ECHE1300 Health and Wellbeing Lecture Notes

Lecture 1 – Definitions and Approaches

  • Health: state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing – not merely absence of disease or infirmity
  • Wellbeing: positive state of mind and body; feeling healthy and happy
  • Dimensions of Health:
    • Physical
    • Mental
    • Emotional
    • Social & Spiritual
  • Factors of Health:
    • Social & Economic Environmental
    • E.g. socioeconomic status, relationship quality – ‘Wealthier are healthier’
  • Education, access to health resources, housing

Lecture 3 – Wellbeing

  • Determinants of Wellbeing:
    • Family functioning, social engagement, support networks
    • Material resources, health status, secure housing
    • Employment & skills
    • Personal factors and behaviours

Lecture 4 – Body Image

  • Refers to thoughts and beliefs of our own bodies & bodies of others
  • Focus on wholes bodies or parts
  • Western culture has focus on physical body

Lecture 5 – Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

  • Wellbeing:
    • Children have a strong sense of identity
    • Children are connected with and contribute to their world
    • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

Lecture 6 – Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)

  • Terms to Know:
    • KLA – Key learning Areas
    • Stage – level of learning e.g. Stage 1 → Kindy & yr1
    • ACARA – Australian Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting Authority

Lecture 7 – Breastfeeding

  • Why is breastfeeding so important?
    • Child
      • Lower risk – sudden unexpected infant death
      • Reduced GI, RTI, middle ear infections
      • Obesity protection
      • Reduced diabetes risk
      • Improved cognitive development
      • Supports speech, jaw, mouth develop
      • Reduced necrotising enterocolitis
    • Mother
      • Improved childbirth recovery
      • Lower postnatal depression
      • Protective effects for breast/ovarian cancer
      • Lower osteoporosis rates
      • Increased birth spacing

Lecture 8 – Nutrition

  • Public health → focus us often on nutrients

  • Early Childhood → most holistic approach

  • Teachers attitudes for food can influence children’s attitudes

  • Nutrients are chemicals that:

      • -</n – – -</n – One -</n Lecture 9 – Water Safety
  • Australian Water Safety Strategy (AWSS)

    • Introduced in 2008
    • Reduce drowning death by 50% by 2020
    • 3 Priority areas:
      • Taking a life stages approach (e.g. 0-14yrs, 15-24yrs etc)
      • Targeting high risk locations (e.g. waterways, coastal waters etc)
      • Focusing on key drowning challenges (e.g. reduce alcohol, watercraft & recreation activities, high-risk populations

Lecture 10 – Road Safety

  • Transport traffic injury statistics
  • Education needs to be part of everyday life
  • Under the age of 5 are most safe → restrained booster seats

Lecture 11 – Managing Risk in Outdoor Play

  • Regulatory Context
    • National Law Section 167 – requires approved providers to ensure ‘every reasonable precaution is taken to protect children from harm and any hazard likely to cause injury
  • Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) & Risky Play Provision
    • “plan learning environments with appropriate levels of challenge where children are encouraged to explore, experiment and take appropriate risks in their learning
  • National Quality Standards (NQS) & Risky play
    • Educators
      • “…plan to ensure that all areas used by children are effectively supervised, including when children are participating in high-risk activities”
      • “ensure children are alerted to safety issues and encouraged to develop the skills to assess and minimise risks to their own safet”

Lecture 12 – Indigenous Australians

  • Indigenous Worldview
    • Set of belief about fundamental aspects of reality grounding & influencing the world
    • Indigenous worldview does not exist
    • Rooted in specific place but colonisation uprooted from traditional homeland
    • Rooted in violence of colonialism & failed government policies

Lecture 13 – Personal Health Record (PHR)

  • Evolution of PHR
    • WHO 2018
      • Recommended use of PHR for care of infants, children & mothers
      • Used since 1948 in japan & 1921 in NZ
    • Vaccination only record existing since 1800
      • E.g.Smallpox vaccination card

Lecture 14 – Illness Immunisation

  • Dangers of Floodwater
    • Contact with flood water should be minimised
    • Can be contaminated by debris, sewage & animals
    • Drinking water supplies can be affected by floods
      • Boil water first to prevent illness

Lecture 15 – Allergies

  • Importance
    • Food allergies increasing
    • More children than adults suffering from allergies
    • Allergies interfere with:
      • Concentration
      • Sleep
      • Social functioning
      • Recreational activities

Lecture 16 – Chronic Illness

  • Definitions & Conditions
    • Lack of consistency
    • No consistent definition of chronic illness across health

Lecture 17 – Bullying

  • Types of Bullying
    • Four types:
      • Physical (more common in boys)
      • Verbal
      • Relational (more common in girls)
      • Cyber (less common for young children)

Lecture 18 – Social Emotional Learning

  • Acronyms
    • SEL: social and emotional learning
    • CASEL: Collaborative for Academic, Social & Emotional Learning
    • ACARA: Australian Curriculum, assessment & Reporting Authority
    • PSC: Personal & Social Capability

Lecture 19 & 20 – Child Abuse & Maltreatment

  • Abuse & Neglect Definitions
    • Abuse – either sexual, eomtional or physical
    • Neglect – deprivation of essential for child to lead a healthy and fulfilling life

Lecture 22 – Mental Health

  • Mental Health
    • Similar to Physical Health:
      • Everyone has mental health status
      • Social & physical environments should support mental health
      • Prevention is better than cure
      • Can be acute or chronic
      • Social-emotional environments can exacerbate genetic tendencies
      • Eating, sleeping and exercising well important for good mental health

Lecture 23 – 24hr, Movement, Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour

  • Sleep
    • Newborns need 14-17hrs of sleep
    • Adults need 7-8hr of sleep

Lecture 25 – Sustainability

  • Education is important to develop sustainable patterns of living
  • Sustainability education is:
    • Future oriented
    • Environmental protection focused
    • Creating a more ecological and just world