Drug Use Impact: Pregnancy, STIs, and Society
Impact of Drug Use on Specific Groups and Stages
In seniors, there is an added complication of deeply rooted behaviors and limitations in learning ability. This group is at major risk for the initiation or intensification of tobacco and alcohol consumption, particularly as a result of the complex life stage of retirement.
Family Environment
The family nucleus is considered essential in drug addiction intervention. This includes not only the immediate family but also neighbors and friends. Family and work resources are conditioning factors in family education.
Social Environment
We must promote and protect the health of the population through educational activities, placing health at the top of the value scale. This involves eliminating unhealthy attitudes and practices and promoting new, healthy habits.
Drug Use During Pregnancy and Birth
Relates the birth and the gestation process to tobacco, alcohol, and heroin consumption:
- Gestation (10 weeks): During the formation of organisms, drug use may cause deformities in the development of the heart, limbs, and features of the fetus.
- Prenatal Development (from 11 weeks): Drug use may cause the baby to be weak, small, and premature, with health problems requiring special treatment. It may even cause early death.
- Parturition: In the woman’s body, alcohol is transformed into harmful substances that are absorbed by the fetus. This increases the risk of the baby developing defects such as fetal alcohol syndrome, characterized by a small skull, abnormal features, and intellectual disability.
Specific Substances:
- Tobacco: Increases the risk of preterm delivery and fetal development problems. Nicotine decreases the mother’s appetite and reduces the lungs’ ability to absorb oxygen.
- Marijuana: Associated with premature births and underweight babies.
- Heroin: Leads to premature birth, low birth weight, respiratory distress, hypoglycemia, and bleeding in the tissues of the baby’s head.
Adverse Effects of Cocaine During Pregnancy
Cocaine, and stimulant drugs in general, reduce the mother’s appetite. By increasing heart rate and raising blood pressure, fetal development is impaired. Babies suffer from the same dependence on the drug as their mother, leading to symptoms such as tremors, insomnia, muscle spasms, and difficulty sucking.
“Love Pill” and its Effects on Sexuality
Ecstasy, known as the “love pill,” causes an increase in serotonin release. In the short term, it causes neural problems, decreased libido, and reduced sexual response.
Relationship Between Drug Use and AIDS
The use or sharing of non-sterile needles, cotton balls, spoons, and rinse water or drug cookers, puts drug users at risk of contracting or transmitting HIV.
International Classification of Drugs
- Group 1: Substances dangerous to health, with no medical utility, and therefore banned for human consumption. Includes heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, and LSD.
- Group 2: Substances that are dangerous but have sufficient therapeutic benefits to justify their use. Requires a special permit for prescription. Includes methadone and morphine.
- Group 3: Substances that have a clear advantage over health risks, requiring a classic medical prescription.
- Group 4: Substances beneficial to health with no toxicity, not requiring a prescription. Includes vitamin complexes.
Spain’s National Drug Strategy Action Plan
Key strategies include:
- Maintain and enhance constructive political debate.
- Increase awareness of society and promote participation.
- Prioritize prevention.
- Take a comprehensive approach to the problem.
- Promote social reintegration.
- Enhance the reduction of supply.
- Enhance international cooperation.