Cultural Role of Public Authorities & Solidarity Principle

The Cultural Role of Public Authorities

The history of the state as cultural promoters goes far back in time and has evolved with a result that enables now speak of the existence of a new function of government: the “cultural experience”.

The cultural role of public authorities in the State of Culture’s mission is to allow, once the culture is guaranteed to self-determination, can effectively reach everyone.

The Principle of Solidarity

The backbone of cultural pluralism from the actions of the government also respects the rules that are not imposed but that appeal to the convergence of minds and to act fairly and collaboration between state and regional governments in so-called “principle of solidarity” whose function is to penalize a legal duty of responsibility of all units in the system as a set plural, yet harmonious and fair. The principle of solidarity is the link that connects all the necessary unity of all different with the autonomy of its parts. The EC takes this principle as one of the nuclear state. Ideas related to solidarity are the loyalty and cooperation, so that the principle of solidarity as the principle framework derived in turn the duties of loyalty and cooperation.

In its essentially axiological aspect, the principle of solidarity has a content general minimum as “cultural loyalty” as embodied in a duty of good faith, noble conduct against the rules of the system, in developing their skills in the field of culture, in order not to hinder normal operation as a whole harmonic. In its operational side, the principle of solidarity appears as a “duty of cooperation” between the state and regional government, which technically takes the form of relief actions, cooperation and coordination. In international law this principle had an early consecration in relation to cultural minorities during the term of the League of Nations.

The Beginning of Progress of Culture

Ensuring the free existence of culture does not ensure its enjoyment by all and its harmonious development. The equal enjoyment of culture by individuals, the need to counteract social selfishness and free culture of the roughness of the market economy, allow us to understand who is also a principle of State for Culture of development, or words of the EC on “cultural progress.”

The principle of cultural progress requires public authorities not only to ensure no public interference in the exercise of the diversity of cultural creation and development of cultural diversity, but also take positive measures of development, in order to cultural assets accessible to all. The public authorities are called by the Constitution in order to perform tasks critical to the cultural development:

  • Should protect and promote access to culture.
  • To guarantee the right to education must make the general education program, build schools, to inspect and approve the educational system and provide free education.
  • In relation to science and research are also called to promote development in the public interest.
  • For the CULTURAL HERITAGE must ensure their preservation and promotion of enrichment.
  • Should ensure many other provisions in relation to culture: to facilitate access to education for prisoners, promote health education, physical education and sport, to promote the cultural of senior citizens, promote the education of consumers and users, etc.