Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy

Spanish Constitution of 1812

Don Fernando VII, by the grace of God and the Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy, King of Spain, and in his absence and captivity, the Regency of the kingdom, appointed by the general and special courts, to all who see and hear these, know: that the Cortes have decreed and sanctioned the following:

Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy

In the Name of Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, author and supreme legislature of society. The general and special courts of the Spanish Nation, well convinced, after careful consideration and deliberation, that the fundamental laws of this ancient monarchy, accompanied by appropriate steps and precautions to ensure stable and permanent compliance, may adequately fill the large order to promote the glory, prosperity, and the good of the whole nation, decreed the following Constitution for good governance and proper administration of the State.


  1. Part I: Of the Spanish Nation and Spaniards
    1. Chapter I: Of the Spanish Nation
    2. Chapter II: Of Spaniards
  2. Part II: Of the Territory, Religion, Government, and Spanish Citizens
    1. Chapter I: Of the Territory of Spain
    2. Chapter II: Of Religion
    3. Chapter III: Of the Government
    4. Chapter IV: Of Spanish Citizens
  3. Part III: Of the Cortes
    1. Chapter I: Formation of the Cortes
    2. Chapter II: Appointment of Cortes Members
    3. Chapter III: Parish Election Boards
    4. Chapter IV: Party Election Boards
    5. Chapter V: Provincial Election Boards
    6. Chapter VI: Celebration of the Cortes
    7. Chapter VII: Powers of the Cortes
    8. Chapter VIII: Law Formation and Royal Assent
    9. Chapter IX: Enactment of Laws
    10. Chapter X: Permanent Deputation of Cortes
    11. Chapter XI: Extraordinary Cortes
  4. Part IV: Of the King
    1. Chapter I: Inviolability and Authority of the King
    2. Chapter II: Succession to the Crown
    3. Chapter III: Minority of the King and Regency
    4. Chapter IV: Royal Family and Recognition of Prince of Asturias
    5. Chapter V: Budget of the Royal Family
    6. Chapter VI: Secretaries of State and Office
    7. Chapter VII: Council of State
  5. Part V
  6. Part VI
  7. Part VII
  8. Part VIII: National Military Force
  9. Title IX: Public Instruction
  10. Title X: Enforcement and Amendment of the Constitution

Content from Article 1 to Article 384 follows the structure outlined above. Due to length constraints, the full text of these articles is not included here.