Don Quixote Vocabulary: Terms and Definitions (Chapters 1-10)

Chapter I

  1. Hidalgo: Said of a person: generous and noble in spirit, belonging to a noble and distinguished class.
  2. Rocín: A horse of poor appearance, rough build, and short stature.
  3. Sayo: Loose clothing, often without buttons, covering the body down to the knee.
  4. Velarte: Glossy black felted cloth, used for capes, tunics, and other warm outerwear.
  5. Velludo: Plush or velvet.
  6. Vellorí: Medium-fine cloth, ashy brown or made of undyed wool.
  7. Pizpierno: Delicate, subtle, weak, or disorganized.
  8. Celada: A piece of armor used to cover and defend the head.
  9. Yelmo: Armor for the top of the head, shaped like a helmet, often adorned with plumage.
  10. Holgar: To relax, rest, or take a breath after fatigue.

Chapter II

  1. Flamante: New to an activity or class, having just entered it; lucid, brilliant.
  2. Melifluo: Sweet, gentle, delicate, and tender.
  3. Corono: A person who keeps track of actions; possibly referring to the narrator.
  4. Majada: A place where cattle and herders gather and are housed at night.
  5. Discurrir: To reflect, to think.
  6. Venta: An inn or house established on unpopulated roads for the accommodation of travelers.

Chapter III

  1. Socarrón: Sly or cunning, acting with mockery disguised as pretense.
  2. Barruntos: Signs, indications, or news.
  3. Adarga: A leather shield, oval or heart-shaped.
  4. Follón: Lazy, careless, vain, arrogant; cowardly or despicable conduct.
  5. Saña: Anger, rage, fury.
  6. Sandez: Nonsense, simplicity, folly, foolishness.
  7. Pescozada: A slap given during the knighting ceremony.
  8. Espaldarazo: A flat blow with a sword on the back, part of the knighting ceremony.
  9. Lides: Fights, combats, quarrels, strife.

Chapter IV

  1. Mohíno: Sad, melancholic, disgusted.
  2. Vapular: To beat or strike repeatedly.
  3. Bermellón: Vermilion; a bright red color.

Chapter V

  1. Jumento: A donkey or ass.
  2. Jayanes: Coarse and vulgar ruffians.
  3. Desaforado: Acting without law or jurisdiction; outrageous, unruly.

Chapter VI

  1. Donaires: Grace, wit, charm; polite and refined manners.
  2. Decoro: Honor, respect, and reverence due to a person’s birth or dignity; propriety.
  3. Escrutar: To scrutinize, examine carefully; (in context) to separate the good from the bad.
  4. Églogas: Poetic compositions of the pastoral genre, typically featuring idealized rural settings and dialogues between shepherds about love and country life.

Chapter VII

  1. Yantar: To eat; food or meal.
  2. Ínsula: An island; often used metaphorically for a small territory or government.

Chapter VIII

  1. Vizcaíno: A native of Vizcaya (Biscay), a Spanish province.

Chapter IX

  1. Fendientes: Slashing blows delivered with a sword or similar weapon, typically downwards.
  2. Palafrén: A tame riding horse, especially one used by ladies, kings, or princes for ceremonial entries.
  3. Corcovos: Bucking or leaping movements made by some animals, arching the spine.

Chapter X

  1. Recua: A drove or string of pack animals (mules, horses).
  2. Yangüeses: Natives of Yanguas.
  3. Loriga: Armor for body defense, made of small, interlocking metal plates or rings (mail).
  4. Folgar: To rest, relax; also, archaically, to have carnal knowledge.
  5. Alcuza: An oil cruet or small jug, typically earthenware, wider at the bottom and narrowing towards the mouth.
  6. Bálsamo: Aromatic compound, often medicinal, applied as a remedy, especially for wounds; balm.
  7. Yelmo de encaje: A type of helmet from old armor protecting the head and face, consisting of a skull piece, visor, and bevor.
  8. Cabreros: Goatherds.
  9. Absorto: Absorbed, engrossed, rapt.