Data Verification Procedures and Limited Audits Explained
1 – Data Verification Procedure
- a) The declaration or formal defects or reverse arithmetic.
- b) When the data reported do not coincide with others.
- c) To appreciate CNDO misapplied the law, as reflected in the declaration itself, self-assessment, or supporting documents.
- d) When required, some clarification or justification of data.
- Shape a communication indicating: the initiation, the tax, and the affected period for the verification, the deadline to respond to the request, and make allegations, if possible: a proposal for settlement.
- Interruption of the prescription.
- Subsequent earnings are not spontaneous.
- Subsequent queries are not binding.
- Ending the recovery proceedings initiated by self-assessment, data communication, or request.
- Request for documents or evidence.
- Provisional settlement proposal with reasoned arguments period.
- Taxpayer’s request for the contrasting data supplied by third parties.
- By indicating that resolution is not appropriate for provisional liquidation.
- Provisional liquidation motivated by rectification, clarification, or justification for the discrepant data on the initiation of a limited verification or inspection.
Limited Verification Procedure
Check: facts, events, items, activities, holdings, and other circumstances. Legal classification of hexose, acts, or business; the limited scope of the audit is incomplete: there is no provision for the expansion of their subject.
- Review of the reported data and supporting materials.
- Review of data reported and justifications.
- Review of data and evidence held by the administration.
- Review of records and tax documents, invoices, receipts, and any book, record, or official document (except the commercial accounting).
- Require third parties to contribute information or supplemented by evidence.
Limits on the Powers
- No one can examine the commercial accounting, nor can request information from third parties on financial movements.
- The performance must be at the offices of the administration, except checks census or objective methods of taxation.
Stages of Procedure
Form: Communication by showing:
- The initiation of proceedings and tax period affected by the verification.
- The deadline to respond to the request and make allegations, if applicable: a proposal for liquidation.
Effects Home
- No interruptions of the prescription.
- Subsequent earnings are not spontaneous.
- Subsequent queries are not binding.
- If necessary, terminating the proceedings initiated by self-assessment, data communication, or application for verification.
The performances are documented in communications or proceedings.
There is a duty of collaboration from the taxpayer. You can appear through a representative. It must communicate the proposed settlement with opening arguments within.
For resolution expresses the administration, without liquidation or settlement:
- Purpose of the temporary scope checking.
- Specification of the action taken.
- Motivation: facts and law.
- Settlement provisional.
Expires in six months without express resolution.
For the initiation of a surveyor.