Editorial Opinions, Coordination, Prefixes, and Realism in Literature


An editorial is the editorial opinion offered by the newspaper on a current issue. Editorials reflect the ideology of the newspaper or magazine and are a means of forming public opinion. Editorials are not signed.

Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor are short texts in which readers express their views on an event or major event. Letters are signed and demand a clear and direct language.


Coordination is a relationship between syntactic elements that are located on the same syntactic level and are not dependent on each other. Types of coordination:

  • Addendum: Elements are added (and).
  • Constraint: The second element offers some opposition (but).
  • Exclusion: Elements are presented as incompatible (or).
  • Distribution: Elements are alternating (soon, as).
  • Explanation: The second element explains the first (i.e.).

Coordinated Copulative

Expresses a sum or addition between propositions (and, or).

Coordinated Adversative

One of the linked propositions expresses a restriction of the meaning of the other.

Coordinated Dilemmas

Indicates exclusion or choice between propositions.

Coordinated Distributive

Presents alternative actions or correlative actions.

Coordinated Explanatory

A proposition clarifies the meaning of the other.


aero: Air

decision: tenth milli: thousandth omni: all
bi: two ex: Producing Mini: Small multi: many
centi: hundredth fero: Producing minus: less retro: back
cide: the slayer forme: shaped multi: long semi: half
circumstellar or circum: around photo: light nano: dwarf tri: three
quad: four maxi: large octo: eight uni: one

Benito Perez Galdós

Benito Perez Galdós’s novels are notable for their characterization and the integration of everyday life into the historical events of the time. The author combines his stories using different narrative techniques: the use of the omniscient narrator in direct dialogue and monologue. The language is consistent with the nature, origin, and education of the character.

National Episodes

This is a collection of 46 stories that are novelizations of nineteenth-century historical events, treated from the standpoint of anonymous people who participated in or witnessed these events. Works include Trafalgar and The First Republic.

Novels for the First Time

His first novels were Doña Perfecta, Gloria, and The Family of Leon Roch. They are called novels because theses are submitted to the author’s ideology: characters with a conservative mentality are contrasted with other characters with progressive ideas shared and defended by Galdós.


Realism was an artistic movement that sought to represent reality according to the interests of bourgeois society.

Realist Novel

The Realist Novel combines the presentation of the individual and the social, one of the aspirations of the art of the period. Realist novels are characterized by linking historical aspects with elements of fiction. They are located in the modern age in places that the author knows well and are portrayed through documented descriptions. The characters are normal individuals, described in their exterior, interior, and social environment. They express themselves through dialogue presented in a straightforward style. It is common to find an omniscient narrator who reports both historical details and the thoughts, desires, and pleas of the characters, and intervenes in history through views and comments.

Realism in Spain

Realism in Spain developed from 1870 with the novels of José Maria de Pereda, Juan Valera, and Benito Perez Galdós, who reflect life in Spanish territories.

José Maria de Pereda

This realist novelist set his work in Cantabria, focusing on the exaltation and idealization of the customs of the people outside of urban areas. Works include Sotileza (1885) and Peñas Arriba (1895).

Juan Valera

His works are set in Andalusia, whose rural areas are reproduced idyllically. His novels frequently deal with love affairs and attach particular importance to characterization. Works include Pepita Jimenez (1874) and Juanita (1895).