Economic Terms: Definitions, Translations, and Sector Analysis

Economic Terms and Sector Analysis

This document provides definitions and translations of key economic terms, along with an analysis of economic sectors.

ProfitBeneficio (economico) / etekinaWin money
BenefitBeneficio (no economico) / onnuraDidn’t win money
FinancialFinancieroProblems with the money
GatherRecogerProducts that still have to be worked on before being sold to the end user
Primary SectorSector primarioEconomic activities that grow or gather raw materials from nature
Raw MaterialsMaterias primas / lehen gaiakMaterials that have not been transformed or changed by humans
Secondary SectorSector secundarioEconomic activities that transform raw materials into semi-finished or finished products
Tertiary SectorSector terciarioEconomic activities that provide services, but don’t produce goods
Finished ProductsProductos elaboradosProducts that are finished and ready to be sold to the end user
Semi-finished ProductsProducto semielaboradoProducts that still have to be worked on before being sold to the end user
GDP (Gross Domestic Product)PIB (Producto Interno Bruto)The total value of the goods and services produced in a country in a year. See the evolution of an economy.
DevelopmentDesarrolloIt’s the degree of wealth, technology, industrialization, and modernity.
Unemployed PopulationPeople aged 16 and older who are not in paid employment but who are available for work and are seeking paid employment.
Economically Active PopulationPeople aged 16 or older who are working for a salary or are seeking employment.
Economically Inactive PopulationPeople who are not working or looking for work either, even though some of them may be of working-age.
Employed PopulationPeople between 16 and 64 who receive remuneration (salary).

Primary Sector

Economic activities that grow or gather raw materials from nature.

Raw materials: materials that have not been transformed or changed by humans.

Raw material: materia prima

Secondary Sector

Economic activities that transform raw materials into semi-finished or finished products.

Tertiary Sector

Economic activities that provide services but don’t produce goods.

Biscay 1800

Predominant Sector: Primary

  • Most people were farmers, and they didn’t sell their produce.
  • Some craftsmen created the objects people needed.

Biscay 1900

Predominant Sector: Secondary

  • Industry and mass production started and boomed.

Biscay 2000

Predominant Sector: Tertiary

  • The wealth of industry let people pay for services (education, tourism, health…).
  • Automatization of industry allows people to work in services.
General PopulationEconomically Active PopulationEmployed Population

People who are working for a salary

Unemployed Population

People who don’t work but are looking for a job

Economically Inactive Population

People who are not working and are not looking for a job

Examples: students, pensioners, homemakers…