Comprehensive English Vocabulary and Grammar Guide
Sports and Leisure
- do aerobics: hacer aerobic
- do gardening: hacer las tareas del hogar
- do housework: no hacer nada
- do nothing: no hacer nada
- do sport: hacer deporte
- do weight training: hacer pesas
- do Zumba: hacer Zumba
- exercise: hacer ejercicio
- get in shape: ponerse en forma
- go hiking: hacer senderismo
- go jogging: correr, hacer footing
- play exercise games: hacer ejercicio en una consola
- play squash: hacer squash
- play with children: jugar con niños
- put on: engordar
- lose weight: adelgazar
- take care of: cuidar
- walk the dog: sacar el perro a pasear
- work out: hacer ejercicio, entrenar
Hurt/ Feel/ Have Got:
- feel sick: tener ganas de vomitar
- have got a disease: tener una enfermedad
- have got the flu: tener gripe
- have got a headache: tener dolor de cabeza
- have got a stomach ache: tener dolor de estómago
- have got a temperature: tener fiebre
- my leg hurts: dolor en la pierna
- hurt yourself: hacerse daño
Adjective + Preposition:
- afraid of
- annoyed with
- different from
- famous for
- good at
- interested in
- involved in
- keen on
- proud of
- sad about
- serious about
- sick of
- surprised at
- wrong with
Verbs + Preposition:
- apply for (a job): solicitar un trabajo
- care about: preocuparse por
- laugh at: reírse de
- listen to: escuchar a
- spend (money) on: gastar dinero en
- work for (an organization): trabajar para una organización
- catch (a ball, a cold): coger una pelota, resfriado
- compete for a title: competir por un título
- compete in a race, event: competir en una carrera, evento
- kick (a ball): patear una pelota
- play against (another team): jugar contra otro equipo
- play for (a team): jugar para un equipo
- play (a sport) with (friends): jugar un deporte con amigos
- throw a ball: lanzar una pelota
- (a healthy, an unhealthy) diet: dieta saludable, no saludable
- (go to) the doctor’s: ir al doctor
- extreme sports: deportes extremos
- individual, team sports: deportes individuales, en equipo
- sports club: club de deportes
- sports kit: equipo de deporte
- summer, winter sports: deportes de verano, invierno
- gentle: suave
- moderate: moderado
- regular: con regularidad
- strenuous: intenso, agotador
Phrasal Verbs:
- call (a race/an event) off: suspender, cancelar carrera/evento
- catch up with: ponerse al día con
- throw up: vomitar
Idioms and Expressions:
- come first/second/last (in a race/an event): llegar primero/segundo/último en una carrera/evento
- go for a check-up: hacerse una revisión médica
- go on a diet: ponerse a dieta
- make an appointment (with the doctor): concretar una cita con el médico
- take part in (a race/an event): participar en
- advertise: hacer publicidad, anunciar
- afford: poder permitirse
- get a bargain: conseguir una ganga, un chollo
- go shopping: ir de compras
- keep up to date with: estar al día con
- look for: buscar
- look good: estar guapo, favorecido
- queue up: hacer cola
- save (money): ahorrar
- save up for: ahorrar para
- sell out: agotar, vender todas las unidades
- spend (money) (on): gastar
- waste (money on): malgastar
- window-shop: mirar escaparates
Adjectives (Staff):
- friendly: amistoso
- knowledgeable: bien informado, entendido
- polite: educado, amable
- rude: maleducado, desagradable
- unfriendly: antipático
Adjectives (Price):
- a bargain: una ganga, chollo
- cheap: barato
- good value: buena relación calidad-precio
- inexpensive: económico, barato
- overpriced: de precio excesivo
Adjectives (Food):
- baked: al horno, horneado
- cooked: cocinado, hecho
- delicious: delicioso
- disgusting: asqueroso
- filling: que llena mucho
- fresh: fresco
- fried: frito
- healthy: saludable, sano
- served: servido
- spicy: picante, especiado
- sweet: dulce
- tasty: sabroso, bueno
- change your clothes: cambiar ropa
- earn money: ganar dinero
- fit: caber, quedar bien
- suit: quedar bien, favorecer
- win: ganar
- bill: cuenta
- cash: dinero metálico, suelto
- fortune: dineral
- lottery: lotería
- (euro/pound) note: billete
- suit: traje
- broke: sin un duro
- fancy: elegante, lujoso
- hard up: mal de dinero
- mean: tacaño
- priceless: de valor incalculable
- tight: tacaño
- well off: pudiente, acomodado
- worthless: sin valor
Phrasal Verbs:
- dress up: arreglarse, ponerse elegante
- splash out on: gastar mucho dinero en
- take back: devolver
- try on: probarse
Idioms and Expressions:
- cost an arm and a leg: costar un ojo de la cara
- do the shopping: hacer la compra
- go shopping: ir de compras
- make ends meet: llegar a fin de mes
- rolling in money: forrado, que le sobra el dinero
- tighten your belt: apretarse el cinturón
Grammar Essentials
Conditional Sentences
First Conditional
- Structure: If/Unless (a no ser que) + present simple, + will/won’t + infinitive
- Usage: Talk about things which might happen in the future (describes things which could easily come true).
Second Conditional
- Structure: If/Unless + past simple, + would/wouldn’t + infinitive
- Usage: To talk about things in the present or future that are probably not going to be true, imaginary situations (dreams).
Third Conditional
- Structure: If + past perfect (had studied), + would/wouldn’t + have + past participle
- Usage: Talks about the past. Hypothetical events and to imagine the results of these situations.
- Enough: (bastante) delante de un nombre o ‘to’…
- Too: (demasiado) delante de adjective o adverb
- Such: delante de (a, an) (adjective) + nombre + that
- So: delante de adjective o adverb + that
Passive Voice
Tense | Active Voice | Passive Voice |
Present Simple | build | are built |
Present Continuous | are building | are being built |
Going to | are going to build | are going to be built |
Future Simple | will build | will be built |
Future Perfect | will have built | will have been built |
Past Simple | built | were built |
Past Continuous | were building | were being built |
Present Perfect | have built | have been built |
Past Perfect | had built | had been built |
Modal | can build | can be built |
Modal Perfect | should have built | should have been built |
Conditional | would build | would be built |