Economic Sectors: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary

Economic Sectors

Primary Sector

The primary sector encompasses activities that involve the extraction and harvesting of natural resources. This includes:

  • Agriculture: The cultivation of land for plant products used for human consumption or as animal feed, and raw materials for industry.
  • Livestock: Breeding animals to obtain various products such as meat, milk, and wool. Ranching can be classified according to various criteria, including capital investment, labor, food sources, and cattle mobility.
  • Logging: The economic exploitation of forests. Traditionally, timber has been the most exploited forest product, but forests offer a variety of other valuable resources.
  • Forestry: The planting of forests or mountains for various products, ensuring the regeneration and conservation of forests.
  • Fishing: Catching fish and other aquatic species for use as food or as raw materials for industry.

Secondary Sector

Industry is the main component of the secondary sector. It covers activities related to the processing of raw materials into manufactured products, either for direct consumption or to be used as feedstock in other industries (semi-finished products).

Energy sources are natural resources that provide the force necessary to transform raw materials, move machinery, and facilitate the movement of people and goods.

Tertiary Sector (Services Sector)

The tertiary or services sector includes activities not dedicated to the production of goods, but to the provision of services. Examples include:

  • Transport
  • Trade
  • Tourism
  • Education

Tourism is any journey that takes place from one’s residence to another, for a limited time. It is a leisure activity that involves spending at least one night away from one’s usual home.

Economic Sectors

Primary Sector

The primary sector encompasses activities that involve the extraction and harvesting of natural resources. This includes:

  • Agriculture: The cultivation of land for plant products used for human consumption or as animal feed, and raw materials for industry.
  • Livestock: Breeding animals to obtain various products such as meat, milk, and wool. Ranching can be classified according to various criteria, including capital investment, labor, food sources, and cattle mobility.
  • Logging: The economic exploitation of forests. Traditionally, timber has been the most exploited forest product, but forests offer a variety of other valuable resources.
  • Forestry: The planting of forests or mountains for various products, ensuring the regeneration and conservation of forests.
  • Fishing: Catching fish and other aquatic species for use as food or as raw materials for industry.

Secondary Sector

Industry is the main component of the secondary sector. It covers activities related to the processing of raw materials into manufactured products, either for direct consumption or to be used as feedstock in other industries (semi-finished products).

Energy sources are natural resources that provide the force necessary to transform raw materials, move machinery, and facilitate the movement of people and goods.

Tertiary Sector (Services Sector)

The tertiary or services sector includes activities not dedicated to the production of goods, but to the provision of services. Examples include:

  • Transport
  • Trade
  • Tourism
  • Education

Tourism is any journey that takes place from one’s residence to another, for a limited time. It is a leisure activity that involves spending at least one night away from one’s usual home.