COVID-19 Impact: Health, Hospitals & Dermopharmacy

COVID-19 Vocabulary and Impact

COVID-19 has significantly altered our lives. Strict measures were implemented to prevent infection. One of the first measures was the lockdown, restricting us to our homes except for essential needs. Social distancing became crucial to minimize contagion, and wearing a mask became mandatory, a new everyday accessory whenever we went outside. The situation was overwhelming for everyone. Despite everything, it has also helped us to make the best of ourselves and learn.

  • Lockdown (confinamiento): A period in which people are not allowed to leave their homes or travel freely because of a dangerous disease.
  • Surreal: Beyond what is real or believable.
  • Key worker: Someone whose job is essential to a particular situation.
  • Furlough (despido temporal): A usually temporary layoff from work.
  • Overwhelming: Very intense.
  • Social distancing: The attempt to keep people as far apart as possible to limit the spread of germs.
  • Distract: To pull a person’s attention in another direction.
  • Make the best of something: To try to be positive about a situation you dislike but cannot change.
  • Mask (mascarilla): A covering, often of wire or gauze, worn over all or part of the face for protection.
  • Curfew (toque de queda): A regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specified hours, typically at night.

Mental Health During COVID-19

Mental health is essential for all of us; we must take care of it. When our mental health is good, we feel happy and well. It’s important to care for our own mental health and support others. When someone experiences anxiety, stress, or bipolar disorder, their mental health is suffering. Because of its importance, we should prioritize our mental wellbeing and seek help from a qualified psychologist if needed.

  • Health: A person’s mental and physical condition; a measure of wellbeing.
  • Mental Distress (angustia mental): The emotional response to daily challenges that results in thoughts, feelings, and actions. Mental distress can signal a person to develop or use coping strategies.
  • Mental Health: A person’s emotional wellbeing affecting thoughts, feelings, and actions.
  • Mental Health Problems: Stronger or more intense emotional responses to significant life challenges. Help and support from a trusted adult may be needed.
  • Mental Illness: Extreme difficulty or changes in thoughts, feelings, and actions that persist and interfere with daily activities. This is a medical condition requiring diagnosis and treatment from a qualified professional.
  • Mental Wellbeing: Being able to handle the stressful and unexpected events of daily life, managing thoughts, feelings, and actions positively.
  • Stress: Feeling worried or uneasy about something.
  • Stressor: The event or circumstance causing stress.
  • Anxiety disorder: Feeling extremely afraid, worried, or uneasy about a situation or thing. These feelings are intense enough to interfere with daily activities.
  • Bipolar disorder: A mood disorder causing extreme mood swings from an extremely happy or “up” mood (mania) to an extremely sad, overwhelmed, or “down” mood (depression). These swings are far more extreme than typical teenage ups and downs.

Hospital Care and Terminology

A hospital is a healthcare center providing various medical services. These services include surgical operations, recovery stays, treatments, research, and medical education. Hospital staff must treat patients and address their needs, fostering trust and making them feel comfortable. These medical centers are vital for society, maintaining our well-being.

  • Swollen knee: Rodilla hinchada
  • Bruised shoulder: Hombro magullado
  • Burnt hand: Mano quemada
  • Bandage: Vendaje
  • Sling: Cabestrillo
  • Cast: Yeso
  • Crutches: Muletas
  • Injection: Inyección
  • Stitches: Puntos de sutura
  • Maternity ward: Sala de maternidad

Dermopharmacy: Skin Care and Advice

Dermopharmacy is a pharmacy specialization focusing on the study and production of dermocosmetic products. Its goal is to advise users on cosmetic products, their characteristics, and their applications. Traditional dermopharmacy products address skin care comprehensively. For noticeable imperfections or anomalies, such as post-surgical scars, it offers products to improve the skin’s appearance. People visit pharmacies seeking solutions, and pharmacists must understand and address their needs.

  • Goosebumps: Piel de gallina, escalofríos
  • Nail: Uña
  • Thickness: Grosor
  • Sweat: Sudor
  • Layer: Capa
  • Gland: Glándula
  • Sunburn: Quemadura de sol
  • Ultraviolet rays: Rayos ultravioleta
  • Suntan: Bronceado
  • Sunscreen: Crema protectora