Divisional Structure and Organizational Design

Divisional Structure: Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Divisional Structure:

  • Focus on a specific product, service, or market.
  • Clearly defines responsibilities and accountability.
  • Provides autonomy to managers.
  • Provides supporting services from the center to divisions.

Disadvantages of Divisional Structure:

  • May develop a conflict of interests between divisions.
  • Possibility of a drift in meeting corporate objectives.
  • May produce neglect of long-term priorities.
  • Central control may stifle local innovation.

Coordination in Organizations

Coordination is the integration of the activities of individuals and units into a concerted effort that works towards a common objective. This requires a well-understood chain of command and span of management.

Span of Management

Factors influencing the width of control:

  • Complexity of work activities.
  • Variety of work activities.
  • Quality of manager.
  • Quality of subordinates.

Relationship to the span of management:

  • The more complex the work, the narrower the span.
  • The greater the variety of work, the narrower the span.
  • The more talented the manager, the wider the span.
  • The more responsible and able the subordinates, the wider the span.

Organizational Design in Practice

It is important that:

  • As an organization grows in size, the design is increasingly decentralized, and managers delegate decision-making to those parts of the organization best placed to make these particular decisions.
  • As an organization changes its strategy, the organizational design remains consistent with this change.
  • As the priorities, products, and services of an organization change over time, organizational design reflects these changes.
  • As technology changes, organizational design changes because of alterations to information requirements and decision-making.

Division of Work

Division of work is the breaking down of tasks into component parts so that individuals are responsible for an activity or a limited set of activities instead of the whole task. For example, McDonald’s restaurants have broken down the process of producing food into small steps.

Advantages of Work Division:

  • Less skilled workers can be used because the task has been simplified.
  • Training can be quick and relatively easy.
  • Proficiency is gained very rapidly due to task repetition.
  • Efficiency increases because workers do not waste time moving between tasks, increasing operational speed.
  • Workers can be assigned to operations that best suit their aptitudes and preferences.

Disadvantages of Work Division:

  • Workers become skilled in only one operation, requiring retraining when that skill is no longer needed.
  • Mechanization has reduced demand for workers with limited skills.
  • Retaining workers to higher skill levels is difficult without high basic levels of education and training.
  • Constant repetition of a single operation can be boring and demotivating.
  • Workers rely on a constant supply of products, potentially causing production bottlenecks.
  • Workers may lack motivation due to performing a small part of the overall process.