Computer Studies Exam – 2nd Evaluation – Secondary 1 – March 2015
Computer Studies Exam – 2nd Evaluation [Secondary 1] – March 2015
1. Computer Model Questions
What question does a computer model answer? What specific question does your model answer for its users? (Pg. 71 Let’s Go)
“Remember, models answer the question ‘What if…?’. Your model will answer the question ‘What if a person were doing things that cause global warming and how could they change their behavior?’ for lots of different people.”
2. Advanced Search Options
Using Advanced Search, you can narrow down your searches. Describe three options available in Advanced Search and explain their functions. (Pg. 73)
3. IF Command Syntax and Example
What is the syntax of the IF command? Provide an example (In Spanish: SI) (Used in model Pg. 77 SS – Pgs 83 and 84)
The syntax for the IF function is:
=IF(test, then_true, otherwise_value)
The function’s three arguments are:
test – a value or expression that is tested to see if it is true or false.
then_true – the operation that is carried out if the test is true.
otherwise_value – the operation that is carried out if the test is false.
EXAMPLE: We will be entering the following IF function in cell A2:
=IF(A1<26, 100, 200)
What the function does is test to see if the value in cell A1 is less than 26. If A1 is less than 26, the function displays the number 100 in cell A2. If the value in A1 is greater than 26, the function displays 200 in cell A2.
4. VLOOKUP Function
Explain the VLOOKUP Function and its syntax. What would =VLOOKUP(C6, H6:I8, 2, false) do?
- The VLOOKUP function retrieves an item from a table and returns it to a cell or formula.
The syntax of the function is:
=VLOOKUP(search_criterion, array, index, sort_order)
- Looks for a value in the leftmost column of a table
- And then returns a value in the same row from a column you specify
- By default, the table must be sorted in ascending order
The VLOOKUP function has four arguments:
- search_criterion: This is the item that VLOOKUP looks at before going to the table and looking it up. Once VLOOKUP goes to the table, it looks in the leftmost column to try and find the value.
- array: Is the table (database) that you are looking a value up in.
- index: Is the number of the column that has the value you want to get and return to the cell (the leftmost column of the table is considered 1). For this argument, you can use the COLUMNS or ROWS functions to increment numbers.
- sort_order: Is 0 when you are looking up an exact value (like a word) and 1 or omitted when you are looking up an approximate value (like in tax tables where you want to find the row that is equal to the lookup_value or greater than, but less than the next value in the leftmost column).
- The =VLOOKUP(C6, H6:I8, 2, false) will get the value in cell C6, search for it in the column H6:H8, and return the value immediately to its right in column I6:I8 (hence number 2 in the function) without the need for the values in column H6:H8 to be sorted (false argument).
5. Spreadsheet Validation
What is Validation in a Spreadsheet? (Pg. 88)
Validation is the process of ensuring that something you enter into a computer system is sensible or complete.
For instance, some of you may have signed up for an email or social networking account – do you remember how you entered your country or date of birth? Did you type this in or were you given a menu of choices?
6. Closed vs. Open Questions
What is the difference between a closed and an open question? (Pg. 95)
- A closed question is one in which the answer will be something like ‘yes’ or ‘no’, like in ‘Do you feel OK?’, or a specific answer from a set of possible answers like in ‘How old are you?’
- An open question might be answered with all kinds of responses like in ‘How are you feeling today?’
7. Questionnaire Software
What program did the book use to make and teach how to make the questionnaire? Which one did you use? (Pg. 100)
- In the book, the questionnaire is made with a simple Word Processor, such as Microsoft Word.
- But we have used Google Forms, part of the Google Apps suite.
8. Survey Analysis Software
What program did we use to analyze the results of our survey? What are the fields and records in this case? (Pg. 103)
The book is focused on using a DBMS (Database Management System) program such as Microsoft Access, but we have been using a simpler program for this particular application with a tool we have called Google Forms, which is part of the Google Apps Suite, which creates a spreadsheet with the answers of the questionnaire.
- The records are one line for each of the answered questionnaires.
- And the fields are each of the questions in the questionnaire.
9. Test Plan
What is a Test Plan? In what program did you complete your test plan? (Pg. 91)
- A Test Plan is simply a way of testing that a system works and does what it is supposed to do.
- We did a Test Plan using the word processor in our Google Apps system, with a template table we got from the ICT4Life book in which we asked a functionality question in each line, checking if our calculator worked properly for that specific test.
10. Leaflet Planning Factors
What are the important factors when planning a leaflet? (Pg. 111)
- The Audience
- The Purpose
- The Message
- The Design