Community Action Research: Data Collection Strategies

The operationalization of the hypotheses is what will allow us to decide what will be the combined observation instruments (technical research) more appropriate to argue the specific forms of implementation and take decisions delimiting social units to observe, etc. However, there is something unique in the choice of techniques in this type of research since the aim of the research is, in our case, inseparable from the very purposes of the Community action in which it integrates as well as producing knowledge useful, it must contribute to social development. This goal will be realized, first, constituting joint investigation teams and the preferential use of investigative techniques that are participatory and mobilizing the population. In this way, participatory research becomes a valuable tool to create or expand the organization and to convey the activation of people. The emphasis in this research is placed on participatory techniques, while not rejecting the application of other techniques depending on the type of data to be collected or observations to make.

C) Subjective and Objective Data Collection: Once the research is designed, along with some of the concerns and preoccupations of the group, the next stages of the research lead to the implementation of those instruments and activities planned to collect data and information contrasts can help and make assumptions and objectives underlying the investigation. In an integrated research at EU Action Plan, which seeks to contribute to widening participation and involvement of people in matters affecting the data collection should be especially sensitive to subjective perceptions and opinions of the people. It becomes an object of analysis of the collective discourse about their reality and, to be analyzed, is called into question. The research group will have the opportunity to review and discuss the claims that local people make about themselves and their reality.

Questionnaires are not best suited to approach the people’s perceptions, since these instruments do not include both the perceptions and concerns of people like their views on an understanding built by the team investigación.Todo this leads us to think worth thinking about research strategies that allow open approach. If you opt for conducting surveys must be combined and complement (especially if they are closed) with the use of other participatory and qualitative techniques. These tools are used to gather information from population sectors that can be very diverse: political, technical staff, representatives of associations and people from the partnership basis, the population in general principle. The expressions of concern from a wide range of sources are collected systematically, and their analysis will allow us to observe the redundant statements and discrepancies perceptual / interpretive on the same reality. However, although the prime research strategy subjective, can not ignore the importance of any information or data that allow us to establish the objective characteristics of social space in which they arise the concerns, opinions and interpretations of personas.Se is trying to gather information and work with social space or territory that is being studied: exploratory gain knowledge of the population and the territory through query statistics, census, government documents, maps, monographs of the neighborhood that may exist, etc.. This information will provide the characteristics of the population and thus contextualize other pieces of information that occur during the process of conducting this Informació operations research challenge is the development participativo.Para conducting fieldwork, members of the community group (or mixed team research) become interviewers, survey. The expert was required in these aspects, organize training sessions for the group members about how best to implement the technical tools of research (the use of role-playing in training interviewers and pollsters may be appropriate ) and, in general, in order to understand all of the research task (training around their research method).