Comprehensive English Vocabulary and Grammar Guide for Everyday Life

Sports and Leisure Activities


  • aerobics: hacer aerobic
  • gardening: hacer las tareas del hogar
  • housework: no hacer nada
  • nothing: no hacer nada
  • sport: hacer deporte
  • weight training: hacer pesas
  • Zumba: hacer Zumba


  • exercise: hacer ejercicio
  • get in shape: ponerse en forma
  • go hiking: hacer senderismo
  • go jogging: correr, hacer footing
  • play exercise games: hacer ejercicio en una consola
  • play squash: hacer squash
  • play with children: jugar con niños
  • put on: engordar
  • lose weight: adelgazar
  • take care of: cuidar
  • walk the dog: sacar el perro a pasear
  • work out: hacer ejercicio, entrenar


Hurt/Feel/Have Got:

  • feel sick: tener ganas de vomitar
  • have got a disease: tener una enfermedad
  • have got the flu: tener gripe
  • have got a headache: tener dolor de cabeza
  • have got a stomach ache: tener dolor de estómago
  • have got a temperature: tener fiebre
  • my leg hurts: dolor en la pierna
  • hurt yourself: hacerse daño

Adjectives + Prepositions

afraid of / annoyed with / different from / famous for / good at / interested in / involved in / keen on / proud of / sad about / serious about / sick of / surprised at / wrong with

Verbs + Prepositions

apply for (a job): solicitar un trabajo / care about: preocuparse por / laugh at: reírse de / listen to: escuchar a / spend (money) on: gastar dinero en / work for (an organization): trabajar para una organización

Sports Verbs

catch (a ball, a cold): coger una pelota, resfriado / compete for a title: competir por un título / compete in a race, event: competir en una carrera, evento / kick (a ball): patear una pelota / play against (another team): jugar contra otro equipo / play for (a team): jugar para un equipo / play (a sport) with (friends): jugar un deporte con amigos / throw a ball: lanzar una pelota

Sports Nouns

(a healthy, an unhealthy) diet: dieta saludable, no saludable / (go to) the doctor’s: ir al doctor / extreme sports: deportes extremos / individual, team sports: deportes individuales, en equipo / sports club: club de deportes / sports kit: equipo de deporte / summer, winter sports: deportes de verano, invierno

Sports Adjectives

gentle: suave / moderate: moderado / regular: con regularidad / strenuous: intenso, agotador

Phrasal Verbs (Sports)

call (a race/an event) off: suspender, cancelar carrera, evento / catch up with: ponerse al día con / throw up: vomitar

Idioms and Expressions (Sports)

come first/second/last (in a race/an event): llegar primero, segundo, último en una carrera, evento / go for a check-up: hacerse una revisión médica / go on a diet: ponerse a dieta / make an appointment (with the doctor): concretar una cita con el médico / take part in (a race/an event): participar en



  • advertise: hacer publicidad, anunciar
  • afford: poder permitirse
  • get a bargain: conseguir una ganga, un chollo
  • go shopping: ir de compras
  • keep up to date with: estar al día con
  • look for: buscar
  • look good: estar guapo, favorecido
  • queue up: hacer cola
  • save (money): ahorrar
  • save up for: ahorrar para
  • sell out: agotar, vender todas las unidades
  • spend (money) (on): gastar
  • waste (money on): malgastar
  • window-shop: mirar escaparates


  • brand: marca
  • logo: logotipo
  • the latest: lo último, lo más reciente
  • money is tight: dinero justo

Shopping Staff Adjectives

friendly: amistoso / knowledgeable: bien informado, entendido / polite: educado, amable / rude: maleducado, desagradable / unfriendly: antipático

Price Adjectives

a bargain: una ganga, chollo / cheap: barato / good value: buena relación calidad-precio / inexpensive: económico, barato / overpriced: de precio excesivo

Food Adjectives

baked: al horno, horneado / cooked: cocinado, hecho / delicious: delicioso / disgusting: asqueroso / filling: que llena mucho / fresh: fresco / fried: frito / healthy: saludable, sano / served: servido / spicy: picante, especiado / sweet: dulce / tasty: sabroso, bueno

Clothes and Money


  • change your clothes: cambiar ropa
  • earn money: ganar dinero
  • fit: caber, quedar bien
  • suit: quedar bien, favorecer
  • win: ganar


  • bill: cuenta
  • cash: dinero metálico, suelto
  • fortune: dineral
  • lottery: lotería
  • (euro/pound) note: billete
  • suit: traje

Money Adjectives

broke: sin un duro / fancy: elegante, lujoso / hard up: mal de dinero / mean: tacaño / priceless: de valor incalculable / tight: tacaño / well off: pudiente, acomodado / worthless: sin valor

Phrasal Verbs (Shopping and Money)

dress up: arreglarse, ponerse elegante / splash out on: gastar mucho dinero en / take back: devolver / try on: probarse

Idioms and Expressions (Shopping and Money)

cost an arm and a leg: costar un ojo de la cara / do the shopping: hacer la compra / go shopping: ir de compras / make ends meet: llegar a fin de mes / rolling in money: forrado, que le sobra el dinero / tighten your belt: apretarse el cinturón


Conditional Sentences

  1. First Conditional: If/Unless (a no ser que) + present simple, + will/won’t + infinitive: Talk about things which might happen in the future (describes things which could easily come true).
  2. Second Conditional: If/Unless + past simple, + would/wouldn’t + infinitive: To talk about things in the present or future that are probably not going to be true, imaginary situations (dreams).
  3. Third Conditional: If + past perfect (had studied), + would/wouldn’t + have + past participle: Talks about the past. Hypothetical events and to imagine the results of these situations.

Other Grammar Points

  • Enough: (bastante) delante de un nombre o ‘to’…
  • Too: (demasiado) delante de adjective o adverb
  • Such: delante de (a, an) (adjective) nombre + that
  • So: delante de adjective o adverb + that

Passive Voice

TenseActive VoicePassive Voice
Present Simplebuildare built
Present Continuousare buildingare being built
Going toare going to buildare going to be built
Future Simplewill buildwill be built
Future Perfectwill have builtwill have been built
Past Simplebuiltwere built
Past Continuouswere buildingwere being built
Present Perfecthave builthave been built
Past Perfecthad builthad been built
Modalcan buildcan be built
Modal Perfectshould have builtshould have been built
Conditionalwould buildwould be built