Construction Regulations 2014: Management Roles
Occupational Health and Safety Act, 83 of 1995
Construction Regulations 2014
Management and Supervision of Construction Work (CR8)
8. (1) A principal contractor must, in writing, appoint one full-time competent person as the construction manager with the duty of managing all the construction work on a single site, including the duty of ensuring occupational health and safety compliance. In the absence of the construction manager, an alternate must be appointed by the principal contractor.
(2) A principal contractor must, upon having considered the size of the project, in writing, appoint one or more assistant construction managers for different sections thereof: Provided that the designation of any such person does not relieve the construction manager of any personal accountability for failing in his or her management duties in terms of this regulation.
(3) Where the construction manager has not appointed assistant construction managers as contemplated in sub-regulation (2), or, in the opinion of an inspector, a sufficient number of such assistant construction managers have not been appointed, that inspector must direct the construction manager in writing to appoint the number of assistant construction managers indicated by the inspector, and those assistant construction managers must be regarded as having been appointed under sub-regulation (2).
(4) No construction manager appointed under sub-regulation (1) may manage any construction work on or in any construction site other than the site in respect of which he or she has been appointed.
(5) A contractor must, after consultation with the client and having considered the size of the project, the degree of danger likely to be encountered, or the accumulation of hazards or risks on the site, appoint a full-time or part-time construction health and safety officer in writing to assist in the control of all health and safety related aspects on the site: Provided that, where the question arises as to whether a construction health and safety officer is necessary, the decision of an inspector is decisive.
(6) No contractor may appoint a construction health and safety officer to assist in the control of health and safety related aspects on the site unless he or she is reasonably satisfied that the construction health and safety officer that he or she intends to appoint is registered with a statutory body approved by the Chief Inspector and has the necessary competencies and resources to assist the contractor.
(7) A construction manager must, in writing, appoint construction supervisors responsible for construction activities and ensuring occupational health and safety compliance on the construction site.
(8) A contractor must, upon having considered the size of the project, in writing, appoint one or more competent employees for different sections thereof to assist the construction supervisor contemplated in sub-regulation (7), and every such employee has, to the extent clearly defined by the contractor in the letter of appointment, the same duties as the construction supervisor: Provided that the designation of any such employee does not relieve the construction supervisor of any personal accountability for failing in his or her supervisory duties in terms of this regulation.
(9) Where the contractor has not appointed an employee as contemplated in sub-regulation (8), or, in the opinion of an inspector, a sufficient number of such employees have not been appointed, that inspector must instruct the employer to appoint the number of employees indicated by the inspector, and those employees must be regarded as having been appointed under sub-regulation (8).
(10) No construction supervisor appointed under sub-regulation (7) may supervise any construction work on or in any construction site other than the site in respect of which he or she has been appointed: Provided that if a sufficient number of competent employees have been appropriately designated under sub-regulation (7) on all the relevant construction sites, the appointed construction supervisor may supervise more than one site.
Regulation 8(1): The construction manager must demonstrate competency in relation to the work being performed and the ability to manage construction work, which may include making all statutory appointments in terms of health and safety.