Crisis and Transformation: Spain’s 19th Century

CRISI of the Bourbon monarchy = carlos VIdeclara the war of 1793-1795 wars failed 1799las Manuel Godoy Napoleon allied confrontation with Britain AUTHORIZE A French army to attack aportugal-Aranjuez-riot forced the resignation of the minister and the king abdicated -Napoleon-cconvoco to carlosIV and afernandoVIII where they did appoint Joseph Bonaparte King of Spain WAR OF INDEPENDENCE = on May 2, 1808 the people of Madrid is facing French troops volvioo this popular, together with s secretary met together to decide things and guerrillas to harass French alos .. 1812 Russia forced his army to anapoleon adesplazarr akel country. In 1813 the campaign is aayudada and signed the treaty in the k Valencay Fernando (gets the crown and Napoleon withdrew his troops)
CORTES OF CADIZ = the territory was not occupied x the French and met the owners to arrange new laws to abolish the old regime for it to disappear.
restoration of absolutism = fernandoVII arrived in Spain in 1812. Liberals are liberals and absolutists Monarka swear to K the CONSTITUTION in 1812 and restored k They asked absolutist absolutism and repeal all legislation. The king coup momentum, closing the courts, override the Constitution and while there was a estauracion k was the feudal system organized with the support of liberals aunke the mayri pronouncements were repressed and leaders:

Liberal =

1820-1823 is Trien ignaguro the liberal
Triene in 1812 the king attacked the constitution and the courts attacked many of the reforms and so it created the National MILISIA Ferdinand VII wanted to restore absolutism and the liberals defeated him the holy alianzay hundred thousand children san luis asii replenished afernando VII BANKRUPTCY OF THE ABSOLUTE =


1823-1833 was followed by a repression

HAD: poor economic war with the French xla INDISPENSABLE: tax reform forced privileged alos acontribuir their taxes and were defenders of absolutism


Ferdinand died his daughter Elizabeth was heir Don Carlos defended their rights and the mother of Isabel Maria crsitina seeking support, advocates began a Civil War had defenders were supporters of the former regime and the k Taban had conglomerates k were the Elizabethans. Defns the throne and the privileges only cared wing .. Monarchy, nobility and courtly Carlism clashed after 7 years and its most important sources were the ((Basque Country, Navarra, Catalonia, Aragon, Valencia)) failed Carlists oscupar these countries and the Carlist War ended and continuooo wing all k nineteenth century was called the Convention of Vergara.
REFORMS PROGRESSIVE = ay two reforms: the progressive and want to dismantle the structure and the moderates who are the supporters of the MARIA limited reforms an urge the formation of the Liberal government and the Cablecar 1835-1837 (lberal solution has introduced the liberal regime with a set of laws and decree devinculacion it suppresion of internal customs posts and extinction of the guilds. And the constitution of 1837 recognized the sovereignty and national military rightsRegency ace ESPARTERO =
Espartero 188,843 regent resigns and the Bandstand xk msyoria courts advance the age of Elizabeth II and she was named queen.
DECADA MODERATE 1843-1863 = moderate liberal in the party is against the government with the support of monarkia with 2 features the conservative and centralist this census suffrage is called the Army continues to influence and all the power Kerian. Abia a new regimen (aristocracy, church, conservative bourgeoisie) these three powerful groups accepted the new order as k Kerian were away the power of progress and popular ((ACTION GOERNA = IN THE CONSTITUTION OF 1845 established the restricted suffrage shared sovereignty between the Bandstand and the king signed the concordat k confecional shaping the state and strengthened the civil govierno and Navarre.


1854 military triumph of Vicalvaro supported by Colonel from 1854-1856 trying donnell restore constitutional rule in 1837 and pursued economic reforms of 1856 a1868 last stage of Isabel II was alternating between power little by little moderate and liberal union. There were also new policies the Democrats and Republicans Sexenio DEMOCRATIC = is trying to recover the constitution of democratic regime and 8sufragio principles are universal, political rights, social reform) and for further progress in equality (tax reform, public education) REVOLUTION OF 68 = in 66 abia crisi economica in (agriculture, industrial, financial) when sublema k are proogresistas Unionists and Democrats are united ostende form the pact and are based on the democratization and economic recovery. MONARKIA DEMOCRATIC = at 69 the government seeks to European king in the dynasty and the elected fu k konta almadeo of Savoy with moderates laoposicion iglesista Chartists and the king was 2 types of conflict one was the insurrection of the islands of Cuba and other new Carlist wars in 72. K to end in 73 Amadeo kedo with the throne.


E General Martinez Campos 74 proclaimed king Alfonso de Borbon of Spain with all its restorations returned SYSTEM CANOVA = k were divided into 2 types of parties (Conservative .. Iva in defense of the church and social order and the Liberal k was in a democratic reformism and another one was SOCIAL LAY.) these were significant in 76 games helping Belize X Na pacification Carlist wars alternation = alternavan conservatives and liberals in the military controlling the Spanish political party cojido teia k be the king and most important was to win national elections they had 2movimientos = cntralizados states and uniformity (CATALONIA,: claims BASQUE languages and cultures,: k protests prayers party kulminan GALICIA: cultural movement with little repercursion)
CRISIS 98 = in 95 insurrection in Cuba acer disability reforms and reduce economic control-in 98 USA declares war on Spain beating Spain luegoo 3 colonies (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines) and everything from rabies and wound up ending (Cacique and CORRUPTION)