Compound Adjectives & Past Passive in Music
Unit 11: Music Terminology and Grammar
Compound Adjectives
- Award-winning video (vídeo premiado)
- Best-selling artist (artista mais vendido)
- Nice-sounding voice (voz agradável)
- Record-breaking hit (hit que quebra recordes)
- High-priced ticket (bilhete de alto preço)
- Oddly-named group (grupo com nome estranho)
- Often-downloaded performer (artista frequentemente baixado)
- Well-known singer (cantor conhecido)
Grammar: Past Passive Voice
The passive voice places the focus of a sentence on the receiver of an action instead of the doer of the action.
- Active voice (simple past): Fans downloaded over a million albums.
- Passive voice (past of be + past participle): Over a million albums were downloaded.
Use the passive voice when the doer of the action is not known or not important:
The game was released in 2008.
When the doer of the action is important to know, use the passive voice with by:
The first rap recording was made by the Sugarhill Gang.
- All of the high-priced tickets to the concert were sold online.
- The best-selling artists of the year were given a special award.
- The singer’s record-breaking hit was written by her mother.
- The performer’s biggest hit song was used in a TV commercial.
- The band’s award-winning video was seen by millions of people.
- The songs on her album were played with traditional instruments.
Interactions: Giving Instructions
- Beginning instructions: First, … / To start, … / The first thing you do is…
- Continuing instructions: Next, … / Then … / After that, …
- Ending instructions: Finally, … / To finish, … / The last thing you do is…
Vocabulary: Verb and Noun Formation
- Announce a tour (anuncie um passeio)
- Appreciate music (apreciar música)
- Compose music (compor música)
- Entertain an audience (entreter uma audiência)
- Perform a song (execute uma música)
- Produce a song (produza uma música)
- Record a song (grave uma música)
- Release a new album (liberte um novo álbum)
Grammar: Present Perfect with Yet and Already
In questions, use yet when you expect the action to have happened:
Have you gotten a ticket yet? / Has he released his album yet?
In responses, already means the action has happened earlier:
Yes, I‘ve already gotten a ticket. / Yes, he‘s already released it.
In responses, yet means the action hasn’t happened, but you expect it to:
No, I haven’t gotten a ticket yet. / No, not yet. He hasn’t released it yet.
- Richie has already written four new songs.
- Richie hasn’t recorded two songs for his album yet.
- Richie hasn’t released his new album yet.
- Richie has already entertained children at the hospital.
- Richie has already given a free performance in the park.
- Richie hasn’t announced his retirement yet.
Writing: A Music Review
Anavitória is the first album by the duo Anavitória (composed of Ana Clara Caetano and Vitória Falcão), which was released in August 2016. I discovered the duo about two months after the release of the album, and I was immediately in love. I showed it to Gabriel, who at the time was not my boyfriend yet, and he liked it too. We learned the lyrics to all the songs. Since then, we have been to three concerts they have done in Porto Alegre. Ana and Vitória have beautiful voices, and their songs give an air of lightness that calms me. Also, what I like about these songs is that they have accompanied every moment of my relationship with my boyfriend to this day. We have adopted this duo as our own, but we highly recommend that people listen to their songs because their lyrics are wonderful. The only problem with this album is that there are not more songs for me to fall in love with.