Comprehensive Guide to Market Research Techniques and Methodologies

Topic 1: Introduction to Market Research

True or False Questions

  1. Documentary studies are the most commonly used because they reduce the economic cost of the research. FALSE
  2. Basic commercial research is that which is applied to decision-making. FALSE
  3. The main difference between commercial and opinion research is not the formal object, but the techniques to be used. FALSE
  4. In the Spanish market, the most widely used qualitative technique, in terms of turnover, is the in-depth interview. FALSE
  5. The determination of purchasing power indexes is one of the aspects to be investigated in research aimed at understanding consumer behavior. FALSE
  6. The targets of sales promotion can only be the company’s prescribers, intermediaries, and salespeople. FALSE
  7. Market research in Spain contributes little to the value change, but a lot to decision-making. FALSE
  8. Descriptive and exploratory studies are very similar, the difference being that the latter mainly uses quantitative and the former qualitative. FALSE
  9. Depending on the objectives of the research, the information is collected, which does not condition the analysis technique. FALSE
  10. The main objective of descriptive studies is to allocate problems or opportunities for companies and to test hypotheses that allow the most appropriate lines of action to be established. FALSE

Topic 2: Market Research Process

True or False Questions

  1. Primary information is, by its very nature, internal. FALSE
  2. Secondary information is necessarily external. FALSE
  3. Before operating abroad, a company must investigate the social and business environments. FALSE
  4. If the target company decides to carry out the project with its own resources, the value of the project is reduced because it does not have to charge the hourly cost of the researchers. FALSE
  5. The Ansoff matrix is a useful tool for identifying growth opportunities that considers three types: market penetration, product development, and market development. FALSE
  6. The main advantage of Gantt charts is that they show the sequence and interrelation between the variables involved in the research. FALSE
  7. Market research audits consist of an analysis and monitoring of research costs, often carried out by the advisory committee. FALSE
  8. The V.A.N.V. and the P.E.R.T. are two of the techniques that are frequently used in the decision stage of whether or not to carry out a Market Research project. FALSE
  9. When the company’s situation in the product-market matrix is that of a current product in a new market, the appropriate type of research is prescriptive. FALSE
  10. The two basic principles of the ESOMAR Code are honesty and objectivity. FALSE
  11. The ESOMAR Code is structured in ten major blocks, constituting a true code of action in market research. FALSE

Topic 3: Marketing Information Systems (MIS)

True or False Questions

  1. It is always preferable to use secondary external sources rather than primary external sources. FALSE
  2. MIS contains only internal primary and secondary information. FALSE
  3. MIS are really just network databases. FALSE
  4. To design a MIS, the first thing to do is to collect available information and classify it. FALSE
  5. A MIS is a structure of people, equipment, and procedures designed to provide timely and accurate information demanded by marketing managers. FALSE
  6. In order to design a MIS, the company must be of a certain size and have a maximum level of turnover. FALSE
  7. External information has no advantage over internal information. FALSE
  8. The 2 functions of the MIS are “administrative or management” and “post-decision control”. FALSE
  9. The team in the organization of a MIS includes, among others, the evaluation committee. FALSE
  10. The reliability of the secondary information will depend on the degree of fit or usefulness between the available information and the objectives of the intended project. FALSE

Topic 4: Understanding Consumer Behavior

True or False Questions

  1. Psychographic information is easy to obtain and is very useful for tailoring the company’s products to consumer tastes. FALSE
  2. With regard to social class, the higher the social status, the greater the learning capabilities, but the less willingness to adopt new products. FALSE
  3. Sociographic information analyzes variables that relate consumption to attitudes and lifestyles. FALSE
  4. The cross-referencing of psychographic and media attention databases allows companies to assess consumer’s purchase intent actions. FALSE
  5. One of the drawbacks of demographic information is that it cannot be projected over time. FALSE
  6. The usefulness of databases in marketing management translates into an improvement in the design of product rebranding strategies. FALSE

Topic 5: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Techniques

True or False Questions

  1. Quantitative techniques are much more widely used than qualitative techniques. FALSE
  2. For a postal survey to have an acceptable response rate, more than 20% of the mailings must be responded to. FALSE
  3. Tachistoscope does not provide information on its own, it needs to be complemented by other techniques. FALSE
  4. One of the most frequent applications of the use of qualitative techniques is prescriptive research. FALSE
  5. Sketching complemented by shopping are the most suitable experiments to design the company’s merchandising. FALSE
  6. Observation can only take place in people’s natural environment. FALSE
  7. Panels can be consumer, retailer, and outlet panels. FALSE
  8. One of the advantages of the postal survey is that it can be made longer than a personal survey. FALSE
  9. The personal survey and the in-depth interview are very similar, but with different objectives. FALSE
  10. Dynamic collection methods are those in which the source of information actively participates in the collection process itself. FALSE

Topic 6: Scaling Techniques in Market Research

True or False Questions

  1. Non-comparative scales aim to establish comparisons between attributes, characteristics, or consumers by giving them a reference so that all ratings are homogeneous. FALSE
  2. The main disadvantage of the Stapel scale is that variance maximization tends to occur. FALSE
  3. The Likert scale has the metric properties of the ratio scale, which is why it is the most widely used. FALSE
  4. A nominal scale question cannot be used as a filter question. FALSE
  5. If comparative scales are used, all questions should be formulated on comparative scales. FALSE
  6. The Thurstone scale is very simple to construct and interpret, which makes it widely used whenever preferences are to be measured. FALSE
  7. Each block of questions goes from the particular to the general in order to facilitate the respondent’s answers. FALSE
  8. The pilot questionnaire serves to evaluate the survey in terms of capacity, validity, and reliability, but can only be carried out once. FALSE
  9. With the Guttman scale, the researcher has the possibility of ordering a set of items with respect to two or more attributes. FALSE
  10. The constant sum and continuous rating scales are the same, but the continuous rating is non-comparative. FALSE
  11. In comparative scales, the respondent compares the stimulus being asked about with a personal reference stimulus in order to measure the individual’s rating. FALSE
  12. The evaluation of a scale is done in terms of ability and validity, although the latter is the most important. FALSE

Topic 7: Sampling and Fieldwork in Market Research

True or False Questions

  1. If the CATI method (telephone survey) is used, the cleaning of the data file is unnecessary. FALSE
  2. In stratified sampling, if simple allocation is used, the result obtained is the same as if simple random sampling had been used. FALSE
  3. Cluster sampling, despite being a non-probabilistic sampling, allows obtaining results as reliable as those obtained by simple random sampling. FALSE
  4. Fieldwork only makes sense if the data collection method to be used is the personal survey. FALSE
  5. Population element and sample element can never coincide. FALSE
  6. When the sampling method used is the quota method, in the fieldwork, the basic analysis stage of the information is unnecessary. FALSE
  7. The evaluation of the fieldwork is based on two criteria: cost-effectiveness in terms of time and quality of the interviews. FALSE

Topic 8: Market Research Reporting and Cost Analysis

True or False Questions

  1. The cost of administrative staff is charged as overhead costs and is included in contingencies. FALSE
  2. The largest cost of an investigation is always the hourly cost of the investigators. FALSE
  3. The technical report, including annexes, should not exceed 150 pages. FALSE
  4. The length of the informative report should be one-third of the length of the technical report. FALSE
  5. The legal aspects include the CVs of the researchers, and in the case of the principal investigator(s), the ESOMAR registration number is also included. FALSE
  6. The types of reports presented are: informative report and scientific report. FALSE
  7. As far as the sample size is concerned, if the maximum tolerated error is marginally reduced, the cost is more than proportionally reduced. FALSE