Earth’s Atmosphere: Structure, Composition, and Environmental Impacts

The Atmosphere and Its Structure


The atmosphere, a gaseous layer surrounding Earth, is held in place by gravity. Approximately 1,000 km thick, it’s crucial for life. Let’s explore its structure:

Layers of the Atmosphere

  • Troposphere: Closest to land, containing most of the atmosphere’s mass, moisture, and dust. Its thickness varies (18 km at the equator, 8 km in the Arctic). Weather phenomena like wind and rain occur here. The tropopause marks its upper boundary.
  • Stratosphere: Extends from the tropopause to 50 km high. Contains the ozone layer, which protects us from ultraviolet radiation. The stratopause transitions to the mesosphere.
  • Mesosphere: Located between 45 km and 80-90 km. Lacks ozone and water vapor.
  • Ionosphere: Between 90 km and 400 km. Ionized with free electrons that reflect radio waves, enabling radio transmission. The termopausa marks the transition to the exosphere.
  • Exosphere: The outermost layer, starting at 400 km. Density decreases until it merges with outer space around 600 km.

Atmospheric Composition and Natural Hazards


The atmosphere’s major components are nitrogen (78.08%), oxygen (20.95%), and argon (0.93%). Minor gases include carbon dioxide, neon, helium, carbon monoxide, ozone, and water vapor.

Natural Hazards

Natural hazards are environmental alterations posing dangers to humans, often leading to natural disasters. These can be exacerbated by human actions, creating risk and vulnerability. Hazards can directly impact people, agriculture, livestock, infrastructure, or indirectly disrupt essential services. Examples include atmospheric hazards (heat waves, hurricanes, droughts) and non-atmospheric hazards (landslides). Human intervention (anthropogenic hazards) includes forest fires, pollution, deforestation, and species extinction.

Environmental Impact and Assessment

Environmental Impact

Environmental impact refers to disruptions caused by human activity. Direct impacts include road construction and urbanization, while indirect impacts include air pollution and acid rain.

Environmental Impact Assessment

An environmental impact assessment analyzes potential consequences before a project begins. An environmental impact statement, often required by law, includes project descriptions, alternatives, environmental inventory, impact identification, and mitigation measures.

Impact Indicators

Impact indicators are environmental elements affected by activity (e.g., water temperature, ozone concentration). These are ranked by magnitude (extent of impact) and importance (value of the affected resource). Magnitude scales range from critical to reversible. Impacts can be atmospheric, terrestrial, or aquatic.

Atmospheric Impact and Air Pollution

Atmospheric Impact

Atmospheric impacts result from gaseous and microscopic solid emissions from human activities. The atmosphere is complex, with unpredictable reactions. Key impacts include air pollution, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, and the greenhouse effect.

Air Pollution

For centuries, the atmosphere’s composition remained relatively stable. However, human activity, particularly over the last 150 years, has significantly increased pollutants like carbon dioxide. Air pollution occurs when substances in the atmosphere exceed safe levels, harming living organisms. Analyzing air pollution involves considering emission sources (industrial zones, vehicles), contaminant behavior, and effects on humans and the environment. Pollutants can be classified by their nature (gases, particulates), form of energy, or origin (primary, secondary).

Primary Pollutants

  • Suspended Particles: Dust, ash from volcanic activity, vehicle emissions, industrial activity.
  • Oxides of Carbon: Carbon monoxide (colorless, odorless gas from incomplete combustion) and carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas).
  • Oxides of Nitrogen: Dinitrogen monoxide (released by bacteria), nitrogen monoxide (poisonous gas from combustion), and nitrogen dioxide (harmful brown gas from combustion).
  • Sulfur Dioxide: Released from burning sulfur-containing fuels (coal, gas, oil), contributing to acid rain.
  • Hydrocarbons: Methane (from organic decomposition) is a common example.
  • Heavy Metals: Lead (formerly a gasoline additive).

Secondary Pollutants

  • Ozone: Formed by sunlight reacting with nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons.
  • Nitrogen Oxide Derivatives: Nitric acid and PAN contribute to ozone formation.
  • VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds): Formed by hydrocarbon oxidation, also contributing to ozone formation.

Ionizing radiation and radioactive particles are also considered pollutants.

Effects of Air Pollution and Photochemical Smog

Effects of Air Pollution

  • Materials: Sulfur oxides damage buildings and roads. Ozone degrades rubber.
  • Vegetation: Dust and soot hinder photosynthesis. Sulfur dioxide, ethylene, and nitrates destroy chlorophyll.
  • Humans: Carbon monoxide interferes with oxygen transport in the blood. Benzene (in gasoline) can cause cancer. Sulfur dioxide causes respiratory inflammation. Other pollutants can cause pulmonary edema.

Photochemical Smog

Photochemical smog occurs when high pollution levels combine with specific climatic conditions, often in cities. Sunlight reacting with vehicle emissions creates a mixture of nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and PAN, causing eye irritation, coughing, and fatigue.

Temperature Inversions and Acid Rain

Temperature Inversions

Normally, temperature decreases with altitude. However, inversions occur when higher altitudes have warmer air than lower levels, trapping pollutants and creating fog. This is common in cities with high humidity.


  • Fuel-efficient cars
  • Reduced reliance on coal and industrial heating
  • Increased public transportation use

Acid Rain

Acid rain, with a pH below 5.6 (compared to normal rain’s pH of around 5.6-7 due to carbonic acid), is caused by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions reacting with water in the atmosphere to form sulfuric and nitric acids. It can return to Earth as gas or solid precipitation.

Consequences of Acid Rain

  • Increased water acidity, harming aquatic life
  • Plant damage and ecosystem modification
  • Corrosion of buildings and monuments


  • Reduced fuel consumption
  • Renewable energy development
  • Industrial emission controls (filters, desulfurization catalysts)

Ozone Layer Depletion and the Greenhouse Effect

Ozone Layer Depletion

The ozone layer shields Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Human-made chemicals, like CFCs, release chlorine atoms in the stratosphere, which break down ozone molecules, especially at low temperatures. Although CFC use has decreased, their long atmospheric lifespan (40-150 years) means they continue to impact the ozone layer.

Consequences of Ozone Depletion

  • Increased skin cancer risk
  • Negative impacts on plant growth and photosynthesis
  • Weakened immune systems in animals and humans
  • Increased cataract development

The Greenhouse Effect

The atmosphere regulates Earth’s temperature. CO2 and water vapor contribute to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation, trapping heat and warming the planet. This effect is essential for life, maintaining a habitable temperature. However, increased CO2 levels due to human activities amplify this effect, leading to global warming.

Climate Change and Its Consequences

Climate Change

Climate refers to long-term weather patterns. Climate change, driven by increased greenhouse gas concentrations, involves rising temperatures and altered weather patterns. Scientists predict significant temperature increases this century, potentially leading to species extinction and ecosystem disruption.

Consequences of Climate Change

  • Altered rainfall patterns (droughts, floods)
  • Melting glaciers and ice caps, rising sea levels
  • Impacts on agriculture and crop production
  • Displacement of coastal populations
  • Increased natural disasters (fires, hurricanes)
  • Ecosystem disruption
  • Economic consequences

Noise Pollution and International Commitments

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution, defined as unwanted sound, has negative health effects, including hearing loss, stress, irritability, and sleep disturbances.

International Commitments

Various international agreements address environmental issues. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (1948), the Club of Rome (1968), the Stockholm Conference (1972), the Montreal Protocol (1987), the Earth Summit (1992), and the Kyoto Protocol (1997) are key examples. These agreements aim to protect the environment, reduce pollution, and promote sustainable development.

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development balances economic and social development with environmental protection. It involves responsible resource management, promoting renewable resources, reducing consumption in developed countries, supporting progress in developing countries, protecting ecosystems, and preserving cultural diversity. Environmental impact assessments are crucial for identifying and mitigating risks associated with human activities.