DataDot Technology, Ethical Fashion, Food Allergies, SAD, Euthanasia, Music, Veils, Zoos, Travel, Immigration, Big Bottle, Eating Disorders, British Emigration, Colon Cancer

DataDot Technology

DataDot, F, T, F, T, own, transportable, fallen, inanimate.

  1. Because it is easier to mark items and to identify them.
  2. Thieves used to steal cars for their parts, but now, each part can be identified, so it’s harder for thieves to sell them.

Ethical Fashion

Ethical, F, T, F, F, encourage, coating, rinsed, mainstream.

  1. Part of the profits are reinvested in local community projects.
  2. They are an example of organic material that is used to make modern fashions.

Food Allergies

Food, F, T, T, F, a mistake, harmful, trigger, avoid.

  1. Allergies to nuts are more problematic because they hardly ever disappear.
  2. Allergic individuals are encouraged to wear medical alert bracelets and carry anti-histamine injections.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

SAD, T, F, F, F, mild, fatigue, noted, sufficient.

  1. The symptoms of mild winter blues are not serious, and they go away when spring comes. Severe winter depression makes sufferers unable to function.
  2. Light therapy ensures enough light for the internal body clock to reset itself so that eating and sleeping are not disrupted.

The Right to Die

The right, T, T, F, T, paralyzed, nephew, pedaled, euthanasia.

  1. He planned his death very carefully so that nobody could be legally charged with the crime.
  2. No, he does. He just shows the true story of this man.

The Sound of Music

The sound, F, F, T, T, sure, speech, profound, potential.

  1. Musical abilities may be used to attract a possible partner.
  2. To demonstrate that man uses music to attract a possible partner the way a male bird uses its feathers.

The Controversial Veil

The controversial, T, T, F, F, community, ban, face, segregation.

  1. The new guidelines say that it’s very important for teachers and students to make eye contact and that religious clothing must be accommodated for the welfare of schools.
  2. No, they’re not. They do not think that veiled women become segregated or non-integrated in society.

Zoos: Conservation and Education

Zoo, F, T, F, T, enjoyable, permissible, filthy, outstanding.

  1. Because people are moving away from rural areas, where animals live in their natural habitats.
  2. It’s acceptable to keep animals in captivity.

Travel Planning in the Digital Age

Planning, F, T, T, F, destinations, schedules, similar, save.

  1. People can find last-minute bargains, locate hotels, and plan their holidays using the Net. They can also find schedules and fares for airlines, hotels, and rental cars, and of course, they can book online.
  2. Travelers through the Net with the same interests.

Public Attitudes Towards Immigration

Public, F, F, T, T, immigration, age, agree, intermarriage.

  1. Yes, it does. According to the survey, these attitudes towards immigrants vary depending on social class and on a high income.
  2. The two facts that show a negative attitude towards immigrants are having immigrants living in the same community and the weddings between members of different races.

The Big Bottle Event

Big Bottle, F, F, F, F, wander, outdo, impact, rubbish.

  1. The Big Bottle has become an informal party because young people gather in the streets and it is organized in a spontaneous way.
  2. Residents are kept up all night, and city centers are full of rubbish.

The War Against Eating Disorders

War again, T, F, T, F, randomly, fit, commitment, stylish.

  1. The main objective is to combat eating disorders among young girls.
  2. Because they were extremely skinny.

British Emigration: Past and Present

Britons, F, T, T, T, such as, currently, lifestyle, rising.

  1. Britons emigrated between the 17th and the 19th century because of persecution in England and because of the fact of finding new fortunes and careers in Europe.
  2. Some British emigrants return to Britain because of professional reasons, visa requirements, or education matters.

Colon Cancer: Symptoms and Diagnosis

Illness, F, T, F, F, bleeding, sought, fat, estimates.

  1. The two symptoms of colon cancer are the necessity of emptying your intestines, named rectal bleeding, and pain in your abdomen.
  2. It involves putting a small camera in your colon to investigate the symptoms of the cancer.