Early 20th Century Spain: Politics, Conflicts, and Key Figures

Political and Social Movements

Revolution From Above

The main objective of Antonio Maura during his long government, which lasted from 1907 to 1909.

Incident of Fashoda

Episodes that took place in 1898 when France and Britain decided to build lines of communication paths for connecting their respective colonies in Africa without interruption.

Tragic Week

Events in Barcelona and other cities of Catalonia, between July 26 and August 2, 1909.

Assembly of Parliamentarians

Meetings, never official, held in Barcelona and Madrid between Catalan and Spanish deputies and senators between July and October 1917.

Bolshevized Three Years

A period of three years framed in the last stage of the Bourbon Restoration in Spain in which there were major conflicts in the field of Spanish industry.

Soviet Revolution

A political movement in Russia that culminated in 1917 with the expulsion of the provisional government that had replaced the tsarist system, which eventually led to the establishment of the Soviet Union, which lasted until its fall in 1991.

Key Figures

Antonio Maura

A Spanish writer and statesman who served five times as President of the Council of Ministers of Spain.

José Canalejas

Former Minister of Public Works of Mercy and Justice, Treasury and Minister of Agriculture, industry, commerce and public works during the regency of Maria Cristina of Austria and President of the Council of Ministers and again Minister of Development and Minister Grace and Justice during the reign of Alfonso XIII.

Ferrer i Guardia

Picked up the modern tradition begun by Rousseau in the eighteenth century, contrary to authority and religious worldview, “to adapt to anarchism and free thought, which flourished in the industrial cities.

Supporters of the Allies

Advocates of the Allied nations in either of the two world wars.


Advocates of German politics.

Julian Besteiro

A Spanish politician and professor. After fleeing from the other members of the Defense Council in Madrid, Madrid is the highest authority Republican, delivering power to the victors of the Spanish Civil War.

Largo Caballero

A Spanish politician and trade unionist Marxist, historical leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party and the General Union of Workers. During the Second Spanish Republic was Minister of Labour (1931-1933), Prime Minister (1936-1937).

Abd el-Krim

A resistance leader against the Spanish and French colonial rule in the Rif.

Blas Infante

Spanish politician formally considered by the Congress of Deputies and the Parliament of Andalusia as the “Father of the Nation Andalusian.”

Fernando de los Rios

A politician, Spanish Socialist leader and ideologue, considered one of the most outstanding figures of Spanish socialist thought highlighting his proposal for a humanistic socialism.

Miguel Primo de Rivera

A military, political, and Spanish dictator. He was second Marquis of Estella, the seventh of Sobremonte and Grandee of Spain.

Alfonso XIII

King of Spain from its source to the proclamation of the Second Republic on April 14, 1931.

Salvador Seguí

One of the most prominent leaders of anarcho-syndicalism in Catalonia in the early twentieth century. He sought to give new impetus to the proletarian struggle without forgetting the essence of his anarchist ideals.

Laws and Concepts

Law of Jurisdiction

Placed under military jurisdiction offenses oral or written statements to the unity of the country, the flag and honor the military.


The term applied to a statute enacted by the Spanish president, José Canalejas and Méndez (1910-1912), in 1910, which prohibited the establishment of new religious congregations in Spain, thus limiting inter alia, the power the Church over the State.

Boards of Defense

The body was created July 24, 1936 by the military rebels in the failed coup that led to the Spanish Civil War and took over a collective term and ‘all branches of government” [1] in the territory controlled by the coup.

Pact of San Sebastian

Niceto meeting promoted by Alcala-Zamora and Miguel Maura held in the Basque city of San Sebastian on August 17, 1930.

Market Economy

This refers to the explicit organization and allocation of production and consumption of goods and services arising from the interplay of supply and demand with a specified share of the state can intervene to ensure the access of goods, impose prices on certain products considered to be necessities, impose fees and taxes.

Land Reform

The set of political, economic, social and legislative change aimed at the structure of ownership and production of the land.


A form of extrajudicial execution that is to simulate the escape of a detainee, especially when it is led from one point to another, and to abolish the force that custody and abetting the murder of the prisoner after the legal precept which allows to fire on the fugitive who does not obey the “stop” threatening the guards.

Organizations and Institutions


A satirical magazine in Spanish and Catalan separatist ideology of the early twentieth century.

Military Courts

Legal framework governing the institution of the armed forces of a State within the framework of internal relations of its members.


A union of independent trade unions confederation of anarcho-syndicalist ideology of Spain that is attached to the transnational organization of International Workers Association.


Trade union is a Spanish working. Founded in 1888, shares historical roots with the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) from classical Marxism evolved into a social democratic orientation.

Conference of Algeciras

The aim of the conference was to solve the so-called first Moroccan crisis between France and Germany.

Picasso Report

The name that he knows the report by Maj. Gen. Juan Picasso González, for the Supreme Council of War and Navy.

Military Directory

The temporal organization of the government of a nation military way through force of arms.

Patriotic Union

A Spanish political party created by the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera as a citizens’ association, an association of “all men of good will.”

National Consultative Assembly

Parliament in Spain replaced assuming no legislative power during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, in the reign of Alfonso XIII.


A Spanish Marxist political party formed on November 14, 1921 following a split in the Socialist Party formed by people dissatisfied with the Social Democrats, whose original intention was to join the Third International called by Lenin.


An organization founded in 1927 on the beach of El Saler, Valencia, following two anarchist organizations, Portuguese, Portuguese Anarchist Union and the Spanish National Federation of Anarchist Groups of Spain, thus having a level playing field Iberian.


Annual Disaster

A serious military defeat to the Rif Spanish led by Abd el-Krim near the Moroccan town Annual, 22 July 1921, which led to a redefinition of the colonial policy of Spain in the Rif War.


Uprising or coup d’etat of an army, usually led by a high command, against a government to overthrow.

John of the Cross

A draft coup in Spain, which had been scheduled for the evening of June 24, 1926.

Jaca Uprising

Spanish Republicans laced with a tradition of violence and messianism typical of the nineteenth century in order to proclaim, by force of arms, the Second Spanish Republic.

Other Terms


A system of organization and political or economic thought that considers the community as a body on the basis of social solidarity organic and functional distinction of roles between individuals.


It is one for which the owner (transferor tenant) of a farm instructs an individual (assignee tenant) farm of the estate in exchange for a share in the results.


The general and persistent increase in price over time.


A historical movement is contrary to clericalism, ie the excessive influence of religious institutions in political affairs.

in political affairs.

-PCE: a Spanish Marxist political party formed on November 14, 1921 following a split in the Socialist Party formed by people dissatisfied with the Social Democrats, whose original intention was to join the Third International called by Lenin.

-FAI is an organization founded in 1927 on the beach of El Saler, Valencia, following two anarchist organizations, Portuguese, Portuguese Anarchist Union and the Spanish National Federation of Anarchist Groups of Spain, thus having a level playing field Iberian.

Leak-Law: is a form of extrajudicial execution that is to simulate the escape of a detainee, especially when it is led from one point to another, and to abolish the force that custody and abetting the murder of the prisoner after the legal precept which allows to fire on the fugitive who does not obey the “stop” threatening the guards.

-Salvador Seguí: was one of the most prominent leaders of anarcho-syndicalism in Catalonia in the early twentieth century. He sought to give new impetus to the proletarian struggle without forgetting the essence of his anarchist ideals.