Economic Development in India: Key Factors & Analysis
Posted on Feb 28, 2025 in Geography
Economic Development: Factors and Analysis
Factors Hindering Economic Development
- Explain factors hindering economic development.
Characteristics of Developing Economies in India
- Analyze critically the characteristics of developing economies with special reference to India.
Indicators of Economic Development
- Examine the indicators of Economic Development.
Population and Human Resource Development
Population Growth in India
- What are the causes for the rapid growth of population in India and suggest measures to control Population Explosion?
Measuring Human Development
- What are the different indices to measure human development? Explain them.
National Income, Poverty, and Unemployment
Reducing Income and Wealth Inequality
- How do you reduce inequalities in the distribution of Income and Wealth?
Poverty Alleviation Programs in India
- Bring out some of the poverty alleviation programs undertaken by the Government of India.
Unemployment in India
- Explain the causes of unemployment in India and what measures suggest to reduce unemployment in India?
Agricultural Sector
Importance of Agriculture in Economic Development
- Explain the importance of Agriculture in Economic Development
Agricultural Productivity
- Describe the causes for low productivity in Agriculture and what are the measures required to improve the productivity in agriculture sector?
Impact of the Green Revolution
- Assess the impact of the Green Revolution on Indian Economy.
Rural Indebtedness
- Examine the causes of rural indebtedness and its remedial measures.
Industrial Sector
Industrial Growth Pattern in India
- Explain the pattern of Industrial growth in India.
Industrial Policy Resolution, 1991
- Critically examine the Industrial Policy Resolution, 1991.
Role of Small Scale Industries
- Describe the role of small scale industries in Indian economy.
5 Marks Questions
National Income, Poverty and Unemployment
- What are the major causes for inequalities in the distribution of Income and Wealth?
Factors Hindering Economic Development
- Explain factors hindering economic development.
Characteristics of Developing Economies in India
- Analyze critically the characteristics of developing economies with special reference to India.
Indicators of Economic Development
- Examine the indicators of Economic Development.
Population and Human Resource Development
Population Growth in India
- What are the causes for the rapid growth of population in India and suggest measures to control Population Explosion?
Measuring Human Development
- What are the different indices to measure human development? Explain them.
National Income, Poverty, and Unemployment
Reducing Income and Wealth Inequality
- How do you reduce inequalities in the distribution of Income and Wealth?
Poverty Alleviation Programs in India
- Bring out some of the poverty alleviations programs undertaken by the Government of India.
Unemployment in India
- Explain the causes of unemployment in India and what measures suggest to reduce unemployment in India?
Agricultural Sector
Importance of Agriculture in Economic Development
- Explain the importance of Agriculture in Economic Development
Agricultural Productivity
- Describe the causes for low productivity in Agriculture and what are the measures required to improve the productivity in agriculture sector?
Impact of the Green Revolution
- Assess the impact of the Green Revolution on Indian Economy.
Rural Indebtedness
- Examine the causes of rural indebtedness and its remedial measures.
Industrial Sector
Industrial Growth Pattern in India
- Explain the pattern of Industrial growth in India.
Industrial Policy Resolution, 1991
- Critically examine the Industrial Policy Resolution, 1991.
Role of Small Scale Industries
- Describe the role of small scale industries in Indian economy.
5 Marks Questions
National Income, Poverty and Unemployment
- What are the major causes for inequalities in the distribution of Income and Wealth?