Earth’s Features: Climate, Relief, and More
The Earth is one of the eight planets orbiting the sun. It receives light and heat necessary to form joint vida.el the solar system, a small element of the Milky Way, a galaxy consists of hundreds of millions of stars (the universe).
Spring equinox: March 21st. Summer solstice: June 21st. Autumn equinox: September 23rd. Winter solstice: December 22nd. Translational motion: It has a duration of 365 days, 6h and 9min (a year.) Land to be no angle, the quantity of hours of sunlight varies throughout the year on all surfaces, resulting in the 4 seasons. Rotatory motion: The turnaround of the land around its axis lasts 24h, the consequences are night and day and time differences in one place to another. The planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto (dwarf planet seen since 2006). Warm areas: In the vicinity of Ecuador, where sun rays fall perpendicular most of the year. Temperate areas: Between the tropics and the polar circle. Colder regions: Around the poles, the rays fall more inclination. Climate: General atmospheric situation affecting large geographical areas so constante.existe a set of geographical and meteorological factors that determine the climatic characteristics of any location. Atmosphere: A gaseous layer surrounding the earth. Relief: Mountains, plains, and plateaus. The crust is where the seabed and continents settle, which float on the mantle, molten rock formed by the action of the nucleus by a layer of more than 4,000 km of thickness and the temperature hovers around 4,500 degrees Celsius, is in the depths of the earth. The instability of the crust with the mantle explains earthquakes.
The seas are continually moving, and this affects marine life, the relief of the coast, and life at the litoral. The movement can be caused by: -the action of wind, which causes the wave – the attraction exerted by the sun and moon, tide – the joint attraction of wind and the Earth’s rotation, causing large oceanic flows. Diverse types of coastal relief: Coves and cliffs on the mountain-coast, sandy beaches rectilinias, on the shores of the plains, deltas and estuaries, in coastal lowlands, shaped in turn by the action of the rivers in desenbocadura. Continents: Types of relief: -Plain, flat surfaces with little elevation above the sea. Example: the plains of Siberia. -Plateau, flat surfaces, raised from the level of the sea, separated by mountain chains. Example: Iran plateau. -Mountain, elevated surfaces with steep slopes, according to the age of the mountain. They are grouped in the mountains and cordilleras. Example: the Himalayan mountain range. 2 Types of water: Rivers current d-q desenvocan water in a sea or another river. Its volume depends on the precipitation. The rivers are essential to human activities. – Lakes bodies of water in the interior of continents, its waters come from springs and glacial rivers. Wet Spain: Located on the Cantabrian coast and in Galicia. It is characterized by an oceanic climate, mild temperatures, and rain throughout the year. The climate favors abundant vegetation (forests of oak, beech, and natural grassland). The rivers of this area originate in the mountains, hence the length of their banks is small with regular and abundant flow. Dry Spain: Differs from moisture by a lower puvosidad, there are two divisions: Inland Spain: An area comprising the central regions of the peninsula, principally the plateau and the valley of the Ebro. The climate is continental, with high temperatures in summer and cold in winter, rainfall is scarce. Its natural landscape presents two varieties: the forest of oaks and cork trees, shrubs, and other species adapted to drought in more shallow areas of the Ebro and mesta. The climate-vegetation is typical of the mountain ranges of the Pyrenees, the Iberian or central system.