Comprehensive Chemistry Notes
Chapter 1: Periodic Table
Mendeleev’s Periodic Table
Introduction, Definition, Physical Properties, Chemical Properties, Periods, Groups, Periodic Law, Periodicity, Vacant Spaces, Advantages, Disadvantages
Long Form Periodic Table
Periodic Table Definition, Periods, Periodic Trends, Periodicity, Groups, Group Trends, Blocks
Chapter 2: Hydrides
Introduction, Definition, Physical Properties, Uses
Chapter 3: Sodium and Its Compounds
Sodium (Na)
Occurrence: NaCl
Preparation: Principal, Diagram, Construction, Conditions, Working, Reactions, Conclusion
Physical Properties: Silvery-white, soft, absorbs water
Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3)
Raw Materials: Brine, NH3, CO2 + Reaction
Ammonia-Solvay Process: Ammoniation of brine, carbonation of ammoniated brine, filtration, conversion of NaHCO3 to Na2CO3, diagram
Uses: Water glass, water softener (produces CaCO3 + NaCl), soap, detergent, paper, baking soda (NaHCO3)
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
Raw Materials: Brine
Construction: Titanium, amalgam denuder, diagram
Working, Reactions
Advantages: Pure
Disadvantages: Hg, electricity
Physical Properties: Deliquescent, slightly translucent, melts at 322°C, hygroscopic, soapy touch, strong base
Chemical Properties: Reacts with CO2, SiO2, HCl, HNO3, H2SO4
Uses: Soap, bleaching and dyeing, mercerizing cotton, purification of bauxite, blocked drains
Bleaching Powder
Introduction, Preparation: Ca(OH)2 + Cl2 = CaOCl2
Physical Properties: White amorphous, smells of Cl2
Chemical Properties: Reacts with HCl, H2O, CO2 + H2O = CaCO3 + CaCl2 + 2HOCl
Chapter 4: Aluminum and Carbon Allotropes
Aluminum (Al)
Introduction, Abundance: 7.3%
Occurrence: Corundum, diaspore, gibbsite, bauxite, cryolite
Purification of Bauxite: Hall’s process (Na2CO3 removes Fe2O3 and SiO2), Bayer’s process (NaOH removes Fe2O3), Serpek’s process (3C + N2 removes SiO2)
Electrolysis of Pure Alumina: Construction (carbon rods anode, carbon lining cathode), electrolyte (alumina, cryolite, fluorspar), diagram, working, reaction
HOOPE Electrolytic Method (99.99% Purity): Construction (three layers: upper pure Al cathode, middle cryolite and BaF2, lower impure Cu-Si with Al anode), diagram, working, reaction
Physical Properties: Silvery-bluish, density 2.7 g/cm3, melting point 658°C, boiling point 1800°C, malleable, ductile, does not corrode easily
Chemical Properties: Reacts with O2, Cl2, C (at 2000°C)
Uses: Domestic utensils, wires, Al powder + AgNO3 = ammonal, Al bronze (10% Al, 90% Cu), duralumin (95% Al, 4% Cu)
Carbon Allotropes
Structure: C atoms, hybridization, nature of bond, bond energy, bond length, diagram
Physical Properties: Color, density, refractive index, conductivity, state, hardness, melting point, stability, X-rays
Uses: Diamond (jewelry, cutting tools, drilling); Graphite (moderator, pencil lead, lubricant)
More Chapters and Content
Nitric Acid, Sulfur Allotropes, Hydrogen Sulfide, Sulfuric Acid, Chlorine, D-Block Elements, Copper, Silver Nitrate, Copper Sulfate, Photography, Homologous Series, Isomerism, Functional Groups, Methane, Ethane, Ethene, Ethyne, Benzene, Orientation, Chemical Tests, Aromaticity, Preparation of Alkyl Halides, SN Reactions, Elimination Reactions, Grignard Reagents, Methanol, Ethanol, Phenol, Diethyl Ether, Formaldehyde, Acetone, Acetic Acid, Ethyl Acetate, Carbohydrates, Glucose, Fructose, Glycogen, Starch, Cellulose, Amino Acids, Proteins, Vitamins
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