Data Analytics, Marketing, and Research: Key Concepts

1. Web-scraping is an example of: Primary, observation-based automated data collection.

2. Which definition fits the concept ‘customer analytics’ the best? A process by which data from customer behavior is used to help make key business decisions via market segmentation & predictive analytics. This information is used by businesses for direct marketing, site selection, & customer relationship management.

3. In descriptive analytics, measures of dispersion allow the analyst to: Assess how likely it is that a value of a certain variable is an outlier (extreme value) or know which values of a variable are more likely to occur.

4. In Conjoint Analysis, numerical scores that measure how much each attribute level influences the customer’s decision to make that choice are called: Attribute level parts.

5. Sara wants to describe the variable Intention to purchase measured by a “YES/NO” question, she will use: Pie chart.

6. We want to answer this question “Does client loyalty (bronze, silver, gold) is associated with the intention to purchase (YES/NO)?” CHI TEST.

7. We want to know if the packaging color (black, white, brown) affects the intention to purchase our product. Which of the following methodologies will be the best to answer this objective? Survey.

8. When does a company wish to optimize its promotion mix in terms of user engagement on its website, which metric is the most relevant to focus on? ROI.

9. In web analytics, what is meant by a funnel? The mix of traffic channels through which users find their way to your website.

10. While doing a regression analysis, the R2 (coefficient of determination) generally helps answering to the question: What is the quality of the modelization?

11. In regression analysis, the variable that is being predicted is the: Dependent variable.

12. William wants to describe the variable Age measured as a quantitative variable. He will use: Boxplot.

13. When data points in a 2D-scatter plot do not reveal any pattern (points are evenly distributed over the plot area), the correlation coefficient is approximately: 0.

14. A regression in which more than 1 explanatory variable is used to predict the dependent variable is called? A multi regression analysis.

15. In the framework of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), the pursuing of cross-sell activities is an example of: Customer development.

16. Which activity is not associated with CRM? Credit scoring.

17. Is there an association between the number of visits in a store & the number of sales of this store? 2 variables are quantitative. What should we do? A correlation test.

18. In a regression analysis, which of the following statements is true? The development of predictive models to identify the customer at risk of partially or completely leaving the company.

19. What is the 1st step of a typical consumer research process? Define the research objectives.

20. In the PIMAOR framework, R stands for: Repeat.

21. The most ‘central’ (common) value of an ordinal variable is: The mode or median.

22. In the PIMAOR framework, A stands for: Analyze.

23. According to estimates by the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau), which of the following online ad formats has consistently generated the most revenues over the past years? Search.

24. When an analyst uses the variables recency, frequency, & monetary value in a churn prediction model, the regression coefficient estimates will most likely be: Positive for frequency & monetary value, negative for recency.

25. Which type of conjoint analysis is particularly suitable in situations where there are many features & levels by iteratively adjusting the survey? Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis.

26. Which type of conjoint analysis is less scientific, based on simple counts & percentages? Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis.

27. Which type of variable is the number of followers of a companies Instagram account? Interval variable.

28. You want to know if customer loyalty is affected by customer satisfaction & service quality? Customer satisfaction & service quality are the explanatory variables.

29. In an ANOVA Analysis, which of the following statements is true? The explanatory is qualitative.

30. Which of the following item is not true? A regression helps us conclude about the association.

31. Which concept is not a vital element of the Global Data Protection Regulation? The p-value tells us the strength of an association.

32. To do a chi-square test, I must consider that: The 2 variables are qualitative.

33. Interquartile range is a measure of (choose the most appropriate answer): Dispersion.

34. When a company builds a product recommender system to automatically generate relevant product recommendations in its mobile app, this is an example of: Prescriptive analysis.

35. Which a variable has an infinite number of possible values, the value ‘0’ means ‘nothing’, & there is a fixed unit of measurement, this variable is called a: Ratio.

36. In general, which of the following item is not an advantage of using secondary data? Good control of the data quality.

37. Which of the following sentence is not a research objective? Blablacar wants to describe their last month users.

38. In general, which of the following items is not true? Primary data research allows a higher level of control towards methodology & data quality.

39. Using the previous table, please give the correct interpretation: The Taste negatively impacts the intention to purchase.

40. The following table presents the result of an ANOVA between the color of packaging (Black, Brown, White) & the intention to purchase the product. Please give the correct interpretation to the company: Based on this table, the company should adopt the black packaging.

41. If customer A has an RFM score of 50, & customer B has an RFM score of 500, customer B should receive higher priority than customer A.

42. In the formulation of a web analytics measurement plan, what step follows the identification of tactics? Choice of KPIs.

43. A contingency table is: A table that displays the distribution of 1 variable across the categories of another variable.

44. Which variable receives the highest weight in traditional RFM analysis? Recency.

45. The KDD process is a sequence of 5 tasks to transform data into insights/knowledge. Which task is not part of KDD? Database management.

46. RFM analysis is an example of: Heuristic segmentation.

47. We want to answer this question “Does my logo color (blue, green, or red) affect our consumers brand attitude (measured on a scale from 1 to 5)?” ANOVA analysis.

48. Which of the following methods is not quantitative? A series of 10 Individual interviews.

49. To evaluate a regression model, one can consult the R square (R2) (coefficient of determination), since it: Measures the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is explained by the independent variables & is a good indicator of model ‘fit’.

50. In a regression analysis, the number of variables involved are: 2.

51. In a histogram, what is on the vertical axis? Absolute frequency.

52. When a variable has precisely 2 values, the value ‘0’ means ‘nothing’, & there is a logical order that is undisputable, this variable is called a: Dichotomous variable.

53. A web analyst reports the conversion rate of a client’s web shop. In terms of statistics & statistical inference:

The population consists of the website visits, the random variable of interest is conversion rate (number of visits with a purchase divided by the number of visits), & there is no statistic involved since we are not comparing groups.

54. The range is: 3. A data description.

55. Which of these statements is not true? A p-value can go from -1 to +1.

56. What is defined as ‘a field of computer science that gives computer systems the ability to ‘learn’ with data, without being explicitly programmed’? Machine learning.

57. Using the previous table, please give the correct interpretation: The taste negatively impacts the intention to purchase.

58. In a satisfaction survey, the 3rd quartile of the satisfaction of the customers is 11/20.

It means that 75% of the customers have ranked their satisfaction below this score.

59. What must you include when reporting a regression analysis? Regression coefficients β, p-values & coefficient of determination R2.

60. The following table shows the results of a regression analysis between the variable Saltiness & the variable YAM YAM Liking. Which of the following interpretations is not true? The effect is weak.

61. A negative correlation between variable X & Y means: When the value of variable X increases, the value of Y decreases.

62. In general, a quantitative analysis is used to… Measure a consumer attitude and/or behavior.

63. Which of the following statement is not true? When describing 1 qualitative variable, I can use a boxplot.

64. A marketer wishes to investigate how customer demographics & social media interactions impact customer revenue. The most appropriate analytical technique for this purpose would be: Multivariate regression analysis.

65. Which of the following values indicates the greatest strength of relationship for a correlation of coefficient? 0.75.

66. How would you identify the most ‘central’ (common) value of an ordinal variable? The mode or the median.

67. Which statistic is (usually) not visualized on a boxplot? Outliers.

68. A data-driven approach to customer segmentation, whereby homogeneous groups of customers are auto-discovered using a range of variables, is possible through: Cluster analysis (e.g. K-means).

69. When a company runs an A/B test to find out whether mentioning an exact price level instead of a subjective price level (‘cheap’) improves click through rate & online revenue, this is an example of: Exploratory analytics.

70. Please interpret the following tables presenting a correlation between 2 variables AGE & YAM YAM LIKING: Age & YAM YAM Liking are correlated, & the correlation is negative.

71. What is the main benefit of conjoint analysis? When products or services are characterized by multiple features that are considered in the purchase decision, discover the relative importance & preference of features & feature levels.

72. We want to measure people perception’s about the brand Coca Cola: Focus group.

73. The following table shows the results of a regression analysis between the variable Saltiness & the variable YAM YAM Liking. The effect is intermediate → no because intermediate is beta between 0,25 & 0.

74. Which of the following interpretations is not true? p-value is < 0,05 so it’s significant it’s true so you can’t select it.

75. If there is a very strong correlation between 2 variables then the correlation coefficient must be: Closed to 1 or -1.

76. In simple regression analysis, the numbers of variables involved are: 2.

77. Which of the following values indicates the greatest strength of relationship for a correlation of coefficient? -0.85.

78. What is the conventional level of significance typically adopted in marketing? 0.05.

79. The following table shows the description of the variable Shampoo appreciation. Which of the following interpretations is correct? 25% of the sample have ranked the product between 1 & 4.

80. Which of these items is a characteristic of a customer-oriented marketing approach: Maximizing share-of-wallet & CLV.

81. A company wishes to conduct a conjoint analysis related to smartphones & investigate the impact of price, storage memory (in GB), screen size, the presence of a bezelless screen & of a fingerprint sensor. What is the best formulation of attributes & attribute levels (between brackets)?

Price (150-300 EUR, 301-450 EUR, 451-600 EUR), Storage memory (64 GB, 128 GB, 256 GB), Screen size (5 inch, 6 inch, 6.5 inch), Bezelless screen (Yes, No), Fingerprint sensor (Yes, No) +1 +1.

82. Your sister asks you: “what are secondary data?”. Please give her the correct answer: Sister, it is data collected by a researcher from 1st-hand sources (+1+1).

83. What must you include when reporting an ANOVA? Means & p-value.

84. When a logistic regression model to predict customer ad clicks reveals a positive standardized regression coefficient estimate for the variable ‘customer age’, it means that: There is a positive impact of age on the probability to click & the effect might be significant.

85. Which of the following interpretations is correct? 75% between 4 and 5.

86. We’ve made an experiment to test whether the type of message of an ad (with 3 tonalities: Fear, Funny, Neutral) has an effect on the attitude towards the message.

Which of the following interpretations is the best? The type of message has a significant effect on the attitude towards the message.


88. CLOSED TO 1OR-1.

89. Which 1 of the following is NOT the purpose of qualitative research? Measure the amount of an opinion.

90. Which of the following sentence is not a decision problem? The NHS wants to describe preferences for different communication channels.

91. 1 variable can be defined as: An Attribute that describes 1 entity.

92. We want to answer this question “Is there an association between the number of visits in a store & the number of sales of this store?” Correlation test.

93. Not an advantage of secondary data: Having a good control over quality.

94. We want to answer this question “Does my product satisfaction (measured on a scale from 1 to 5) affect my consumer intention to buy the product (measured on a scale from 1 to 5)?”. What should I do? Regression analysis.

95. The chi-square test is: A statistical significance test.


97. In the 4V framework of big data, which 1 of the following is not recognized? Value.

98. In the CRISP-DM framework, which steps follows data preparation? Modeling.

99. A company wishes to conduct a conjoint analysis related to microwave ovens & investigate the impact of price, power (in Watts), the inclusion of a grill function, the presence of a defrost program & whether the device has a traditional versus a full-color LCD display. What is the best formulation of attributes & attribute levels (between brackets)? Price (150-300 EUR, 301-450 EUR, 451-600 EUR), Power (500-750 Watt, 751-1000 Watt, 1001-1250 Watt), Option (Grill, Defrost program, LCD display).

100. An omnichannel retailer wishes to calculate a Net Promoter Score for its brand. Which subdomain of web analytics is most suitable for this task? Attitudinal analytics.

101. When a company consults a Facebook Page Insights report to find out which types of posts generate the most interaction, this is an example of: Diagnostic analytics.

102. Which event does not automatically lead to the recording of a new session/visit when someone returns to a website? 35 minutes inactivity.

103. A marketing researcher has used regression analysis to determine the relationship between number of Facebook page fans (dependent variable) & number of bookings (independent variable) for different country regions. The regression equation is Y = 15002+0.4X. How do you interpret this correctly? For each additional booking, the number of Facebook page fans of the company increases by 0.4.

104. In the formulation of a web analytics measurement plan for the online tactic ‘selling products on our web shop’, which KPI is not relevant: Number of session.

105. In the PIMAOR framework, A stands for Analyze. Which of the following is not 1 of the 6 types of web analytics? Predictive analytics.

International Marketing Concepts

The primary obstacle to success in international marketing is a person’s Self-Reference Criterion (SRC) in making decisions: True.

What is the primary advantage of a wholly owned subsidiary? Control.

A free and competitive marketplace means the government does not interfere with prices: True.

Concerning international marketing which answers are true: All of the above.

PESTEL stands for: Political Economical Social Technical Environmental Legal.

The contractual agreement to implement a business model is called licensing: False – It’s called franchising.

Out of the following entry modes, which one is the easiest and less risky one? Exporting.

Increased standardization may be the result of which of the following: Cultural convergence.

Language is a key factor to take into consideration when doing international marketing: True.

What is the process of applying the same marketing mix to all markets in an international marketing effort? Standardization.

Which type of culture demonstrates high values and positive attitudes towards words? Low context.

Which of the following three activities are found with home-based direct exporting? Built-in department, separate export department, export sales subsidiary.

Traditional advertising media include all of the following EXCEPT: Internet.

Symbolism plays an important role in communication in what type of culture? High context.

Which of the following refers to the process of sending, receiving and interpreting information? Communication.

Changing any component of the marketing mix to better meet the needs of a local market is known as which of the following: Adaptation.

The two primary activities conducted by the public relations department include addressing negative publicity and promoting positive publicity and image-enhancing events: True.

International consumer promotions include all of the following except: Point of purchase displays.

A price discount in the form of a printed or electronic certificate is a: Coupon.

The most recent trend in couponing is the use of: Electronic delivered by mobile phone.

What does sampling encourage? Testing a product.

The most direct interaction with potential customers takes place with this promotion: Trade shows.

PESTEL/PEST/STEEPLE/DESTEP/SPELIT all refer to the same concept of micro-environment: False.

Promoting «reduced fat» for food items uses which method of product positioning? Product attributes.

Which results from emphasizing a unique benefit or component of a product that separates it from competitors? Differentiation.

Language is a key factor to take into consideration when doing international marketing? True.

Which of the following variables does not directly influence product positioning? Product development initiatives.

Which is not a demographic market segment characteristic? Psychographics.

The primary obstacle to success in international marketing is a person’s self-reference criterion (SRC) in making decisions? True.

Profiles of activities, interests and opinions are? Psychographic.

A free and competitive marketplace means the government does not interfere with prices? True.

Out of the following entry modes, which one is the easiest and less risky one? Exporting.

What is the primary advantage of a wholly owned subsidiary? Control.

PESTEL/ PEST/ STEEPLE/ DESTEP/ SPELIT all refer to the same concept of micro environment? False, it’s macro environment.

People with wants and needs, money to spend, and the willingness to spend money on those wants and needs constitute a? Market.

In the STP model, the P stands for? Positioning.

PESTEL stands for? Political Economical Social Technological Environmental Legal.

Concerning international marketing, which answers are true? All of the above.

What is creating perceptions in the minds of consumers about the nature of a company its brands, and its products and services? Positioning.

The contractual agreement to implement a business model is called licensing? False – It’s called franchising.

Which type of consumer generally exhibits a tendency to avoid purchasing foreign produced products? Ethnocentric.

A firm’s marketing mix consists of all of the following except ..? Process.

What is the process of applying the same marketing mix to all markets in an international marketing? Standardization.

Changing any component of the marketing mix to better meet the needs of a local market is known as …? Adaptation.

Increased standardization may be the result which of the following? Cultural convergence.

When an international marketer extends both its product and communication components of the marketing mix, it is said to be using which of the following approaches to adaption? Dual extensions.

Country of origin effects are most likely to occur when a company follows which approach to product and communication adaptation? Dual Extension.

Which of the following is a condition that favors the use of profit-based pricing in international markets? The company operates in a monopolistic environment.

Which of the following is a condition that favors the use of profit-based pricing in international markets? The company operates in a monopolistic environment.

Symbolism plays an important role in communication in what type of culture? High context.

A store which sells only sports wear is considered as …? Specialized store.

When a company uses a strategy of using only a limited number of channel intermediaries in the international program, they are using which of the following? Selective Distribution.

Which of the following is an international marketing strategy that focuses on offering products through only one wholesaler or retailer in a particular market area? Exclusive Distribution.

Which of the following involves a producer or supplier being in charge of marketing to foreign buyers? Direct exporting.

Which of the following three activities are found with home-based direct exporting? Built-in department, separate export department, export sales subsidiary.

A relative large (but less than 2550m2) retail store that carries groceries alongside other types of products is a …? Supermarket.

Which of the following refers to the process, receiving and interpreting information? Communication.

Which type of culture demonstrates high values and positive attitudes towards words? Low context.

Traditional advertising media include all of the following except ..? Internet.

Which type of consumer generally exhibits a tendency to purchasing foreign-produced products? Patriotic.

Which of the following is a condition that favors the use of profit-based pricing in international markets? The company operates in a monopolistic environment.

In the 4P model, a firm’s marketing mix consists of all of the following EXCEPT: Process.

Profiles of activities, interests, and opinions are: Psychographics.

What is creating perceptions in the minds of consumers about the nature of a company, its brands, and its products and services? POSITIONING.

Which metric does NOT tell how much users recommend a product? Virality coefficient.

A relatively large (but less than 2500M2) retail store that carries groceries alongside other types of products is a SUPERMARKET.

Which type of culture demonstrates high values and positive attitudes towards words? Low context.

Traditional advertising media include all of the following except ..? Internet.

Which type of consumer generally exhibits a tendency to purchasing foreign-produced products? Patriotic.

In the 4P model, a firm’s marketing mix consists of all of the following EXCEPT: Process.

Profiles of activities, interests, and opinions are: Psychographics.

What is creating perceptions in the minds of consumers about the nature of a company, its brands, and its products and services? POSITIONING.

Which metric does NOT tell how much users recommend a product? Virality coefficient.

A relatively large (but less than 2500M2) retail store that carries groceries alongside other types of products is a SUPERMARKET.