Countries, Wars, and Historical Facts
Capitals and Languages
Capitals: Canada (Ottawa), New Zealand (Wellington), USA (Washington D.C.), Australia (Canberra).
Languages: Canada (English and French), New Zealand (English and Maori), USA and Australia (do not have any official language, although English is the de facto language).
Heads of State and Government
Presidents: Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Thomas Jefferson, Lincoln, Taylor.
Head of State (New Zealand, Australia, Canada): Queen Elizabeth II
The Commonwealth
What is the Commonwealth? Accordingly the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Pakistan and Ceylon hereby declare that they remain united as free and equal members of the Commonwealth of Nations, freely co-operating in the pursuit of peace, liberty and progress.
Key Historical Events
When did the USA become an INDEPENDENT country? 4th July 1776.
US Amendments
- 13th: Prohibition of slavery or involuntary servitude
- 19th: People can vote, no discrimination by sex
- 18th: (supposed increase of crime and political corruption, and the Organized Crime Syndicate was created)
World Wars
When did the two WORLD WARS take place?
World War I
World War I: 1914-1918 allies (UK, France, Russia USA) Vs Central Power (Germany, Austro-Hungary, Ottoman Empire).
World War II
World War II: 1939-1945 Allies ( UK, France, Russia, US) Vs Axis (Germany, Italy, Japan)
Other Conflicts
When did the VIETNAM WAR take place? 1955-1975 intervención militar pa evitar el avance del comunismo.
Civil War: 1861-1865: N presionan al S pa acabar esclavitud, xo stos no kieren xk necesitan mano de obra barata.
Cold War: 1947-1991 Communism, US vs USSR, xk los dos paises kerian ser el más fuerte del mundo.
Korean war: 1953 North (communist, China) South (prooccidental, EEUU: With Hunt, Black list)
When the U.S. did declare war on GREAT BRITAIN? It took place in the war of 1812
US Flags
Flags: 1º 1777 13,13/ 2º 1795 15,15 (hymn), 3º 1960 50,13.
Other Wars
Mexican-American War: 1846-1848. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
Seven Years War: 1756: luchan x los territorios en el continente americano New France. Treaty of Paris 1763.
Guerra de la Independencia: 1775-1783: declaración de la Independencia publicada por T.Jefferson 1776. Treaty of Paris 1783 (America es una nación)
Early Settlements
1st settlement, where and when: John Smith in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.
US Independence War
G. Independencia: The War of Independence of the United States was a conflict that faced the thirteen original British colonies in North America against the Kingdom of Great Britain. It occurred between 1775 and 1783, ending with the British defeat at the Battle of Yorktown and the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
Australian Native Animals
Native animals of Australia: kangaroo, emu, koala, Tasmanian devil.
Federal Government
Federal Government: The federal government of the United States is the national government of the constitutional republic of the fifty states that is the United States of America. The federal government is composed of three distinct branches of government: a legislative, an executive and a judicial branch. These branches and their distinct powers are outlined in the U.S. Constitution.
US Presidents and Writers
1st president USA: first president of UUEE Jonh Hanson
2 USA writers 19th century: USA writers XIX: Edgar Allan Poe, Henry David Thoreau.
Civil Rights
Rights: Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks
Watergate Scandal
Watergate scandal, who?: The Watergate scandal was a political scandal in the United States that occurred in 1972 during the term of Richard Nixon, which culminated in the indictment of some advisors very close to the president, and with his own resignation on August 8, 1974.
Australian Animals
What animals – I don’t know where – Australia: sheeps
Social Groups in Australia
Social groups in Australia:
Declaration of Independence
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence: Thomas Jefferson
The Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation: The Stolen Generations (also known as child theft) were the children of Australian Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders who were separated from their families by Australian Federal and State government agencies and church missions, in the acts of their respective parliaments. The transfer occurred in the period between approximately 1869 and 1969, although in some places, children were still being taken in the 1970s.
Early Canada
1st settlement in Québec.
Tribes: Iroquoiqns and Algenquians who provided themselves with furs (beaver) and fish.
1791 Constitutional Act: Upper population (British) Lower population (French, east)
Economy: fish, furs, wood and cereal agriculture.
1850 Railway system: causes the disappearance of the buffaloes.
1886 the railroad reaches Vancouver.
Governor: Lord Durham
1841 Act of Union
1857 Ottawa is named capital.
1 of 1867 Canada Day (Constitution Act) Confederation.
Empire: Commonwealth