Dental Health Terms and Oral Care: A Comprehensive Glossary

Dental Terms: English and Spanish


  • Abscess: Absceso
  • Ache: Dolor
  • Adult teeth: Dientes adultos
  • Alignment: Alineamiento
  • Appointment: Cita / Hora


  • Baby teeth: Dientes de bebé
  • Bands: Apósito / Venda
  • Bib: Servilleta
  • Bicuspid: Bicúspide (premolars)
  • Bite: Morder
  • Braces: Frenos
  • Bridge: Puente
  • Bristle: Cerdas del cepillo dental
  • Brush: Cepillar


  • Caps: Corona
  • Cavity: Caries
  • Checkup: Revisión médica
  • Chew: Masticar
  • Cleaning: Limpieza
  • Crown: Corona
  • Cuspid: Cúspide canina


  • Decay: Deterioro
  • Degree: Grado
  • Dentures: Dentadura postiza
  • Drill: Taladro dental


  • Enamel: Esmalte dental


  • False teeth: Dentadura postiza
  • Fear: Miedo
  • Filling: Empaste
  • Floss: Hilo dental
  • Front teeth: Dientes frontales


  • Gargle: Hacer gárgaras
  • Gold: Oro
  • Gums: Encías


  • Health: Salud
  • Healthy: Saludable
  • Hurt: Dolor


  • Impacted: Incrustada
  • Injury: Herida / Lesión
  • Inlay: Incrustar
  • Insurance: Seguro


  • Jaw: Mandíbula


  • Lab: Laboratorio
  • Lips: Labios


  • Mold: Molde
  • Mouth: Boca


  • Needle: Aguja
  • Numb: Insensible
  • Nurse: Enfermera


  • Overbite: Sobremordida


  • Pain: Dolor
  • Painful: Doloroso
  • Painless: Sin dolor
  • Pull: Arrancar diente
  • Pyorrhea: Piorrea


  • Remedy: Remedio
  • Retainer: Retención
  • Rinse: Enjuagar
  • Root: Raíz
  • Root canal: Conducto radicular
  • Rubber bands: Gomas


  • Sealant: Sellador
  • Shot: Inyección
  • Sink: Lavabo
  • Smile: Sonreír
  • Surgery: Cirugía
  • Suture: Sutura
  • Sweets: Dulces


  • Tissue: Tejido
  • Tooth: Diente
  • Toothache: Dolor de diente
  • Toothbrush: Cepillo de dientes
  • Tooth fairy: Hada de los dientes
  • Toothpick: Palillo de dientes
  • Treatment: Tratamiento


  • Whitening: Blanqueamiento
  • Wisdom tooth/teeth: Muela del juicio

Dental Health: Common Questions and Answers

  1. How many teeth do adults have? 32
  2. How many teeth do chickens have? None
  3. What is the part of the tooth that you see in your mouth? Crown
  4. How often should you brush your teeth? Two times a day
  5. A dentist uses which one of these tools? Mirror
  6. Why do some kids wear braces on their teeth? To straighten their teeth
  7. What are your first teeth called? Baby teeth
  8. What type of snack is the best for keeping your teeth healthy? A sugarless snack like popcorn
  9. What are the biggest teeth called? Molars
  10. What is a cavity? A hole in your tooth that causes it to decay

Synonym Match

  1. Dentist = Orthodontist
  2. Fantastic = Stupendous
  3. Breakthrough = Discovery
  4. Trauma = Nightmare
  5. Come up with = Discover
  6. Synthetic = Artificial
  7. Integrate = Combine
  8. Regenerate = Rejuvenate
  9. Ultimate = Best
  10. Seek = Look for

Phrase Match

  1. Going to the dentist
  2. The sound of the dentist’s drill
  3. Perfect solution
  4. Tooth decay
  5. Crystals which perfectly integrate with the natural enamel
  6. Decay will never occur
  7. No more fear of the dentist
  8. The hard surface of a tooth
  9. Provide a tremendous decrease in the total incidence of tooth decay
  10. Pain-free dental visits

Dental Care: Complete the Sentences

  1. You should use dental floss at least once a day to remove food between your teeth.
  2. My sister now wears braces to straighten her teeth. She’ll look great once she gets them off.
  3. I’d like to set up a dental appointment for next Monday at 3:00 p.m. if the dentist is in at that time.

Dental Hygiene: Key Questions

  1. What is a dental hygienist? A person who works with the dentist.
  2. What does a dental hygienist do? He/she removes dental plaque and tartar and does checkups.
  3. What is fluoride? It’s a mineral that prevents tooth decay.
  4. How do we receive it? Using toothpaste, mouthwash, and drinking water.
  5. What do you do to maintain good dental hygiene?
  • Brushing our teeth
  • Using dental floss
  • Visiting the dentist twice a year

Parts of the Tooth

  1. Enamel
  2. Crown
  3. Gums
  4. Pulp
  5. Dentin
  6. Root
  7. Nerves and blood vessels
  8. Jawbone