Comprehensive Risk Management and Safety Guidelines

Risk = f(Consequences, probability) ISO17776
ALARP –> Goal-Based methodology. Reasonably is in economic terms.
Hierarchy controls –>PPE–>AdministrativeC–>EngineeringC–>Substitution–>Elimination
Bowtie –> Visualizes the hazard/risk in an easy-to-understand picture, showing the path from threats, barriers, the top event and the consequences.
Controls categories –> Protection, Prevention, Organizational, Technical
Action Plan: Management of actions by priority and type. Risk review, responsibilities.
Occupational safety –> High probability, low severity.
Asset integrity –> Low probability, high severity.

Risk assess–>Objectives-Responsibilities-Scope&Methodology-RiskCriteria-Resources.
HAZID: Systematic technique for identifying hazards based on a list previously done.
HAZOP: A systematic technique for identifying hazards and operability problems
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA): Considers modes of failure (causes) of elements of system and records all possible outcomes. Bottom-up approach.
Risk assessment techniques –> Qualitative: Risk Matrix (Causes, Consequences, Existing Safeguards, Additional Safeguards). Quick, used when very small quantitative data.

Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) is a method of making a systematic quantitative analysis of the risks from hazardous events. Requires –> Likelihood, Consequences (vulnerability), risk. Its objectives are: To calculate risk levels associated with the development or operation of the facility in order to demonstrate that Risk Acceptance Criteria are met; ▪ To demonstrate that risks are ALARP; and ▪ To provide risk reduction recommendations.
Frequency assessment –> Frequency of the initiating event + Probability
Consequence assessment –> Modelling physical effects, analysis vulnerability.
LSIR: Location Specified Individual Risk: Risk for someone that is 24/365 days there.
LOPA is a semi-quantitative method of risk assessment. Requires quantification of the likelihood – order of magnitude. Evaluation of the consequences is done qualitatively.


Chemical risk determined –>Analysis, Classification, How and who we inform about the results, How do we Storage them, How do we transport them. 
(Authorities + Non-gov orgs, associations) –> Legislation, Guidelines

How is the chemical risk managed
Classification and register:
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (EC No 1907/2006)). Affects all chemicals in the EU. RegisterEvaluationAuthorisationRestriction.
–> Objectives: 1. To improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risk that can be posed by chemicals   2. To enhance competitiveness of the UE chemicals industry 3. To reduce the number of tests in animals

o CLP (Classification, Labelling, Packaging): It requires manufacturers, importers or downstream users of substances or mixtures to classify, label and package their hazardous chemicals appropriately before placing them on the market. –> Objectives: 1.To adapt the classification of chemicals to the United Nations’ Globally Harmonised System (GHS) 2. To ensure a high level of protection of health and environment 3. To ensure free movement of substances, mixtures and articles
SDS: Safety Data Sheet. 16 things: Identification, Hazards Identification, Composition, First aid measures, Firefighting.
o PIC (Prior Informed Consent Regulation) ▪ Objectives: 1. To govern the trade of certain hazardous chemicals that are banned or severely restricted in the EU. 2. To place obligations on companies that wish to export these chemicals to non-EU countries or import them into the EU. 3. To protect human health and the environment by providing importing countries with information on how to store, transport, use and dispose of hazardous chemicals safely, and promoting shared responsibility and cooperation in the international trade of hazardous chemicals.
o BPR: Biocidal Products Regulation
• Major Accidents: Seveso (Directive 2012/18/EU): Objectives: 1. To prevent of major accidents involving dangerous substances 2. To limit the consequences of such accidents for both, human health and environment
Storage: MIE APQ (Almacenamiento de Productos Químicos)
• Transport: ADR: Transport of hazardous materials.

Safety Management System: Is a tool to determine and implement the major-accident prevention policy (MAPP) and it shall include the part of the general management system which includes the organisational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes, resources and must be based on risk assessment. Objectives:
• To prevent of major accidents involving dangerous substances – To limit the consequences of such accidents for both, human health and environment.
Procedure: Policies-Organisation&Personnel-RiskIdentification-OperationalControl-StandardOperatingProcedure(SOP)-ManagementOfChange(MOC)-EmergencyResponsePla(ERP)-MonitoringPerformance-Audit&Review
ERP: Adoption and implementation of procedures to identify foreseeable emergencies by systematic analysis, to prepare, test and review emergency plans to respond to such emergencies and to provide specific training for the staff concerned. Such training shall be given to all personnel working in the establishment, including relevant subcontracted personnel. Discussion Based or Operations Based.
ERP: RiskAnalysis-AccidentIdentification-Organization-Procedures-ExternalEmergencyPl

Process Safety Management: is a regulatory standard issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for processes that use Highly Hazardous Chemicals (HHCs). The OSHA process safety management standard contains requirements to prevent releases of toxic, reactive, flammable, explosive. Objectives:
• Contains requirements for preventing or minimizing the consequences of catastrophic releases of toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive chemicals. These releases may result in toxic, fire or explosion hazards.


• Yellow: Methods for the calculation of Physical effects
• Red: Methods for determining and processing probabilities.
• Purple: Guidelines for Quantitative Risk Assessment.
• Green: Methods for the determination of possible damage.
Flash fire (Short, propagated through a gas cloud or vapour, high T)
Jet Fire (Needs pressure fuel, directional and concentrated, very intensive T)
Pool: Can last days, it extends through the liquid derramado, high distribution.
Explosion: Due to chemical/physical/nuclear reactions, shockwave, heat.
BLEVE: Caused by the explosive vaporization of a liquid in a vessel under pressure.
Vulnerability: Determination of the possible damage to people and objects.

SIL: Safety Integrity Level. SIL 4 is the most restrictive one, from 4 to 1.
A Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) is a function implemented by means of a Safety Instrumented System (SIS) and intended to achieve or maintain a safe state for the process, in respect of a specific hazardous event. 
Safety Integrity Requirements
Bathtub CurveDecreasing Failure Rate-ConstantIncreasing (over time all of them)
HWFT: Hardware Fault Tolerance.
Goals of cybersecurity:
• Confidentiality: The property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes. 
• Integrity: The property of safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of assets.
• Availability: The property of being accessible and usable upon demand by an authorized entity.
Cyberattack: Is the process of attempting to steal data or gaining unauthorized access to computers and networks using one or more computers. A cyber attack is often the first step an attacker takes in gaining unauthorized access to individual or business computers or networks before carrying out a data breach.
Stages  EspionageIntrusionEvolution Spread AttackElimination of evidence.
Protection layers  Physical Network Platform Application.

Emergency Preparedness: Ensure that adequate safety measures are in place to prevent potentially hazardous events from developing into accidents and minimise consequences to personnel, environment and material assets.


Escape, evacuation and rescue strategy (EERS)
Escape, evacuation and rescue analysis (EERA): Ensure that EERS reqs are fulfilled.



Transmitter  Message  Receiver

Asset Integrity (Safety & Integrity Management) = Major Accident Safety
Case Study Questions: Is it safe? Can we reduce the risk? ▪ What risk can we tolerate? How hard can we drive it? ▪ Can we change it? ▪ Is it effective? Can we improve it? ▪ Do we have a plan? What about alternatives? ▪ How much will it cost? Can we afford it? ▪ Do we have the resources? ▪ How much time do we have? ▪ When is enough, enough?
Risk Management process
Risk Assessment: Identify risks (Physical Failure, Lifecycle, Operational, Stakeholder, Natural environment) – Assess Risks (Tolerable, Intolerable, Severity, Probability, Risk Matrix, ALARP, ) – Risk Controls – Performance Standards.
Eliminate risks , Reduce Risks, Transfer Risk, Tolerate Risk


Operational Risk Assessment (ORA): If the result is too high, we will shut down.
Matrix of Permitted Operations )MOPO