Crafting Effective Reports: Executive, Released, and Qualitative
Relevant for which demand is sought.
The result is a lightweight report regarding its length and complexity, and very easy to adapt to and schematic graphic formats (such as PowerPoint presentations or similar programs).
The Executive Report
It’s a sophisticated version of the technical report. Its main features are simplified and immediacy, will place special emphasis on recommendations that emerged from the results, proposing concrete actions to implement the resolution of a problem. Eg reports in the field of marketing, public policy, economics, etc.
His presentation is sophisticated as in the technical report, we must consider both reports are in the field of market decisions and political leadership.
The Released Report
Coincides with calls and press releases is host to various media, and the frequent readers. This report contains a summary form the most salient and striking results of the investigation (not usually exceed more than one page and uses a format very similar to newspaper reports), focusing mainly on the results show, leaving a background or omitting all kinds of technical and methodological specifications. Eg Increased cardio-respiratory diseases in women as a result of increased consumption of snuff.
The report must maintain a certain unity and internal consistency in the logical exposition of results and that much of the credibility of qualitative research focuses on the lack of contradictions and loose threads when concrete responses. While the inconsistency in results analysis Quantitative considered an interesting question, something deeper, the report becomes qualitative disbelief and reason for distrust to the entire investigation.
In the qualitative report should not omit information related to the following contexts:
A / The Context of Field Work:
This section not only must include the location and the time it is performed is between such and such a date but also how it has developed, especially with all the information on the stability of the information reAliza. It should include the behavior of the observers and the particular circumstances in which the observation was the product they are planning, or failing or unforeseen accidents which were not taken into account. Issues as diverse and critical as the number of monitors and settings, if the observation protocols or frameworks used were the same for everyone, if they met the objectives of the investigation, if it performed a data quality control and especially regarding your registration and further processing, if there was any bias or relevant reaction to be considered during the observation, such as conducting interviews in a neutral place, the refusal to be recorded when a conversation, etc.
B / The Context of the Study Population:
The information we obtained and included in the report deals with the details of the samples the middle or the circumstances under which they were derived. The samples in qualitative studies are not statistically representative, ie are based from the profiles defining criteria of the samples in terms of the social structure of the population studied and research objectives. It is important to clearly identify what the source population, the selection process that allowed to obtain and the circumstances under which they were selected. This process should include the characteristics and circumstances of the population studied and the janitors or persons who undertook to introduce the researcher in the population, ie the way in which it comes into contact with people, situations where contacts occurred, problems that arise from the contacts, and more. This is to make known this has been the behavior of the population at the time of access. Your references may be included along the entire report or in the methodological section. (See eg, p. 147 MA Lara and a qualitative study on drug use in a school belonging to a delegation of southern Mexico City, La Magdalena Contreras).
The qualitative report must contain all information related to the context in which research was performed and the risks do not become a science fiction story.