DC-DC Converters and Battery Characteristics
DC-DC Converter Analysis
Boost Converter
A boost DC-DC converter switches at 100 kHz. The input is +12 V and the duty ratio of the transistor is 75%. The input inductor is 25 μH, and the output capacitor is 100 μF. If the load draws 50 W, the output voltage is found to be 48 V.
Output Voltage Calculation
What is the output voltage for a 10 W load? If L > Lcrit and C > Ccrit, then Vout/Vin = 1/D2. With a 50 W load, Vout = 48 V. This gives D2 = 0.25, so it would be continuous mode. For a 10 W load, the converter could become discontinuous. At 50 W, R = (48)2/50 = 46.1 Ω. At 10 W, R = Vout2/10. Let us check Lcrit at 10 W. If L ≥ Lcrit, then Vout = 48 V, and R = 230 Ω. The output average current would be 0.208 A, and the input average current would be 0.833 A. When L = Lcrit (#1 on, and the current starts from 0, the amplitude is 2 × average) vL = L(di)/(dt), 12 V = Lcrit (2 × 0.833 A)/[(0.75) × 10 μs] Lcrit (10 W load) = 54 μH. The case is therefore subcritical for 10 W at 25 μH. Since Pout is known, we expect Pin = 10 W, and IL ≥ 0.833 A. The peak input current: ipeak = (VinD1T)/L = (12 V)(0.75)(10μs)/(25 μH) = 3.6 A. The input energy is ½ × Li2 = ½ (25 μH)(3.6 A)2 = 162 μJ for each cycle. At 100 kHz, this is 16.2 W input. If the load draws only 10 W (100 μJ/cycle), the capacitor energy builds up at 62 μJ/cycle. In each cycle we have: ½ (100 μF(Vout + ΔV)2 – ½ (100 μF)Vout2 = 62 μJ ½ (Vout2 + 2ΔVVout + (ΔV)2 – Vout2) = (62 μJ)/(100 μF) Since (ΔV)2 is small comparing with 2ΔVVout, we can write: ΔV = 0.62/Vout. In each cycle the capacitor voltage increases by this amount. In reality, the output voltage cannot grow indefinitely. Either the output power, or losses would increase and the steady state would be achieved (or the capacitor would fail).
Flyback Converter
Ballast Load and Inductor Selection
A flyback converter uses a 20:1 turns ratio to convert 150 V to 5 V output. The desired load range is 0 W to 200 W. The target switching frequency is 120 kHz. (a) Select a ballast load, then choose the smallest inductor such that L > Lcrit. The ballast load should not drop the full-load efficiency by more than 1%. (b) For your ballast load, what is Lcrit if the input voltage can vary by ±20%?
Ballast Load Selection
(a) Select a ballast load that will not drop full-load efficiency by more than 1%. This would limit the ballast load to 2 W. With 5 V output, Rballast = (5 V)2/(2 W) = 12.5 Ω. To avoid tolerance issues, let us select a little higher value of 15 Ω. Now, Lcrit for this choice. Consider an equivalent 1:1 turns ratio: The transformer can be eliminated. With #1 on, vL = 7.5 V = L (di)/(dt) Minimum Iload = (5 V)/(15 Ω) = 0.333 A. Duty ratios: D1/D2 = Vout/Vin, D1 = 2/5, D2 = 3/5. Iload = D2 IL, IL = Iload / D2, with Rload = 0, minimum IL = (1/3 A)/(3/5) = 5/9 A. Maximum allowed ΔIL when L = Lcrit is 2IL = 10/9 A. For 120 kHz switching, D1T = 3.33 μs. Then 7.5 V = Lcrit (10/9 A)/(3.33 μs) Lcrit = 22.5 μH (output side) On the 150 V side, the inductance is (N1/N2)2 times this value, or Lm = 22.5 μH (400) = 9 mH.
Critical Inductance with Input Voltage Variation
(b) Now, allow the input to vary ±20%. For the 1:1 equivalent, this means Vin varies between 6 V and 9 V. The duty ratio ranges can be found: D1/D2 = Vout/Vin. 5/14 ≤ D1 ≤ 5/11 and 6/11 ≤ D2 ≤ 9/14. With #1 on, the limit on ΔiL: ΔiL = 2(Iload/D2) = 2(1/3)/D2 = 2/(3D2). vL = L(di)/(dt), Vin = Lcrit [2/(3D2)]/(D1T) and D1/D2 = Vout/Vin. This simplifies to: Lcrit = (3/2)D22TVout. The highest D2 value, 9/14, is needed, and Lcrit = 25.8 μH (output side) On the input side, this requires Lm = 10.3 mH, almost 15% higher than in part (a).
Lead-Acid Battery Circuit Model
Battery Characteristics
Tests on a lead-acid battery show the following characteristics with full charge: The open-circuit terminal voltage is 13.4 V, the terminal voltage is 13.3 V with a 10 A load, and 13.5 V during 10 A charging. The manufacturer reports that the battery loses the equivalent of about 1200 C of charge each week when it is in storage. Ignoring the L and C values, determine a circuit model for this battery.
Circuit Model Determination
The open-circuit potential is 13.4 V, so Vb = 13.4 V. During charge and discharge, 10 A flow causes a 0.1 V change this means that Rs + Rint = (0.1 V)/(10 A) = 10 mΩ. Rdis is such that 1200 C are lost each week. This is: 1200 C(7 days/wk)(24 hours/day)(3600 s/hr) With Vb = 13.4 V, the value Rdis = V/I = 6.75 kΩ.
Voltage Induced in a Wire
Resonant Power Converter and Wire Voltage
Estimate the voltage induced across a one metre length of copper wire when a resonant power converter draws current i(t) = 20cos(400,000πt) through the wire. What if a steel wire with μ = 1000μ0 is substituted?
Voltage Calculation
Lwire = (μwire/(8π) + μ/(2π)ln(D/R))l For typical wire runs D/R = 10 and expected Lwire is about 0.5 μH/m, since for copper μwire = μ0. The impedance: |Z| = ωL = (400,000)π(0.5 × 10-6) = 0.628 Ω. V = ZI About 8.9 VRMS is induced. For steel wire, μwire = 1000μ0 and the internal inductance is now 500 μH/m, and dominates the total. Z = (400,000)π(0.5 × 10-3) = 628 Ω VRMS = 628 × 20/√2 = 8.9 kV.