Disease Outbreaks: Definitions, Steps, and Modes of Transmission
Disease Detectives
Pandemic: A global disease outbreak.
Outbreak: A sudden occurrence of disease in a community.
Epidemic: A widespread occurrence of a disease in a community at a particular time.
10 Steps to Investigate an Outbreak
- Prepare for field work
- Establish the existence of an outbreak
- Verify the diagnosis
- Construct a working case definition
- Find cases systematically and record information
- Develop Hypothesis
- Evaluate hypotheses
- Refine Hypothesis
- Implement Control and Preventive Measures
- Communicate Findings
5 Modes of Disease Transmission
- Air-borne transmission
- Contact transmission (direct and indirect)
- Vehicle transmission (Water, milk, food etc.)
- Vector-transmission
- Trans-placental transmission
W.H.O: World Health Organization
C.D.C: Centers for Disease Control
P.H.S: Public Health Surveillance.
Vector: An organism, typically a biting insect or tick, that transmits a disease or parasite from one animal or plant to another.
Fomite: Any object or substance capable of carrying infectious organisms.
Risk: The probability that one will become infected by an illness or injury within a specific period or time.
Cluster: An aggregation of cases over a particular period of time.
Morbidity: Illness
Parasite: An organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host’s expense.
Surveillance: The systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data
Epidemiological Calculations
A = The number of people who both had the exposure and developed the disease
B = The number of people who had the exposure but did not develop the disease
C = The number of people who did not have the exposure but did develop the disease
D = The number of people who neither had the exposure nor developed the disease
Specific Diseases
Zika: The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, red eyes, muscle pain, and headache. The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting for several days to a week. Zika fever in pregnant women can cause abnormal brain development. Similar to a mild form of dengue fever. It is contagious. The mosquito that transmits Zika is aedes, the same that transmits dengue and yellow fever.
Salmonella: A bacterium that occurs mainly in the intestine, especially a stereotype causing food poisoning. Food poisoning caused by infection with salmonella bacterium.