Dialects of Catalan: A Linguistic Exploration

2 Consonantal glide right: Paya, reya, CEYA, aguya, poi, di disappears iodització the intervocalic ll is in contact with an E: you see (old) / the open EIO normarment have a strong opening. / Suffixes-qua, — Gua remain in Ibiza but there are examples of monoftongació: gòtllera (quail) cont (how much). / den Late esdrúixols words, preceded and desapareis cage (cage) history (Histor) family (family). / final vowel — qua, water, passed to-ko-go. / v Labiodental how to Tarragona, but no recession: vi / v /, calf / v / Labiodental even imposed on the bicycle / v /. / r articulated in the end only tense pronoun followed by: make tea / rr / outside these tense, vibrating in multiple Mallorca: corr (heart), Orr (gold). / Valencian as: end-consonants nt ,-lt,-ng, nc pronounced in Majorca and Minorca. source, high, rush, mud. / Decrease in-s-(o-c) intervocalic, not in Ibiza: truck (shirt), fuell (rifle) Roegen (gnawing).


Prs.ind desinence 0 of the person. verbs in-ar and-go, I cannot (or) I fled (fujo) is (o), being (or). / The endings 4th and 5th of the same PRS:-am,-au, instead of-I,-eu. ex. Cantamar, cantau. This breaks the ambiguity with the PRS. Under. / imp.sub. -As, Asset-,-as, the 1st conjugation, except in Menorca singers cantasses. / Prona for. in shape, filled me now, you, us, you, you: you have deception, he dies. / art. ipse-from,-ipsa, ipsum-: es, healthy, except Polensa.


IC CD + pron “now wear the” / v + pron. accen t held in Beijing on pron as Roussillon: your-tea, vés-hi./cas oblique: for me (for me). / pret. Comp. with auxiliary be “are gone” (I went) “You came (have come).


castellanismes: Goodbye, Japan, kisses, shadow. / archaisms: CA (dog), boy (boy), see ( truth), cap (hat). / west like: twisted (dry), membership (cot), nose (lip).

Roussillon Dialect

Vowel reduction system, does not distinguish / 3 / / 0 / are / e /, / o /. / Evo. o> u Llupia,

Buca / absence of a final unstressed. Gabi (Cage), Best (Beast) / a, e unstressed> (neutral) or unstressed> u / shift of emphasis towards the pronoun of the verb enclític, mastegá’l, chew it. / neutral vowel tends to disappear in cases: pretònica-position followed by r: Preller (pair) on hiatus-rim (grape)-final position of words ending in-esdrúixols and family, gabi ..- by vowel assimilation: pitit tying. – By assimilating neighboring palatal consonant: ginull, dixar. change-in / u / to velar assimilation in a tonic (or u): esturnut (sneeze). / Iodització / \ / / and / sisteya, n’r (young), R (grinding) of the cache (t3nrra) (m0lrra).

Morphology in Roussillon

1st pr, prs, Ind., and-sing-sing / participate-it: was born (born) / shift the emphasis in the plans infinitives (acute in the rest of Catalan) / PL does not. of n. en-us, step pan (bread). / missing superlatives organic-Issimo used a lot.

Syntax in Roussillon

Especially not in the lack of negative phrases to avoid redundancy as Occitan and French (vinrà step)

Lexicon in Roussillon

Influential Fran. nugues and Occitan (France), riparian (river) waters (groove) occitanismes: veire (glass) fede (sheep) Welsh licismes clothes (dress) futell (chair).

Someone Dialect

Fon. distribution similar to Alencar: 4 degrees of openness and 7 = central Catalan phonemes / e / ll.v> / e / figidu> cold nitidus> net / diphthong formed by the external members (iu, ui) are usually delivered as a growth (wi, yu) KWin (kitchen), Kwít (cooked) vjúra (widow). / o, u> u or maintained but in some cases the influence of Italian: play / or / common / o /. / confusion of L / R cry = / prorr.

Morphology in Someone Dialect

Certain gender n. is inconsistent with the regulatory au Allah: the ice, the pain. / to a n. kinship mon ton, san, ma, ta, sa. / 0 of the endings for pr.ind.1a. cannot. / current article, it (s) question (s).

Lleidetà Dialect

Fon. pronounce / 3 / the unstressed vowel in word final. Morfosin. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, order, 3rd sing and pl, pr, sub, ending in-o

Tortosa Dialect

Morfosin. Words ending in-st pl do. adding-s