Dominican Republic: History, Society, and Economy
Jorge Blanco’s Campaign
The campaign was part of a proposed series democratizing government. It was called the National Rally.
Candidates of 1986
- Balaguer
- Juan Bosch
- James Majluta
The Cause of Triumph
The economic crisis and the discrediting government of the PRD.
Balaguer’s Government Action
Jorge underwent trials more white and its officials be canos, greater political tolerance and renovating plaster d measures the armed forces.
Balaguer’ “conten”:”s economic policy:
the policy d buildings.
Inhabited the Island Before the Arrival of the Spanish
The Caribs and the Arawaks.
In how many the island was divided in the Spanish arrived
in 5 chiefdoms.
- Marien by Guacanagariz
- Magua by Guarione
- Maguana by Canoabo
- Jaragua by boechio
- Higuey by Cayacoa
In 1605-1606
we saw the devastation d Osodi dividing the island in 2 colonies.
The Treaty of Ryswick
signed in 1697 and consisted in forcing France to Spain to get the accidental d the island.
The Basel Treaty
signed in 1795 and consisted of Spain ceded the island completely to France.
That starts the 24 d Julia D 1844
the process d internal space division.
During the Trujillo d were created
13 provinces. and passing through 25 provinces.
administrative spatial units are composed of several provinces.
they are higher territorial units in the political and covers several municipalities.
are second in geralquia territorial and have several rural sections, and some have 1 or more municipal districts.
These are territorial units belonging to the municipalities and have various rural sections.
Rural Sections
small territorial markings are d belongs to municipalities and municipal districts.
small spaces are inhabited or not belonging several rural sections.
are the smallest units that make up urban areas.
The Dominican People
are to ways: through the mixture d Taino, Spanish, African.
the displacement d is living through space.
Types of Migration
- Intercontinental: when the displacement is d one continent to another.
- Intracontinental: displacement occurs within the same continent.
- Intra Rural: displacement d is overpopulated areas are directed to another relatively unpopulated area.
- Urban Rural: moving from rural to the city.
a process in which an increasing population d d a territory is concentrated in urban areas.
indicates how people are distributed in space.
economic activity is more important in the history of mankind and d is the basis alimentitaria d world population.
d is a major activity in rural areas is d breeding animals to use their milk or their meat to market.
Types of Livestock
- Extensive
- Intensive
Water Resources
d are the reservoirs and groundwater surface water that has our territory.
The Industry
the product d technical processes that can transform d extracted products of nature or semi processed in other ways that can meet the needs d the population.
The Industry Began to Develop
in the seventeenth century.
Types of Industries
- Workshop
- Domestica
- Modern
The Predominant Industry
is now modern industry.
Heavy Industry
is when cousins trnsforma the materials and semi processed products that will be used in other industries.