Conscription Act, Military Roles, and Leadership Qualities
Conscription Act and Military Isolation
General Provisions
Art. 34: Isolation is the process that includes registration, classification, call, and delivery of assessed contributions.
Art. 35: Insulation is the process involving the concentration, the examination of selection, and delivery of the quota.
Registration and Record
Art. 41: Venezuelans who do not register by the deadline will be considered reluctant and punishable under the provisions of this Act.
Personal Military Documents
Art. 58: The rectors and directors of public and private schools may not accept students of Venezuelan military age who did not check with the relevant documents, having fulfilled their military obligations.
Leaders and Their Qualities
A leader is an individual who, through their own capacity and the acceptance of others, usually by a majority, influences the group. Leadership is not about hierarchical position; a person can be a leader without being the boss, and vice versa. A leader’s actions can change over time.
Moderator Role
A moderator speaks to all, controls the discussion, welcomes all opinions neutrally, and leads the group to a correct decision.
Factors for Effective Leadership
- Characteristics of the leader.
- Attitudes, needs, and personal aspects of followers.
- Distinctive elements of the organization, such as its purpose, structure, and nature of activities.
- Social, economic, and political context.
Qualifications of a Leader
- Arbitrator and Mediator: Serves as an arbitrator and mediator of conflicts.
- Tension Reduction: Reduces differences and terminates tensions.
- Unbiased: Remains unbiased to avoid stimulating divisions.
- Harmony Maintenance: Maintains group harmony, avoiding the predominance of individual interests.
- Goal Contribution: Focuses on contributing to the realization of group goals.
- Symbol and Example: Serves as a symbol and example for the group.
- Self-Monitoring: Monitors themselves to maintain appreciation and respect.
Functions of a Leader
Leaders must distribute rewards and sanctions with a spirit of justice. Actions must relate to activities within the group and be timely and appropriate. A word of encouragement can enhance the action of the performer.
Basic Tasks
Setting goals, organizing and coordinating, motivating and communicating, maintaining control, and preparing people.
Advantages and Skills
Versatile, flexible, professional, a good example of ethical conduct, visionary, entrepreneurial, communicator, skillful, and tactful. Capable of solving problems from an analytical perspective.