Construction Plan Essentials: A Detailed Overview
Part Graphic: Plan of Construction
Number of planes in which one tries to define as precisely as possible all those elements and data we need to carry out the work. You have to supplement previously made memories. There are two types:
- A. Describe the work.
- B. Executives: that the work is constructed and what elements should lead this work.
Within the specification (A) find the location map, location, layout, marking, and surfaces.
- Location map: Map will appear in the area in which we work.
- Map location: Will appear in the limits measures, measures of the streets, the names of plants etc.
- Staking plan: Are flat complex and very important, because its function is to provide the information necessary to enable us to place within the confines of the different elements that define the work. We will have a horizontal position of a point and its height or altitude. The more complex the work, but we have stakeout points.
- Bounding plane and surfaces: Those that attempt to describe the form that will take our polygon drawing is dimensioned drawings that define the elements that will shape the development of our development. Dimensions are defined certain streets, blocks, and plots.
- Level of use: It is to establish and differentiate the sites with their characteristic uses, i.e. residential areas noted, rotational, and areas that are public spaces. Within these applications can specify the subdivisions that may exist in municipal law.
- For example: Residential Use: single family homes (detached, semi-detached, isolated), housing colectita (blocks closed blocks, block, open block).
- Implementation Plan: Those who try to define the construction of all necessary infrastructures for the development of the site.
1. Road Network
The nomenclature is usually C1, C2 or V1, V2. We start with the typical sections of the edges of the different streets (there are dimensional characteristics of each of the paved roads). After constructive details of the ways: emphasizing the materials that build the streets. It is not the whole entire section to the same scale but noted key significant points. Then, the walkways: anticipate the expansion joints, defining the elements of the pavement, and so on.
2. Sewer Law and Sanitation
The set of pipes and complementary elements as a function that have the evacuation of rainwater and wastewater, the contributions of river water flows are intermittent being included in an urbanized area of 50-200 times higher than those for the average household wastes, commercial and industrial. Be distinguished when the network perform two types of systems: unitary and separate. The unitary which is designed to that black or white water we spent together in the same separate is that channel. The separate is that found in a different channel for each type of water. Highlighting the way that sewerage works, water circulation is by severity. The preferred layout is that that be that long before pumping. To design this facility, it is necessary to know the profiles of the streets, there that considered together with the design of the roads and the definition of their longitudinal profiles and the ground, the choice of evacuation system and the senses is trying to bring each other. This network is usually placed at the center of the street (if the street is <20 m). In very broad streets should make two. It is necessary to give a deep minimum distance to place the pipe, that and cars and traffic exert pressure and can blow up the pipes. To make these pipes are often used concrete pipe spinning and others are PVC. The boards must not let the water. Each separate parcel must have its own rush to connect to the municipal network. When joining two pipes are joined by a concrete manhole, PVC or brick and whose minimum angle of connections is > 90 and when the stage is 20m should be done well and has a key to unlock sewers in each well. Should do a study of cross sections of the street where there are well.
- Prominence Wells – Are used to make a jump at the junctions, as a result of a well pipe to reach different heights.
- Spillways – They are elements that are placed when we accumulate a lot of water in a pipe. Is usually placed in the final parts of the networks.
- Chambers discharge – Is usually placed at the head of each one of the sections or networks. Clean water is introduced to clean up fecal excess water.
- Sump scupper siphon (culvert) – Avoid smells facility is run outside.