Diagnosis and Treatment of Thoracic Conditions: A Comprehensive Review

I- Dx and T of Spontaneous Pnthorax:

^DX :

I- Dyspnea, pleuritic chest
Pain / ↓  Breath Sounds/Hyperesonance!
II-XRay on Inspiration:
-Radiolucent air & absence of MAaking between
 a shrunken lobe or lung
&the parietal pleura are diagnositc of Pneumothorax!
-Tracheal deviation , 
III-  Pnthroax Defined:% of empty hemithorax

^^Tension Pn thorax :

if there is suden & unexplained :
-+ve Pressure ventilation


I-”TENSION Pn TRX=Needle Decompresion

– ER —-> cannot wait for XRay 
– Needle —–> 2nd IC space at mid-clavicular level!

II-‘1o Spont Pnthorax”=Catheter Aspiration

-Small bore IV —-> 2nd IC space ,mid lcaviular
-Air is withdawn from pleural space
-Process is repeated until Lung Re-expands  or 4 L of air remvoed

III-”2nd  & Traumatic Pnthorax”=Tube thoraccostomy:

-1/2 HEmotact/ Kelly Clamps 
-Inserted Tube—-> 4th IC space , midaxillary line
-Using advanging Hemosat or kelly lamp the Pleura is dissected,
 pleura is then pergorated 
-clamp is inseeed through the tract and directly apical to Pnthoax

IV- Thoracosoy:

-Rigid telescope & insturment inserted into the pleiral space ,
 through the trocar under local anasthesia
-1/2 tubes are left in the pleural space

V- VATS (Video assisted thoracic surgery):

-Under general ansthesia
– operated side should be isolated & its bronchial tree exposed
 to outside atmopsere
-VATS beigns with insertion  of a trocar camera and exploraton fo hemithrax later
-Principles of Surgery is :Resecting blebs, nbullae,  
Obliteration of pleural space

(2)*** Surgical Approach in  Tx of pleural empysema : irrigatie -aspirativ drainage ….:

Blood in pleura Sac

Primary Pleural empyema

– bacterial contamination of pleural space due to chest Trauma
Secondary pleural empyema
-Direct contamination from organs adjacent to pleural surface
-direct bacteria spread across the visceral or parietal pleura

^^Bacterial Classication:

-non speicif/pyogenic



Complicated, Lined with bronchopleual/alvoelar fistula

Non complicated

^^Surgical proceudre foe empyema:

I-Irrigation & Drainage:– Acute & chronic Non compicated Pleural empyema to facilitation elimation of peural content-Caution is adviced in presence of Bronchopleural Fistula  
de to possible aspiration with washing Fluid
II-Decortication and pleuretony -In Case of chronic pleural empyema!
-Decortication:-—–>removal of constricting Peel from the Lung
-Pleurectomy—->excision of thickened parietal pleura
-Goal: of these procedure is Lungreexpansion
III-Pleurostoma:-in patient whose lung can re-expand and his condition is stable-Pulmonary Decortication  alternative-Involves resecting 6-20 cm  of 2-4 ribs
   —–>creating large defect in patient chest

(3) *** Classification of Chest Trauma :

Penetrating ChT(Isolated /Polytrauma)

-Superficial Wound (Chest Wall)
-Involving the parietal pleura & intrathoracic viscera

Blunt ChT(Isolated/Polytrauma)

-Non complicated chest wall injury
( Contusion / hematoma/ Chest bone fracture)
-Complicated Facture of chest Bone
-Blunt Injuries of intrathoracic viscera
(Pleruopulmonary/CVS.Rupture of esophagus/Diaphragm rupture)
(4) *** Syndrome of Chest Trauma :
^^Gaseous Syndrome 
(air —-> into soft tissue of Chest Wall ,mediastinum & Pleural Space)

I-Subcutaneous Emphysema


-Air in pleural cavity
-minimal= no lung compression
-Moderate=Lung collapse
-Total= compression and displacement of Mediastinum


-Maybe due to esophageal perforation
-Degree caries with location
-Air reaches Visceral pleura

IV- Intersitial Pulmonary emphysema

-Air penetrates into pulmonary parenchyma dissecting
 into along the vessel and small bronchi
-blebs occur when air reaches Pleura

^^Open Pneumothorax:

-Penetrating Wound /Defect in chest wall
-Result : intrapleural = atm

^^Flail chest:

-2 pint fracture of Several Ribs or sternum
-paradoxical movement of segment of chest
-Alters ventilation and result in hypoxemia or Hypercapnia

^^Traumatic Asphyxia

Crush injury or sidden compression 
-Rise n intrathoacic pressre,intrathoracic Venous Pressure
, stopping or reversing venous Drainage(head and neck)
^^Pulmonary contusion & hematoma:
(Blood accumilation in pleural cavity )
(5)***Dx & Tx of Penetrating Thoracic Trauma :


-EvaluateVital sign( Temp/ HR/ BP/ Resp Rate)
-Airway compentency
-Vascular integrity
-Cardiac function
—> if patient isStable & No surgery 

^^Tx :

I-establish ABC

II-Emeregency endotracheal intubation indicatedif :

( Apnea, Profound shock , Inadequate ventilation)

III-Damage Control Operation:

correction Acidocis/ Coagulopathy/ Hypothermia

IV-Volume replenishment^^scenarios :

1- chest Wall Injury :

-pain control , Aggressive pulmonary and physical therpay—>intubation & ventilation
-Large open chest wall—–>Reconstruction
-Rarely Chest Wall  require Operative control

2- Lung Injuries:

-Pn thorax / Hemothorax Rx—> thoracostomy
-Pulmonary parenchymal laceration——> treated with Tube thoracostomy

3- Tracheobronchial injuries:

-Urgent operative Treatment , Debridements, release Tension
 , End to end Anastomosis ,While preserving Blood supply!

4- Esophageal Injury:

-Operative Repair with adequate tissue buttressing & draiange 
-Sometimes needs Esophageal replacement

5- Diaphragmatic Injury :

-Laparscopy  & thoracoscopy  can be used in Dx & Tx
-injuries require Heavy , non absorbable sutures, mesh closure

6- thoracic Great Vessel Injury :

-emergency thoracotomy in case of hemodynamic deterioration !

7- Cardiac injury :

-Patient with significant Hemodynamic compromise
 & cardiac tamponade can be managed with peeridcadiocentesis
-Aggresive resuscitation in bleeding PAtients

(6) : Dx & Tx of blunt thoracic Trauma:

DX :

-XRay/XT/Aortogram /US
-Stop Bleeding
-Broad spectrum Ax
-prevent obstruction
(Airway hydration /postural Draine(
-emegency operation

(7) *** Indication for urgent thoracotomy!!

Chronic & Acute Cases( Below) :
-Cardiac tampone
-acute hemodnyanic Deteriotaton
-Cardiac Arrest
-penetrating Trunk Trauma
-Ai leak
-Traumatic thoractomy
-Esopgageal injury
-Great Vessels Injury

(8)***Aspirative Punture of pleural cavity :Indication , technique, possible complication

^^Thoracentesis:—-> puncture through chest wall to aspirate pleural Fluid
^^Indication :-determination  of pleural effusion etiology(Dx)-relieve dyapnea caused by pleural  effusion(Tx)-Pleurodesis
^^Technique:-Find the location of Fluid using physical exam , or imaging-Patient is sitting upright-leaning slightly forward with arms supported-In sterile condition 1-2% lidocain is injected with 25-gauge needle-then larger needle with anasethetic is inserted at upper border of the rib  one intercostal space below the Fluid level-needle is advanced with periodic aspiration-Anathetic is progressively injected deeper -Needle is advanced beyond parietal pleura until pleural fluid is aspirated!-thoracentses needle is passed thrugh skin & Subcutanous tissue Along the upper border of the Rib into effusion
-the catheter is inserted through the needle, the needle is withdrawn to decrease the Risk  on Pn thorax
^^ Complication :Pnthorax-Heoptysis-Hemothorax
-Vasovagal syncope

(9) ***Methods of Pleural Cavity Drainage, indication ,

‘Tube Thoractomy:-Tube Into Pleural Sapce-Promote air or Fluid evacuation-Lung Re-exanapsion-Restoration of intrapleural -ve pressure
^^ Indication :-Pnthorax-hemithrax-empyema-Chylothorax
-Pleural effusion
^^ Technique:1-2 sites for closing pleural drainage:-2nd IC space in midclavicular line-safetly traingle(  3-5 IC space from anterior—->posterior axillary line)2-Skin is cleaned with antiseptic 3-Give Local anasthesia is applied3- parietal pleura should be infiltrated & aspiration of air or fluid through a needle and syringe4-a 1-2 cm incision is then made through the skin & subcutaneous tissue5- chest tube is inserted via blunt dissection technique6-holding of tube by skin suture7-Chest Xray can be performed to asses lung re-expansion
^^ possible complication :-Misplacement of thoracostomy tubes-injury of intrathroacic organs-diaphramgatic & intrabdominal injury-hemmorhage
-subcutaneous emphysema

(10)  Acute  mediastinitis, Main causes…

^^Def:Acute Mediastinitis is fulminant infectious process that spreads along fascia of mediastinum
^^ Classification is Compartmental:Infection :–  superior mediastinum<—-Direct extension fron neck infection
– Anterior mediastinal infectiont<—surgery /penetrating wounds,anterior thorax
– Posterior mediastinal abscesses<—Tb/pyogenic inf 
^^ Causes:-Esophageal perforations– Sternal infections– Oropharyngeal or neck infections– Infections of the lung and pleura
– Metastatic abscess
^^ CF:– Chest pain– Dysphagia– Respiratory distress– Cervical and upper thoracic subcutaneous crepitus
^^Imaging :-CT
^^Tx:True Surgical Emergency & Tx must be to correct underlying condition-Debridement-Draiange-Ax Adm-Fluid Resuscitation
-Surgical correction

(11)***Cicatricial Tracheal Stenosis:

^Gx:-caused due to placement of a tracheostomy Tube-injury of trachea-Chronic inflammation 
inspiratory stridor & dyspnea
^^Dx: -CT -CT-3D image  to ID the location of Stricture& determine size
Tx:-”Resection of stenosedtracheal part” is the Procedure of choice
-we use tracheostomy to bypass intubation 

(12) ***Mediastinal Disease^^^Mediastinal Tumours

Dx:1-CXR- to ID abnormality2-CT :Can asses the mediastinal widening , Diff Cystic  & Solid MassesLocalize Masses wrt other structures3-Biopsy & distopathology :-Tisse confirmation prior to therpy
-Fine needle percutanous biopsy to excisional biopsy
^^TX :-depends on location h& histological Type of Tumor-All Tumours & Mases should be surgically removed-Non resectable malignant tumours should undergo Chemo therapy & or Radiotherapy!

^^ Bacterial Medistinitis:

^^Dx: -CF : chest pain ,dyaphgia , Cervical & mediastinum emphysema-CXR : normal ( early) —–> Widnd mediatinal tumour (Later)
-Contrast Esophagogtraphy—–> esiphageal perforation is suspected
^^ Surgical Tx:-early & aggressively-In case of Esopahgeal Perforation do Surgery  directly! ( closure of esophageal wall defect / Debridment  irrigation & drainage)
-Ax therpay after Surgery

(13)***Esophageal Diverticulo : classification , diagnsotics, Surgical Techniqus^^ Esophageal Diverticulim :

outpatching of mucosa through msuclar laer of esophagues
^^ Classficiation :
Zenker diverticulo
-Posterior outpouching of mucosa & submcosa through the cricopharyngeal muscle
Midesophageal diverticula:
Traction from mediatinal inflammatory lesions
Epiphrenic deverticula:
Occur aboe the diaphragm & accompany mobility disorder

^^ Dx

Zenker Diverticula:
-Sx vary with Stage
dysphagia Food regurgitation
Dx by Videotaped Barium Swallow
Diverticula of Esophageal body
Sx: dysphagia, esopahgeal reteion
Dx: esophagoscopy

I-Zenker Diverticula:
”inscion along anteriomediastinal border right to SCM muslce”
cut of omohyoid and prethyroid muslle exposing juulanr vein and carotid artery & thyroid gland
-Diverticula sac dissected
Traction diverticula :
Not surgical indicationNot surgical indication
pulsion diverticula:
-Stopping the barrier of blowout

***Esopageal Cancer:Dx & Tx:

-start Asx
-Sx appear when Lumen <14mm 
-Cehst pain the the pain
-Vocal problems( largyngeal compression)
-Horners (sx) .
-paralysis of diaphragm
-intraluminal Tumour : Vommit/ odynophaia . E Def anemia


Hilar mass / Tracheal coprsssion . Deviation

III-Barium Studies

-mucosal irregularies  and lenfth of tumours

IV-Esophagoscopy :

extent of tumour , secimen for histological confirmaton by biopst


To Asses the Bronchial Tree Involvement !!

^^Indication for surgery:

Depends on stage .Health status
-Surgery—–>0/1//IIA with preoperative chemotherapy & radiation
-IIB andIII poor suvivie —-> NEoadjuvant radiation and chemoitherapy to decrease size

^^Radical operation :

-remove of gastic cardia and esophagua and reconstruction

-”esophgeal eratication _ esiohagastroplasty

***Esophageal injury :


I-structural abnormalities:

II-Functional abnormalities

-Esophageal impeance
-esophagealTranist Scitongraphuy 
-Video andcineratiography

III-Increase Esophageal exposure to Gastric acid:

ph mnitoring 24 hours
-Rdiographic GERD 

IV-Dudengastic function

-G emptying
-Gastric acid test

^^Surgerical Technique:

-Partial esophagus resection
-Reconstrction after sophagotomy
-composte reconstrcution
-vagal sparing esophagectomy +colon interpositon

*** Esophageal ruptire:


CF : -Substernal epigastric pain
       -Radiation to left chest/shoulder/ back
Xray :Wide mediastinum / Cervical and mediastinal air/
             LEft pleural effusion/ H@Opn thorax
esophagrpht +H2O solutble contrast: Best

^^Surgery Tx:

-as soon as Dx established
-LEft Posterolateral Thoracotom 
-ecucuate Pleural cavity from debris
-was with antispectics, Close the esophageal defect
by sutures
-2 tubes  in cavity to provice feeding via jejnunum~

***Lung cancer Dx:


-is a Must for all LC  
– to collecte secretion by lavage  ,Biopsy of Peripheral  , MEdiastinal LN

II-Mediastinoscopy:  Most helpful

III-Needle percutanous biopsu

Of peripheral tumours — >obtain material for histological exmination

IV- Dx thoractomy

If we susepct but other methods to do work

***LC Indication surgery:

NSLC——>surgical resecton is Tx o choice ( Stage I + II+ some III)

SCLC—–>C +R  Surgery is small and not metastases

Segementomy/Wedge resection
-Bronchiopastic Loboctomy
-Segmental /WEdge Resection
-lobectomy (biocstomy)
-broncoplastic lobectomy
1+2 sme
broncoplastic lobectomy
-Pneumoctomy( medistinal LN)
-Palliative Pul resetion!
-/Pnemctomy with mediastinal LN dissection
-….+rescition of chest wall/diaphragm
Not indicated
Pallaitve Pul resection
Not indicated

**Palliative +radical Op LC :


^^Oncologcail Surgery

-Remove tumour and intrapulmonary collectors completely
-Care to avoid tumour spilling
-Resection of adacent invaded structure is prefered to disocnion resection
-Asses Resection margins
-remove Accesible Mediadstinal LN

^^Pallaitve Procedure:

-Throacentesis& pleurodises, Reccuring effusion
-Pleural drainge catheter
-Stent to prevent airway obstruction
-Spinal stabilization to prevent SC compression

***Purulent Lung disease :monaldi^^Mnaldo:

-pecutnaous cathetizaton of lung absecess cavity
-For acute abcess that has no contact to bronchial tree
-Imageing is done
-usingTrasnparitral Trocar  intorcduce drainge tube
-cather for Local Ax application
-close would by sutur


-Tx and prevention sputum retesion after thoractomy/lacropctomy
1-Make vertical inscion in skin of thyroid cartilae
-Insert Tuophy needle through skin at 90 Degree to anterior wall of trachea
-inseet guide wire through needle into trachea
-Pass the dilator and minitrache over the wire into tachea
-remove the introucer

Lung resection:

chronic inflammatory provess and Conservative Tx fail
-Cancer suspeciton(CF and Radio)
-Massive reoccruign hemmorhag!T