Comprehensive Guide to English Language Exams (2019-2023)

English Language Exams (2019-2023)

Curso 2019-2020

OPCIÓN A: University Education


  1. a) In the… TRUE: “It used to be that a university degree was a fast track to a good career.”
  2. b) There… TRUE: “Men studying English or philosophy may also earn less than the average man who left school at the age of 16.”


  1. Because women earn lower salaries than men, and the jobs to which they have access if they don’t study are even lower.
  2. Yes, you can earn more money if you choose to study certain careers. You can also study other subjects that help you develop personally.


  1. try hard (1) struggle
  2. a little (2) slightly
  3. determine (3) conclude
  4. inspirational (4) motivating


  1. had known ——- wouldn’t have chosen
  2. which ——- was reported
  3. getting ——- to sit
  4. forward ——- since

OPCIÓN B: The Ladies Bridge


  1. a) During… TRUE: “As World War II overtook Europe and men went off to battle, the women of England entered the wartime workforce.”
  2. b) An article… FALSE: “The displacement of women’s role in the history of the Waterloo Bridge, says a 2006 article, wasn’t out of malice, or discrimination.”


  1. Because she starred in an advertisement for women to start working on the defense industries force during World War II in America.
  2. Politician Herbert Morrison only thanked all the men who helped build the bridge, even though many women had worked on it.


  1. called (1) nicknamed
  2. possibly (2) perhaps
  3. lucky (2) fortunate
  4. supervised (3) oversaw


  1. due to ——- played
  2. in ——- diminished
  3. on ——- from
  4. at ——- to have


OPCIÓN A: China Sets Rules for Young Gamers


  1. a) Chinese… TRUE: “The Chinese government has released new rules aimed at limiting video game addiction among young people, a problem that top officials believe is to blame for a rise in myopia and low academic performance.”
  2. b) All… FALSE: “The rules were greeted skeptically by some parents and gamers.”


  1. Minor players must present their true identity indicating their name and ID number.
  2. Children can play only a few hours a day and never at night, and cannot spend a lot of money on virtual gadgets.


  1. low (1) poor
  2. allowed (1) permitted
  3. intended (3) meant
  4. concerned (4) worried


  1. played —– more
  2. was not invented —- who
  3. as —- as
  4. The school counselor asked us how long our children played computer games on weekdays
OPCIÓN B: Ending the Age of Plastic


  1. a) Christine… TRUE: “Christine Figgener, a marine biologist, could never have predicted that an eight-minute video would change the course of her career.”
  2. b) Nowadays,… FALSE: “Though Figgener’s video is three years old, it continues to make waves.”


  1. Christine filmed a turtle who had a plastic straw stuck in its nose, and how her team removed it.
  2. The purpose of the program is to change the idea that children have about scientists.


  1. found (1) discovered
  2. damage (1) harm
  3. do away with (3) eliminate
  4. canteen (3) cafeteria


  1. had not started ——- would be
  2. on ——- already
  3. at ——- from
  4. has found ——- that

Curso 2020-2021

OPCIÓN A: TikTok, a Social Media Sensation


  1. a) Most… FALSE: “Favored by under-20’s, who make up its core audience, TikTok this year surpassed Facebook and WhatsApp as the world’s most downloaded non-gaming app.”
  2. b) Becoming… FALSE: “So, you don’t need a lot of followers to go viral.”


  1. The videos are varied, from recipes, domestic animals and dances. It is anything that is fun or entertaining.
  2. The first way is by doing a profitable business and the second is by having a good time with her family.


  1. almost (1) nearly
  2. trapped (2) stuck
  3. previous (3) former
  4. possibility (3) chance


  1. shows / has shown ——- have been used
  2. Although ——- for
  3. funnier ——- higher
  4. He asked me when I had discovered social media for the first time.

OPCIÓN B: Gap Years for Every Student


  1. a) It is… FALSE: “Academic experts say that students who take gap years will frequently be more mature, more self-reliant and independent than non-gap year students.”
  2. b) According… FALSE “Students who have taken a gap year report being satisfied with their jobs and figures confirm that 88 percent of them improved their employability thanks to this experience.”


  1. Students who take a gap year work in a company, cooperate as volunteers and learn about life
  2. Families pay for their children’s gap year regardless of their economic level because they believe the experience is worth it.


  1. put off (1) delay
  2. follow (2) pursue
  3. influence (3) impact
  4. equality (4) parity


  1. who ——- at
  2. starting ——- on
  3. wanted ——- would have completed
  4. had spent ——- to decide

Curso 2021-2022

OPCIÓN A: Can our Bodies Withstand Global Heating?


  1. a) Extremely… TRUE: “The impact of extreme heat on the human body is not unlike what happens when a car overheats.”
  2. b) The hypothalamus… FALSE: “The hypothalamus, located in the brain, regulates body temperature using information passed to it by temperature sensors in our skin, muscles, and other organs.”


  1. The human brain orders the body to start sweating to lower the temperature and another response is to find a cooler place, where it can cool off.
  2. High temperatures will affect the elderly, people with health problems and the less fortunate.


  1. gains control of (1) takes over
  2. deadly (2) fatal
  3. everlasting (2) permanent
  4. intolerable (3) unendurable


  1. had not exercised ——– would not have got
  2. which ——- for
  3. are diagnosed ——- However
  4. In 2015 the WHO asked them what steps they had to take to stop global warming.

OPCIÓN B: The Rise of the ‘Granfluencer’


  1. a) Statistics… FALSE: “According to a research study, the percentage of adults aged 65 and older who used social media grew from 3% in 2005 to 45% in 2021.”
  2. b) Granfluencers… FALSE: “Some seniors have even become ‘granfluencers’, and people of all ages can’t get enough of their content.”


  1. Different types of activities are shown without any economic benefit, such as teaching how to use technology, showing places they travel to, etc
  2. The extra value of granfluencers is their wisdom and experience from the life they have lived.


  1. error (1) misconception
  2. extended (1) broadened
  3. getting pleasure from (3) enjoying
  4. increasing (3) boosting


  1. was published ——- socially
  2. are ——- with
  3. had ——- to find
  4. had become ——- would be

Curso 2022-2023

OPCIÓN A: The Origin of Chess


  1. a) Unlike… TRUE: “While most games are forgotten one decade after their invention, chess has survived the test of time.”
  2. b) The majority… FALSE: “Its specific origins are difficult to determine, but most historians think the game originated in India.”


  1. The Queen’s Gambit series influenced chess by boosting its popularity and the number of games sold rose significantly.
  2. Ricardo Calvo’s theory about the origin of chess was that it was most likely invented in Iran because the game appeared in old Persian books that were written before the Indian literature.


  1. inhabitants (1) population
  2. gave (2) gifted
  3. proof (3) evidence
  4. wealthy (3) rich


  1. on — to start
  2. ago — has not released
  3. strongly — who
  4. Robert told me that Minecraft was the most boring videogame he had ever played.

OPCIÓN B: The Case against Energy Drinks is Getting Stronger


  1. a) Teenagers… TRUE: “However, those who drank energy drinks were more inclined to say they helped them to do better in school or in sports, to focus and to stay up at night.”
  2. b) Until… TRUE: “The promotion of energy drinks should be limited until independent research confirms their safety, particularly among adolescents.”


  1. The aim was to investigate the relationship between energy drink consumption and health problems among adolescents using a questionnaire.
  2. The companies claim that the consumption of energy drinks provides energy and activates the body and the mind.


  1. trouble (2) difficulty
  2. suitable (3) appropriate
  3. connection (4) link
  4. negative (4) adverse


  1. has not proven ——- harmful
  2. was brought ——- by
  3. deciding ——- the best
  4. He asked me if I enjoyed drinking coffee after my dinner.