Data Mining, Dynamic Content, and Content Marketing Essentials

Data Mining and Dynamic Content

Data Mining: Analyzing your database to understand your users and using this data to generate better marketing campaigns, focusing on your target audience.

Dynamic Content: Content that is unique to the user or group of users visiting a website. Users who visit a site regularly may see content adapted to their local area, purchase history, or declared interests.

Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)

Definition: Any human communication that occurs through the use of two or more electronic devices.

CMC Writing: Has to be dynamic (animation), frames messages, and hypertextual. These characteristics are more important than surface changes in grammar, vocabulary, and spelling.

Copywriting vs. Content Marketing

Copywriting: The act of writing text (content) for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. Copywriting uses psychological techniques to capture attention and interest.

Content Marketing Strategy Tips

  • Be generous: Publish very useful content for free.
  • Produce enjoyable content.
  • Beneficial and readable content.
  • Attract the right people.
  • Write first for people, then for SEO.

Content Syndication Networks

Similar to ad networks like Google and Yahoo Bing, but they focus specifically on promoting other content (blog posts, articles, etc.). Example: On popular websites like CNN, Forbes, etc., the “Related Posts” sections.

Content Curation

Steps and Rules

Steps: Aggregation, Selection, Editing and Enrichment, Sharing (content distribution).


  1. Content curation should be personal.
  2. Content curation should build value.
  3. Content curation should balance promotional content.
  4. Content curation shouldn’t take all day.

Content Curation Tools

Pocket (web for accruing content to save and share later, group articles with tags, functional search on site), Twitter Lists (curated groups of Twitter users), Newsletters, and Curata: Content Curation & Content Marketing Platform.

Content Curation Strategy

Define objectives, find sources, curate by organizing and editorializing, show via a variety of channels/mediums, and analyze and optimize your content.

Elements of a Perfect Topic

  1. Competitive Landscape: How much competition is there for this topic?
  2. Audience Interest: Is my target audience interested in this topic?
  3. Content Landscape: Is there sufficient content on this topic for me to curate?

Criteria for a Value Article

Relevant, Credible, Diverse, Validating (does this content offer additional insight?), Unique (does it bring something fresh that my audience hasn’t seen?).

Types of Metrics

  1. Consumption Metrics: How many people viewed, downloaded, or listened to this piece of content? Measures brand awareness and website traffic.
  2. Sharing Metrics: How resonant is this content, and how often is it shared? Measures brand awareness and engagement (Likes, shares, RTs).
  3. Lead Generation Metrics: How often does content consumption result in a lead? (Email subscriptions, blog subscriptions).

Conversion Rate

How often do visitors who consume content become leads?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • CTR% (Click-Through Rate) = #clicks / #impressions
  • Conversion Rate% = #conversions / #visitors
  • CPI% (Cost Per Impression)

Sales Metrics

The ultimate goal of content marketing is to grow the business. Measuring your sales.