Constitutions & Regency in 19th Century Spain: A Political Overview

Constitutions Without Consensus in 19th Century Spain

The political landscape during the reign of Isabella II was marked by a series of constitutions imposed by successive governments.

3.1 The Royal Statute of 1834

When Maria Cristina served as regent, she adhered to the following principles:

  • The crown relinquished sovereignty but yielded some power to the courts.
  • The monarch could not legislate without the courts’ proposal, but the monarch summoned the courts. This system is known as shared sovereignty.
  • Bicameral courts were established, reminiscent of the ancien régime, with representation for the nobility and bishops. The rest of the population was represented in the Establishment of Attorneys.

3.2 The Constitution of 1837

Liberals, in power since the Constituent Cortes, drafted the Constitution of 1837. More moderate than the Cadiz Constitution and the Royal Statute, it sought a compromise between major parties for political stability. Key features include:

  • It retained the principle of national sovereignty, separation of powers, and recognition of individual rights from the 1812 Constitution.
  • It recognized a decisive role for the crown, partially offset by expanded court functions.
  • It maintained a bicameral Congress of Deputies (directly elected by census suffrage) and a Senate (appointed by the monarch).
  • It allowed the monarch to dissolve the courts, potentially leading to frequent government changes.
  • It was not confessional, declaring that the religion of Spain was no longer exclusively Catholic.

3.3 The Constitution of 1845

The moderate government of 1844 reformed the 1837 Constitution, resulting in the more conservative 1845 Constitution. Changes included:

  • Sovereignty resided jointly in the Courts and the Crown.
  • Citizenship rights were regulated.
  • Catholicism was declared the official religion of Spain.
  • Senators could be directly appointed by the monarch, favoring the aristocracy.
  • Suffrage was restricted, with increased income requirements for voters and candidates.
  • The power to call elections resided solely with the monarch.
  • The National Militia was abolished.

3.4 The Constitution of 1856

Under a progressive government in 1854, further changes were introduced:

  • Popular sovereignty was recognized.
  • The Senate was elected by the same procedure as the Congress of Deputies.
  • Progressive demands were incorporated, including the National Militia, direct election of mayors, and freedom of the press.

However, the lack of applicability of the 1856 Constitution demonstrates the absence of consensus.

4. The Regency (1833-1843)

4.1 Transition and Liberal Revolution (1833-1839)

: Maria Cristina de Borbon had assumed the functions of October 1832 regent as q q was a political change was manifested in a government headed estaab Cea Bermúdez, q was oriented towards the liberalism with concrete measures: q-granted amnesty was a return to Europe and the release of prisoners without judging. He changed the army commanders at the major placing a moderate military.-was ordered to reduce or dissolve the realistic volunteer units whose commanders were in the hands of absolutist. were renewed in November-municipalities in the q entered the urban middle classes favored by an electoral system based on census. Cea in October 1833 published a manifesto in defense procalmo q is an absolute monarchy while q offered to improve management through administrative reforms, the manifesto is not happy nor liberals nor alos Carlist. Given the situation prevailing in the January 1834 call Martin de la Rosa man had adkirido q liberal experience in European exile. Many citizens believed Carlos q better safeguard their principles and morals at q Carlism recovery forces were joined by other problems of government, “the bitterness and Carlist war is not won. -the political and economic credit abroad was wavering. -not advancing in the organization of the liberal system. -the fervent liberals tended to be radicalized. The government of Martinez de la Rosa had q to face two opposite oppositions. in May 1835 and closing the courts dimitio.El Count of Toreno was appointed in June 1835 for the chairmanship of a government drive q barely four months, with progressive Mendizabal in the Finance portfolio, in that several events took place perioso q Separated ivan’s conservatism was initiated in 1834, “the decree of dissolution of the monasteries with fewer than twelve religious. -the dissolution of the Society of Jesus in July 1835. -the breaking of relations between the Pope and the Spanish State. Q-the progressive opposition sought a return to the Constitution of 1812, had released back to the revolutionary ation, by the Urban Militia. -the moral and civic discipline Cristino army were greatly affected by the assassination of General Bassa. -was on fire one of the most modern factories in Spain, aconteciemientos hese have been interpreted as a d elos first acts of Luddism or destruction Spanish factory worker.
The government failed to end Toreno Carlism n with the revolutionary situation, the crown entrust power to a radical liberal, Medizabal, agenda underlying all efforts to end the war in six months, “decree isolation hundred thousand men . -prepare the foreign legion auxiliary to enhance the regular army. -National Militia reorganized under the name National Guard. -the need especialemnte raised money for the expenses of war, had all paid for with public debt q q partly ensured with disentailed church property. This plan failed, the war is not won in six months and lasts four more years as a sustained conflict. The preogresista tried again in 1836 the political change through the delivery, Maria Cristina gave new vigor to the Constitution of 1812 and I hope progressives power with Calatrava and Mendizabal. named in the ruling Queen trs years Carians moderate governments, cabinets esuvieron dominated by q different events occurred in northern Spain, following the Carlist War. Generals ever had more power and social prestige.
4.2 ESPARTERO, Populist FIRST SPANISH: maria cristina’s situation was very tense, was torn between making public her marriage to Fernando Muñoz or wait aq Espartero submit it as an implied accusation q as the renunciation of regency, coupled with the impossibility dominate the politics and ejercitoesto led to the resignation of Maria Cristina as regetne in October 1840.
Espartero was named president of government and acting regent, suspended the courts to call new elections, the opposition of progressive muxos Espartero never parliamentary majority behind this strange relationship of trust Espartero forces in the village but q in their parliamentary representatives, popular support was based primarily on: “His popularity among the urban lower classes from the Carlist War.national-armed militia, more than half of the men were armed by Espartero. -the Army where he had developed an extensive network of patronage among soldiers, NCOs and officers. Espartero popular hit problems in parts of Spain.Thanks antiforalista government legislation and its support for free trade posed by the English government provoked a backlash in some northern provinces especialemnte in Barcelona. In June 1842 named president without parliamentary support of the general council of ministers Rodil an Ayacucho, had q acer aislameinto against political climate toward cospiracion Espartero and directed from Paris by Narvaez kien military aviation Spanish founded the Order acted with greater success q . Added to this was a new uprising in Barcelona q Espartero bombing, lo q izo him down in support of the military courts see nacional.en produced a strong protest and react Espartero dissolving, since the last weeks of May 1843 ronunciaminetos spread by Spain, the opposition of moderates and progressives asked for the constitutional normality. The revolt in Seville in July 1843 was severe especialemnte xq is a war between regular troops loyal to militias and urban Espartero q already opposed to the ruler, the barcelona movimineto dnde was consolidated in the Supreme Board of Barcelona called before the power vacuum, claimed the authority to dismiss and appoint Espartero Prim minister, a military man. Troops loyal to army defeated Narvaez in battle Espartero q held in Torrejon de Ardoz in July 1843, defeated Espartero vat.
DECADE AND MODERATE 5.LA Two Progressive (1843.1856)
Between July 1843 and May 1844 there is a period of uncertainty among progressive and moderate q have united to defeat Espartero narvaez becomes the new general dominant in the political arena in July 1843 took the chair a progressive, Lopez, remove the unit q Espartero with some measures: “the dissolution of the national militia. -cancellation of the power of the boards. -Removal of members of the Supreme Court opposed q Lagal recognize the new situation. Q The situation took on the vacant regency was the declaration of the coming of age of Elizabeth in November 1843, increased police and created the Civil Guard, Maria Cristina returned to Madrid. narvaez in this situation the government decided to take personal.
MODERATE 5.2 DECADE (1844-1854): q aspects characterize the period are the economic upswing and reforms politicas.administrativas and equality of citizens before the law. Hay q cite its importance: “the consitucion of a unitary legal system, the Law Commission consists of these governments are moderate and it paid off throughout the 19th century. the jury trial was replaced by a tribunal composed of judges prefesionales. -tribuitario system is simplificoo and believe the Spanish Bank of San Fernando. -the laws of provincial and local administration of 1845 and the concentration of political authority of the head. lapuesta-up of the curriculum and Zarate q gil shall collect essentially the Moyano Law of 1857. post-reforms and the tariffs. “Bravo Murillo try a bureaucracy more efficient through a decree of 1852 officers. -relations with the Holy See, the Concordat of 1851 was the culmination of negotiations begun several years ago.