Curriculum Areas: Self, Environment, Languages & Objectives

Curriculum Areas: Blocks of Content

Area 1: Knowledge of Self and Personal Autonomy

First Stage

  • Block 1: The awakening of personal identity
  • Block 2: Personal welfare and daily life

Second Cycle

  • Block 1: The body and image
  • Block 2: Game and movement
  • Block 3: Activity and daily life
  • Block 4: Personal care and health

Area 2: Knowledge of the Environment

First Cycle

  • Block 1: Interaction with the physical and natural environment
  • Block 2: Life with others

Second Cycle

  • Block 1: Environment: elements, relationships, and measurement
  • Block 2: Nature
  • Block 3: Culture and approach to life in society

Area 3: Languages: Communication and Representation

First Cycle

  • Block 1: Verbal communication
  • Block 2: Other forms of communication: visual, musical, and physical

Second Cycle

  • Block 1: Verbal language
  • Block 2: Audiovisual language and information technologies and communication
  • Block 3: Artistic language
  • Block 4: Body language

Area 2: Knowledge of the Environment (Objectives)

Observe and actively explore their physical, natural, and social environment, developing a sense of belonging, showing interest in their knowledge, and developing security and autonomy.

Investigate the physical environment by manipulating some of its components, identifying their characteristics, and developing the capacity to act and make changes.

Show interest in the natural environment, observe and recognize animals, plants, elements, and phenomena of nature, experience them, talk about them, and develop attitudes of curiosity.

Know and value the basic components of the natural environment and some of their relations, changes, and transformations, developing attitudes of care, respect, and responsibility for their conservation.

Blocks of Content:

First Stage (0-3 years)

Block 1: Interaction with the Physical and Natural Environment

  • Interest in observing natural elements (earth, water, clouds, etc.) and animals and plants, and discovering some of their features.
  • Identification of some phenomena in the natural environment (day and night, sun, rain…), and establishing relationships with some common situations and activities.
  • Enjoyment and satisfaction when performing outdoor activities and contact with nature, developing attitudes of care.
  • Collaboration in the cleanliness of everyday spaces.

Second Stage (3-6 years)

Block 2: Approach to Nature

  • Identification of living beings and inert matter like the sun, animals, plants, rocks, clouds, or rivers. Assessment of its importance to life.
  • Observation of the incidence of individuals in the natural environment.
  • Detection of some characteristics, behaviors, functions, and changes in living things. Approach to the life cycle, from birth to death. Formulation of speculation on life.
  • Observation, discrimination, and classification of animals and plants. Curiosity, interest, and respect for them.
  • Interest and taste for relations with them, rejecting negative actions, becoming aware of shared assets that should be cared for.
  • Observation of natural phenomena (alternation of day and night, rain…) and assessment of their influence on human life. Formulation of speculation about their causes and consequences.
  • Enjoy activities in contact with nature. Assessment of its importance to health and wellness.
  • Critical view and assessment of positive attitudes regarding nature.