Don Quixote and Lazarillo de Tormes: Spanish Literature Classics

Don Quixote: A Summary of the Classic Novel

This is the story of an old man from La Mancha, named Alonso Quijano, who is driven mad by reading many books of chivalry. He christens himself Don Quixote and names his lady Dulcinea of Toboso and his old horse Rocinante. In the first part, we find several interspersed stories. An example of this is when Don Quixote frees a boy from the ill-treatment of his master. Accompanied by Sancho Panza, a neighbor whom he convinced to serve him as a squire in exchange for being governor of an insula, he continues his adventures in search of renown.

The first part ends with the barber, the priest, and the student Ahcene returning Don Quixote, caged, to his home. In the second part of the book, the characters that appear have read the adventures of Don Quixote from the first part, and therefore know all his adventures. He undertakes a new journey from La Mancha to Barcelona, experiencing new adventures with his faithful friend Sancho Panza. Shortly after arriving in Barcelona, a knight challenges him for the love of their ladies, and Don Quixote falls before him. With this defeat, Don Quixote decides to return to his village, where he falls ill and eventually dies.

Lazarillo de Tormes: A Picaresque Novel

Lazarillo was born near the river Tormes. His father died when he was only eight years old. His mother and he went to live in the city, where she had a child with a man of color.

The black man stole to feed Lazarillo and his mother. When this was discovered, the man was beaten, and she was penalized by justice. When the youngest son started walking, Lazarillo was already a little older. One day, a blind man passed by and thought Lazarillo could help him by being his guide. He asked Lazarillo’s mother, and she accepted, as long as he cared for and treated him well. From this time on, Lazarillo will have to fend for himself to get food, always using guile.

Lazarillo’s Life and Masters

Lázaro de Tormes, son of Antona Pérez and Tomé González, was born on the banks of the river Tormes, which is why he was given that name. When he was less than ten years old, his father died, and Antona became a widow. She remarried while Lazarillo worked at an inn. There, he met his first master, whom he followed by others:

  • The Blind Man: Who made him go through bad times, but served as useful training for later life.
  • The Cleric: With whom he almost never found anything to eat.
  • The Squire: Who threatened him because he owed money.
  • The Friar: He did not like the prayers, eating in the monastery, or doing practices that are normal for friars. Lazarillo left him after a week.
  • The Buldero: The bulls were documents that were found in the Middle Ages for granting privileges to people, but the bulls were often false and thus were pursued.
  • The Chaplain: Lazarillo went to work for him and did very well. After four years of work, he had saved enough to dress well and live with dignity, then he left him.
  • The Sheriff: His seventh and last master. He did not last long, considering it a very dangerous profession.

After leaving the sheriff, Lazarillo took the post of town crier. He married one of the maids of the Archpriest of San Salvador, who was very fond of him and from whom he could ask for all the favors he wanted.