EDTA, Chemical Formulas, and Boiler Cleaning Calculations

Conversions and Miscellaneous Formulas

  • 1 Cubic foot = 7.48 gallons
  • Cubic feet = Length x Width x Height
  • PSI = Elevation x 0.433
  • 1 PSI = 2.31 Feet
  • 454 grams per pound
  • Grams to Pounds: grams x 0.0022046
  • Liters to Gallons: Liters x 0.26417

Nitrogen Displacement

Volume in gallons x 0.134 = SCF N2 needed to displace a vessel


Molecular weight = 292

Dividing the molecular weight of EDTA acid by the atomic weight of the metal being complexed will result in obtaining the required amount of EDTA necessary to complex one (1) pound of a given metal.

  • Iron (Fe): 55.85
    • 292 / 55.85 = 5.23
    • 5.23 / 0.40 = 13.07 gallons of ICOR 500 to dissolve 1# Fe
  • Copper (Cu): 63.54
    • 292 / 63.54 = 4.60
    • 4.60 / 0.40 = 11.5 gallons of ICOR 500 to dissolve 1# Cu

ICOR 500 / 510

  • 10 lbs/gallon
  • 4 pure lbs/gallon

ICOR 500

  • Cleaning temperature: 180-200°F
  • Passivation temperature: 140-160°F

ICOR 510

  • Cleaning temperature: 250-300°F
  • Passivation temperature: 140-160°F

Inhibitor Calculation

Boiler volume x 0.1% = X gallons inhibitor


Boiler volume x 0.001 = X gallons inhibitor

Saturation point: 10%

EDTA Calculation

System volume x 8.34 = Boiler Weight of Water (BWOW)

BWOW x 1% = 1% pure EDTA

1% pure EDTA / 0.40 = 40% of pure EDTA

40% pure EDTA / 10 = Gallons of ICOR 500

Take 1% and multiply to get initial EDTA injection


8.34 x system volume x desired % / 0.4 / 10 = gallons ICOR

Back Calculation of Spent EDTA

4,170# Fe

4170 x 5.23 = 21,809 lbs pure EDTA spent

% pure EDTA in boiler

21,809 x BWOW = x (multiply by 100 to get %)


SWAG: 15-20 gallons aqua ammonia per 1,000 gallons volume to raise pH for passivation

Oxygen required for passivation: 2.0 – 2.5 SCF per # Fe to passivate in 1 hour

Required SCF / 60 minutes = SCFM

Example with 1036# FE

1036 x 2.5 / 60 = 43 SCFM

1036 x 2.5 / 90 = 29 SCFM to passivate in 90 minutes

If flow rate exceeds 250 SCFM, dilution of Fe may be required. Please consult.

Always start O² blow on opposite side of steam drum sample point

Corrosive range: -500mV / -350mV

Minimum Fe to passivate: 0.02%

Maximum Fe to passivate: 1.6%

Minimum EDTA to passivate: 1.5%

Maximum EDTA to passivate: 2.0% (if above, EDTA becomes corrosive)

Material Balance

EDTA% / 100 * BWOW = X

lbs Fe x 5.23 = Y or lbs Cu x 4.60

X + Y = Z

Divide Z by total EDTA injected = % Material Balance

Example: 1.9% EDTA, 961# Fe, 13440# EDTA

1.9% / 100 * 300,240 = 5704.56

961 lbs Fe x 5.23 = 5026.03

5704.56 + 5026.03 = 10730.59

10730.59 / 13440 = 0.798 * 100 to get % (79.8%)

Corrosion Rate

  • O²: 0.018 lbs / FT² / Day
  • Air & Sodium Nitrite: 0.022 lbs / FT² / Day

Wetted Surface Area

  • Natural Circulation (N/C): Volume x 2.44 FT²
  • Controlled Circulation (C/C): Volume x 3.26 FT²
  • Super Critical (S/C): Volume x 6.11 FT²

Wetted Surface area x volume = “Factor”

“Factor” x 0.018 (O²) = lbs/hr Base Metal Corrosion

# Fe x 5.23 = pure lbs EDTA

Pure lbs EDTA / BWOW = % EDTA to be consumed during passivation (move decimal point 2 places)

Example: 130,000 gallon N/C, BWOW 1,084,200

130,000 x 2.44 = 317,200 FT²

317,200 x 0.018 = 5,709 #Fe

5,709 / 24hrs = 237 #Fe per hour (Until EMF goes to -300 or more +)

237 x 5.23 = 1,244 pure lbs EDTA

1,244 / 1,084,200 = 0.0011 * 100 or 0.11% EDTA

Make adjustment lbs/hr for longer passivation (Max 2 hours)

Make sure to account for Cu you are going to pick up during passivation and EDTA you will consume.


500lbs Cu will consume 2,300lbs EDTA

Convert pure EDTA in to %

Pure lbs EDTA ÷ BWOW = X * 100 = % EDTA to be consumed for Cu


29% Aqua Ammonia

  • 1 gallon = 7.4 lbs/gallon
  • Pure lbs ammonia in 1 gallon = 2.2 lbs/gallon
  • Specific Gravity: 0.90

1% aqua ammonia in 50,000 gallon boiler by weight

BWOW * 1% / 2.2 = X gallons

50,000 * 8.34 = 417,000

417,000 * 1% = 4170 lbs pure ammonia needed

4,170 / 2.2 lbs/gallon = 1.895 gal aqua ammonia

O² agitation 10-20 SCFM / 10,000 gallon boiler volume