Dental Vocabulary Quiz & Practice: Learn Terms
Dental Vocabulary Quiz
1. Teeth not only help you eat, but they also help you: B. Talk. 2. What is the part of the tooth you can see above the gum? A. Crown.
3. What hard, tough, and shiny substance covers the crown? D. Enamel. 4. What innermost part of the tooth does the dentin protect? C. Pulp.
5. The pulp contains________ which send messages to the brain if your ice pop is too cold? B. Nerves. 6. What makes up the roots of your teeth and attaches to your jawbone? A. Cementum. 7. This type of tooth is pointy, sharp, and made to help tear food: D. Canine.
8. What are the last four teeth a person will get? B. Wisdom teeth. 9. What kind of teeth do babies have? A. Primary.
10. These teeth are big and strong to help you grind food so it can be swallowed: D. Molars.
Common Dental Office Vocabulary 1: Questions
Choose the best response for each one:
1. I think my filling fell out. 2. I’ll have to take an x-ray. 3. That isn’t the tooth that’s causing the pain.
4. A root canal involves removing the nerve from a specific tooth. 5. Does this hurt? = Does this cause you pain?
6. When was your last check-up? = When was the last time you had your teeth checked? 7. Your gums are swollen. You might have an infection.
8. My gums are really sensitive. 9. I’ll schedule you for an appointment next Monday. 10. Rinse, please. = Wash your mouth with water, please.
Common Dental Office Vocabulary 2: Questions
1. I chipped my tooth. = Part of my tooth broke off. 2. If I give you local anesthesia, you won’t feel my pain. 3. This won’t hurt at all. = You won’t feel a thing.
4. Most people hate the sound of a dentist’s drill. 5. I’m sorry, but your dental plan does not cover (=pay for) this type of treatment.
6. She is my assistant. (=helper). 7. You have a cavity in that tooth. 8. I suggest we put a porcelain crown on that tooth.
9. We won’t be able to finish the treatment today. 10. How often do you brush your teeth?
Vocabulary Matching
Which definition corresponds to each case?
A hole…. Cavity. A thin layer….. Plaque. This goes on…….. Toothpaste. Use this to remove….. Dental floss. The hard, white…… Enamel.
Do this after eating….. Brush. This should be in…. Fluoride. An infection…. Periodontal disease. This is what…. Toothbrush. Gems Bacteria.
What a dentist…. Filling. Signs of periodontal…. Problematic gums.
Fill in the Blanks
Complete with the correct word:
Next week I have to go to the….. 3, 9, 4, 10, 5, 6, 1, 7, 2 and 8 to the dentist’s!
Common Dental Office Vocabulary 3: Questions
1. Is the pain recurrent? = Does the pain come and go?
2. I will prescribe some antibiotics as well as some pain-killers for after your operation.
3. We’ll have to extract that tooth = We’ll have to remove that tooth.
4. It would be best to remove all four of your wisdom teeth.
5. Is your cheek still numb? = Do you still have no feeling in your cheek?
6. You should avoid eating hot food for the next 2 hours. = You should not eat hot food for the next two hours. 7. Could you bite down on this paper and grind your teeth? = Rub your teeth together). 8. Oral hygiene (=keeping your mouth and teeth clean) is extremely important.
9. Gingivitis refers to an inflammation of the gums. 10. The glossy, visible part of a tooth is called its enamel
Additional Questions
1. According to the text, what makes a professional being an excellent one rather than medium? What makes a professional being an excellent worker is treating their patient as if they were their mother.
2. Which adjectives do you consider to be essential to a sanitary worker? Kind, happy, responsible, serious, loyal, comprehensive, empathetic, respectable.
3. Have you ever experienced any reproachable behavior from a doctor? How did you feel? No, I have never experienced any reproachable behavior from a doctor.
4. Do you think it is important for a patient to feel close to the worker or do you think patients prefer to keep distance with the sanitary worker? It is very important that the patient feel good because the professional works better.
5. Think of the worst situation you could face in your job and explain the rest of the class how you would solve it. A patient to hurt me, I would keep calm and try to control him and show him how bad he did.
Complete the Sentences
Complete with the correct word:
1. Because of all the tooth decay, the dentist will have to do extensive work to take care of the problems. It will take more time than I originally thought.
2. The dentist cleaned my tooth and put in a filling in its place.
3. My tooth hurts when I drink something cold. Can you do anything for the pain?
4. She felt a lot of discomfort during dental checkup because her teeth are very sensitive.
6. The dentist removed a lot of plaque around her teeth where she didn’t brush very well.
Complete with the Following Words
Complete with the following words:
1. If you don’t brush your teeth well, plaque will build up around your teeth.
2. I can’t stand the discomfort. The pain is killing me, and I need to get see a dentist.
3. I need to get a filling replaced in one of my teeth.
4. Many people get their wisdom teeth pulled when they are young adults.
5. The decay in your tooth is too extensive to fix, so we’ll have to remove the tooth.