Dental Health Terms and Oral Care: A Comprehensive Glossary
Dental Terms: English and Spanish
- Abscess: Absceso
- Ache: Dolor
- Adult teeth: Dientes adultos
- Alignment: Alineamiento
- Appointment: Cita / Hora
- Baby teeth: Dientes de bebé
- Bands: Apósito / Venda
- Bib: Servilleta
- Bicuspid: Bicúspide (premolars)
- Bite: Morder
- Braces: Frenos
- Bridge: Puente
- Bristle: Cerdas del cepillo dental
- Brush: Cepillar
- Caps: Corona
- Cavity: Caries
- Checkup: Revisión médica
- Chew: Masticar
- Cleaning: Limpieza
- Crown: Corona
- Cuspid: Cúspide canina
- Decay: Deterioro
- Degree: Grado
- Dentures: Dentadura postiza
- Drill: Taladro dental
- Enamel: Esmalte dental
- False teeth: Dentadura postiza
- Fear: Miedo
- Filling: Empaste
- Floss: Hilo dental
- Front teeth: Dientes frontales
- Gargle: Hacer gárgaras
- Gold: Oro
- Gums: Encías
- Health: Salud
- Healthy: Saludable
- Hurt: Dolor
- Impacted: Incrustada
- Injury: Herida / Lesión
- Inlay: Incrustar
- Insurance: Seguro
- Jaw: Mandíbula
- Lab: Laboratorio
- Lips: Labios
- Mold: Molde
- Mouth: Boca
- Needle: Aguja
- Numb: Insensible
- Nurse: Enfermera
- Overbite: Sobremordida
- Pain: Dolor
- Painful: Doloroso
- Painless: Sin dolor
- Pull: Arrancar diente
- Pyorrhea: Piorrea
- Remedy: Remedio
- Retainer: Retención
- Rinse: Enjuagar
- Root: Raíz
- Root canal: Conducto radicular
- Rubber bands: Gomas
- Sealant: Sellador
- Shot: Inyección
- Sink: Lavabo
- Smile: Sonreír
- Surgery: Cirugía
- Suture: Sutura
- Sweets: Dulces
- Tissue: Tejido
- Tooth: Diente
- Toothache: Dolor de diente
- Toothbrush: Cepillo de dientes
- Tooth fairy: Hada de los dientes
- Toothpick: Palillo de dientes
- Treatment: Tratamiento
- Whitening: Blanqueamiento
- Wisdom tooth/teeth: Muela del juicio
Dental Health: Common Questions and Answers
- How many teeth do adults have? 32
- How many teeth do chickens have? None
- What is the part of the tooth that you see in your mouth? Crown
- How often should you brush your teeth? Two times a day
- A dentist uses which one of these tools? Mirror
- Why do some kids wear braces on their teeth? To straighten their teeth
- What are your first teeth called? Baby teeth
- What type of snack is the best for keeping your teeth healthy? A sugarless snack like popcorn
- What are the biggest teeth called? Molars
- What is a cavity? A hole in your tooth that causes it to decay
Synonym Match
- Dentist = Orthodontist
- Fantastic = Stupendous
- Breakthrough = Discovery
- Trauma = Nightmare
- Come up with = Discover
- Synthetic = Artificial
- Integrate = Combine
- Regenerate = Rejuvenate
- Ultimate = Best
- Seek = Look for
Phrase Match
- Going to the dentist
- The sound of the dentist’s drill
- Perfect solution
- Tooth decay
- Crystals which perfectly integrate with the natural enamel
- Decay will never occur
- No more fear of the dentist
- The hard surface of a tooth
- Provide a tremendous decrease in the total incidence of tooth decay
- Pain-free dental visits
Dental Care: Complete the Sentences
- You should use dental floss at least once a day to remove food between your teeth.
- My sister now wears braces to straighten her teeth. She’ll look great once she gets them off.
- I’d like to set up a dental appointment for next Monday at 3:00 p.m. if the dentist is in at that time.
Dental Hygiene: Key Questions
- What is a dental hygienist? A person who works with the dentist.
- What does a dental hygienist do? He/she removes dental plaque and tartar and does checkups.
- What is fluoride? It’s a mineral that prevents tooth decay.
- How do we receive it? Using toothpaste, mouthwash, and drinking water.
- What do you do to maintain good dental hygiene?
- Brushing our teeth
- Using dental floss
- Visiting the dentist twice a year
Parts of the Tooth
- Enamel
- Crown
- Gums
- Pulp
- Dentin
- Root
- Nerves and blood vessels
- Jawbone