Content Management Systems: Structure, Components, and Implementation

CMS – Content Management System (CMS – Content Management Systems)

is a system manager <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Websites> websites, which includes tools to create, manage (edit and insert) content <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Tempo_real> real time, without the need for programming code <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Programa%C3%A7%C3%A3o> <http : / / pt.Wikipedia.Org / wiki / C% C3% B3digo>
Whose goal is to structure and facilitate the creation, administration <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Administra%C3%A7%C3%A3o>, distribution, publication and availability of information. Example of SGCs: Drupal, Joomla, WordPress <http://www.Portal2web.Com.Br/software-livre/drupal-x-joomla-x-wordpress-qual-o-melhor-cms.Html>, Moodle <http : / / / wiki / Moodle>, <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/OpenCMS> OpenCMS, Plone, Xoops and Mambo (CMS)
http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Mambo_% 28CMS% 29 How does a CMS?
The operation is divided into two parts: The front-end and back-end.


The front end is where the user can change the site without losing sight of the layout of the site, that is, where you can only edit content. You can manage text, images, videos which are common articles or news.
The back-end – is the area of administration where the only access people with special permissions to login. In this area there is a set of tools that help in creating and managing site content, such as publishing and adding new modules, components and other uses of the site.

What is done by a GSC? Components and Modules. Components –

Components are applications. They add functionality to your Joomla administration, such as image galleries, dynamic creation of forms, ecommerce, calendars, organization directories, forums, chat services, blogs, newsletters, banner advertising systems, etc..Then, when you want to add some functionality to your site, you can probably install both the component and a module. When you add a component, you will see under the Components menu, and when you’re in that menu, you will see a new set of admin pages designed to help you specify the features of that component.


Have the task of performing small component functions, but can also be independent. Are executed automatically when the page loads.
Modules are simple plug-ins that present information on their website.
Menus are modules. Polls are modules. Login form is a module. Modules can be added to the positions and will appear in your site. Examples of modules: a menu, a calendar, shopping cart, a login form, a gallery of images, etc..

How to organize a Web site?

Sections, Categories, and Content. Sections are large containers. They harbor the category, which harbor the Content. All text and images that you want to appear on a page is a Content. The only requirement is that you can not create content without having a forum or category to put it.
Implementing a CMS is used: A web server, a database manager database and programming language.

Web Server –

a server is a computer or software that provides services to a network of computers <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Rede_de_computadores>.
It is responsible for storing pages of a particular<http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Site> site, ordered by customers via browsers <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Browser>.

Example: Apache Database –
is a storage system based on computer data, whose goal is to record and maintain information considered relevant to the Organization.

Manager database or DBMS –

It is the administration interface of the database, using this software you can make additions, changes and queries data in the database.
Examples: <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/PostgreSQL> PostgreSQL, MySQL <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/MySQL>, Oracle <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/ Oracle>, SQL-Server <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/SQL-Server>.

Programming languages:

It is a set of syntactic and semantic rules used to define a computer program <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Programa_de_computador>. A language enables a programmer to specify precisely which data on one computer will act as the data will be stored or transmitted and what actions should be taken under various conditions.


PHP, ASP, JAVA http://www.Frihost.Com/forums/vt-78403.Html PHP – PHP is a programming language specific domain <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/w/ index.Php? Programming_language title =% C3% A7% C3% A3o_de_dom% C3% ADnio_espec% C3% ADfico & action = edit & redlink = 1>, ie, its scope extends to a playing field that is developing web <http:/ / pt.Wikipedia.Org / wiki / Desenvolvimento_web>.
Is a markup language that can be read by software, and integrate with other languages. Can you describe, exchange, store and manipulate structured data. Its focus is the manipulation of data to the Internet.


Is a markup language <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Linguagem_de_marca%C3%A7%C3%A3o> used to produce web pages <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/P % C3% A1gina_web>.
HTML documents are composed of tags or labels and can be interpreted by browsershttp://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Navegador.


Is a reformulation of the markup language <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Linguagem_de_marca%C3%A7%C3%A3o> HTML <http: / / pt.Wikipedia.Org / wiki / HTML>, based on XML <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/XML>. Combines with <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Tag> HTML markup with the rules of XML. This process of standardization is aimed at displaying Web pages <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Web> in several devices (TV <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Televis% C3% A3o >, palm <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Palm>, mobile <http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Celular>, etc.). His intention is to improve the accessibility http://pt.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Acessibilidade. XHTML can be read by any device, regardless of platform used, because the markings have semantic meaning for the machines. HTML can not implement this. However, there are many differences between HTML and XHTML.

Logic programming –

logical sequence to achieve particular type of goals within a certain s rules based on mathematical logic and are then adapted to the programming language used by the programmer to build your software.

An algorithm is a finite set of rules that provides a sequence of operations to solve a specific problem

An important factor is that there may be more than one algorithm to solve a problem. For example, to go from home to work, I can choose different means of transport in terms of price, comfort, speed, etc.. The choice will depend on the criterion that best suit our needs. In other words, you can determine several solutions to the same problem.

Nature Algorithm –

The algorithms are expressed D irect in natural language. Conventional Flow – This is a graphical representation that employs standard geometric shapes to indicate the various actions that must be performed and decisions to be taken to solve the problem. Pseudo-languageEmploys an intermediate language between natural language and a programming language to describe the algorithms. Example of a pseudo-language: Pascal, Portuguese structured.

Data Types What types of data handled by computers?

NumericalD ados literal or alpha-numeric, d ados logical. Numerical data: Data literal numbers or alpha-numeric:Are the character sets, also called string. Letters, punctuation characters, digits (numbers with value and not up xtual numeric value. Former paragraph of the apartment is 78. [78 digit numeric value is ñ, ñ is no algebraic operation performed upon him] is represented as a purely textual , and a text can be composed of numbers, letters, punctuation characters and various symbols)Logical data – are called Boolean data. Such data have only two values: true or false. Generally used by a computer algorithm determines when a moment of decision. Ex: It’s raining. True or False? If it is raining then seek umbrella.If it is raining open the door and exit.
ARIABLES v What is a variable?
Is uma body where it stores a value, a data or information. They can be classified in various ways
Variable 10 = Note 1 Note 2
Variable Variable = 10Note 3
Variable Whole Notes = 30 Here I created variables Notes 1, 2 and 3.
of these variables (Note) stores a corresponding value information. I also created the variable Total of notes and put it alnformation that is the result of adding the notes 1, 2 and 3. Variable Types – (same definition of data types mentioned above)
Number: A variable that stores data of numbers. Some pseudo-code segment this type of variable in real world, ie datareal numbers (with decimals) and integers.
two values True or False.

Array is an array?

is a variable that holds multiple values. Technically says that: array is a set of memory locations or variables of the same typeyou enter an index r th, starting at the zero position. A common variable can be compared to a box that holds an object. An array can be compared to a set of boxes on a shelf, where it can hold various objects. Some compare a variable common to a house and an array to a multi-storey building.Example: Variable common position on the grid = 1 Array: Positions on the grid = 1, 2, 3, 4 … NOTE: The array always starts with position 0, this means that the first value will be in position 0, the second at position 1, the third in position 2 and so on. nterface – is what’s between the man and the program. The communication between man and system. The surface that allows interaction between both sides. Dynamic Interface –
An interface
Static is one that is not automatically changed by a system of direct intervention needs to be updated. The interface dynamics, differently, get your data automatically, the update happens dynamically through a system designed for this, no need for any intervention on the screen or scale the content. It is said that a dynamic interface is the one likely to change through a system manager.