outside the port area, or serving areas without handling. They are generally preferred routes for road traffic 66
Compaction system is to immerse a vibrator into the concrete, or attached to the walls of the formwork, or applied to its surface, so that the aggregate grains vibrate, thus reducing their internal friction, and possible placement, under the action of gravity to a position with the highest density is achieved.
A device that vibrates or to vibrate. In the technique of concrete, the vibrator is a device consisting essentially of an electric motor and an eccentric, or an air-driven piston, which shocks or vibrations are transmitted in some way to mass.
Project Life:
Period of time from the start of construction of the proposed structure to its deactivation, removal or change of use.
Shelf Life:
Phase length of service.
– Metal:
Are used to support concrete or wood boards. These are generally slender beams whose wings you double are joined by a vertical plate which is called soul.
These elements constructed of reinforced concrete, whose armor is called passive full responsibility for delivering resistant cables and concrete, is used when the board is also constructed with reinforced concrete. These beams is poured inside, leaving them empty for a pipeline which passes the high-strength cables. Once the concrete has reached the rated project at the cables are tightened since the supports or very close to them causing compression over the whole beam, then a mortar is injected into the ducts to cover the cables and complete the hole.
As post-tensioned beams are built with concrete, prestressed reinforcement and high-strength cables. However, there is a difference in the construction process, as these are concrete with pre-tensioning cable and once set and the specified strength at the project are released. The cable is embedded in the concrete and transmits its power of understanding the effect of cable-concrete bond.
“Reinforced concrete:
Elements are constructed of concrete and steel on which rests usually a concrete board. 67
-Of wood:
The oak or coigüe is used in its construction. The long maximum that can be found between 10 and 14 mts. Above them rests a wooden board.
It is the place or facility intended for temporary maintenance of hydro-biological resources, which have reached the minimum size regulations for further marketing. Nurseries may only be installed on sea bottom surfaces, ranging from the limit of the highest tides and ten meters below the lowest line of the tide. Floating nurseries can only be installed in places that do not interfere with navigation or the development of crops.
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Mare: Element of wood used to place vertical doors. (2) Element wooden planks used to claim volcanics in the installation in heaven. (3) It is said without hopper trolley for heavy loads.
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Long, narrow excavation is done below ground level, to lay the foundation, EnCana water or the like.
Party where the width of a foundation wall exceeds that rises above it.
A shroud that surrounds a piece to increase its strength. (2) helical armor available in some parts of reinforced concrete, especially stands to increase its strength.
Landscape value area:
Piece of land, visually perceptible, which has singular beauty derived from the interaction of natural elements that compose it.
Contiguous zone:
Maritime space extending to a distance of twenty-four nautical miles from the respective baselines, and where the state has jurisdiction for purposes concerning the prevention and punishment of infringements of customs laws and regulations, fiscal, immigration or sanitary . 68
Coastal protection zone:
Land area, of variable widths, a minimum length of 80 meters measured from the shoreline, which sets special conditions for land use, in order to ensure the ecosystem of the coastal zone and prevent and control damage.
Circulation area that did not pass:
Area in which the movement of cargo handling equipment and conventional traffic can not be predetermined.
Exclusive economic zone:
It is adjacent sea extending up to two hundred nautical miles from the baselines from which measures the breadth of territorial waters and beyond the latter. It the State exercises sovereign rights for exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing natural resources living and nonliving water overlying the fact, of the seabed and subsoil, and to develop any other activities for the exploration and economic exploitation of the area./ The Exclusive Economic Zone is a strip of sea 200 miles in width along all coasts. In this area the country has the exclusive right to exploit living resources and minerals, but does not have full sovereignty and the territorial sea. Along the right of the resources, the country has a duty to protect marine species. Chile, with Peru and Ecuador, was among the first countries worldwide to define this exclusive location. In 1952, these three countries signed the Declaration of Santiago, where they recognized fishing rights on a stretch of 200 miles from the coast of their territory. At the same time arrangements were made about the exploitation and conservation of marine wealth and the coordination of the countries for research in marine biology. Later, in the Sea Convention of 1982 convened by the United Nations Organization in order to establish rules on the exploitation of marine resources is internationally recognized Exclusive Economic Zone for all countries. The Exclusive Economic Zone places Chile among the largest maritime countries, because it amounts to 2.4 million km2. If we consider that Chile South America has an approximate area of 756,000 km2, the Exclusive Economic Zone is more than three times higher. Around Easter Island and Salas y Gomez, Chile has rights over 350 miles of the continental shelf around it.
Climate Zone:
Theoretical Branch of the national territory, to differentiate its various infrastructure requirements. These are mainly the North (I, II and III region), central (IV, V, VI, VII, VIII Region) and Southern (IX, X, XI, XII Region).
Primary Zone: 69
It is the land or sea space in which materials are made maritime and land operations in the mobilization of the goods, which for the purposes of its jurisdiction, is customs area and in which they must be loaded, unloaded or received these goods to lead a customs operation. (Article 22 of the Customs).