Economic and Political Liberalism: Impact on Civil Society

Economic and Political Liberalism

Economic liberalism and political liberalism start with the constitutional guarantees of individual rights and the declaration of the doctrine of creation. The economy is represented in the organization, including:

  • According to political liberalism, human beings must be free of religious and political economic constraints, which imposes limits and controls the power of the state.
  • Economic liberalism leaves the market as the basic mechanism of social coordination. Its role is to support the role of the state in the markets: to determine prices and the distribution of profits.

Socialist Tradition

The socialist tradition aims to establish equality of material, social, and economic conditions for all human beings. Therefore, it is particularly concerned about defending social conditions. Socialism believes that society should have the responsibility and freedom to control the market to achieve equal and advantageous conditions, or that the market mechanism should be removed from the hands of the state. Socialism, therefore, will not be a guarantor of freedom but a representative of all profits.

Social and Democratic State of Law

Spain is formed by a democratic and social state of law, so it claims freedom, justice, political pluralism, and equality as its main legal values.

  • The state supports citizens’ rights, economic, social, and cultural guarantees through rules and institutions.
  • It is a democratic state. The sovereignty of all citizens is based on public authorities.
  • In this state of law, all men and institutions are subject to the constitution and, therefore, must respect the fundamental legal guarantee.

Is it Possible to Achieve This Kind of State?

Some theorists have shown that it is impossible to combine these three aspects simultaneously. Other authors do not share the same opinion, and in their view, progress can be made in the three main areas to achieve this goal. These three states simultaneously promote legality, the protection of democracy, and the social commitment of all citizens.

The New Civil Society

The new civil society must be enhanced, but not in the sense described in the two traditions. The market mechanisms of society will not only be completely correct, nor will it be a bureaucratized slave state. Before this case, which limits the freedom of civil society in general, a new dimension is needed: a dimension of several associations and networks of relationships, including family, friends, or neighbor associations, and international groups. All of these elements form a distinctive social organization. These groups are not subject to state coercion. All of these associations are linked by love, religious faith, friendship, or political projects, not as a result of a common vision.

Two Perspectives on Civil Society

  • John Keane

    The state field is not the social dimension of the economic and civil society. Its operation is one of the items.
  • Jurgen Habermas

    Civil society is separated from state power, as well as economic power, in cooperation with civil society. In this field, bonds of solidarity are not only directed.

Relationship Between State and Civil Society

The relationship between the state and civil society should specify the following points:

  1. The legitimacy of civil society.
  2. Political power: the power of civil society and the state should be used for control and to remind the purpose.
  3. Non-coercive state is essential for the creation of non-public areas of civil society to freely debate public issues.
  4. The state must ensure the autonomy of civil society.
  5. Promote independent public opinion.
  6. Civil society must assume responsibilities; the country is not popular for solving the problems.
  7. All of this is impossible if it is not based on solidarity and reinforces the ethics of the exercise of civil society.