Cold War & Post-WWII Geopolitics: Decolonization, Democracy, and the Rise of Communism

SECURITY COUNCIL: 5 members use russia China France Great Britain and 10 permanent members elected every 2 years gral assembly respected onu ddhh guarantees decolonization. West German federal republic popular East German Democratic Republic East Germany
England France uses democratic gov gov USSR communist East African decolonization 1. Independent states before 1950 rep Egypt Ethiopia Liberia South Africa 2. 1959 1959 home states independienrtes decolonization process chana guinea Tunisia Morocco Libya Sudan 3. Indie states between 60 and 74 chad niger mali algeria Mauritania Senegal Gambia sierra leone nigeria cameroon ivory coast etc. Indian States 75 and current internationally recognized states. COLD WAR: undeclared USSR between uses and consequences II g support global bipolar world and the USSR used term economically multipolar World War japan new chian Europe political powers used unipolar charge. Nuclear arms race threatens missile crisis and Soviet Union used pto critical crisis opposing sides opposing sides in the world korea missile crisis Vietnam politi differencesing ideological differences vantages usa: the federal state
2-party democracy, political pluralism, against freedom capitalist ideology Marxism presidential economic inequality. Marxist totalitarian Soviet federal state social equality centralized planning does not meet the requirements. After WWII Communism is spreading in Eastern Europe Albania Hungary Romania Yugoslavia USSR freed block by tb a Chinese revolution against Chiang Kai Shek and religious communist-led nationalist gov Mao Zedong on the island of Formosa, uses reacts as he sees govt threat to Marshall plan Trummer and his secretary of state economic aid to rebuild Marshall Eastern Europe rejects only OEEC org reconsruye Western European economic cooperation or partnership basis to manage money donated OECD European Union after NATO
North Atlantic Treaty org defenza security and to join USA
Canada France Italy conflict West Germany Denmark Norway Belgium Netherlands Greece and Turkey then Eastern bloc communist parties munc? Cominform informas guide the response of the Marshall Plan.
Comecon economic aid advice in response to OEEC Warsaw response to NATO military security defense in case

Conformation pre World War II Europe: democracy: parliamentary head of state and different people gob king ampersand president and prime minister elected by indirect voting in the chamber by having a greater number of representatives.
Presidential chief of state and government falls into the same person. Totalitarian political division there is no plurality an ideology of state control aspects. No periodic elections does not guarantee dd hh importance pama mobilize political propaganda and mass change parental love nationalist fascist Nazi Germany Fascist Italy Spain phalanx fa Italian National Fascist Marxist pc russia. Premilitares fascist party groups control and repress Germany Gestapo police state. Italian Blackshirts. The difference between these lies in the centralized Russian state owned economy inputs capitalism Germany Italy and Spain cooperative economic controls in conjunction with the private entrepreneurs are concerned corporate prop moderate clerical fascism church union corp Spain Austria Portugal economyorat.
Fascism in Europe Igm consequences. Italy hoped Dalmatia territotariales benefits not get unsurpassed economic crisis after Victor Emmanuel III unemployment based on post-war defense industry workers left people dissatisfied. Mussolini’s former party soc. Burguedia black shirts and a right hand unit with fear revolution and to suppress the workers create manuel v waiver fascist march on Rome after friend ehe steel WWII Hitler pact. Germany Italy Japan exp public works worker resistance in Africa. Germany fascism after crisis arises in any area German republic after 1929 crisis is not a Republican gov solutions in crisis recover space mov Hitler Nazi Aryan German living space. Anti-Semitic Jews Jewish economic power in Jewish ghetto. In Spain Second Republic was proclaimed IXQ parliamentary democracy takes center joined groups not hard for the military opposition conservative church that joined in a military front by fco lead it performs qn ex coup. Spain is fighting fascism communism capitalism.
Democracy periodic elections division ddhh voting powers guarantees national sovereigntyRecho pluralism vertical control people to the authorities, c horizontal control of powers. England Teherom Churchill Roosevelt Stalin USSR used in thermal displacement Persian Polish border to the west USSR would gain territory and would arrive until it was d day free France Germany USSR enemy commits to move towards eastern alemnia distribute and create onu dismember Germany. Yalta: the same division of Germany into 4 areas occupied by the Allies more equal before France liberated countries were going through elections to establish their governments would enhance the meeting in San fco remember where the order would be governed by the UN security council. Poland ratifies west shift in favor of the USSR and against Germany.